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1 Giavarini, U.
Pulsatilla et sa gentillesse
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 2009, 217, 8-11
Anxiety, Drug picture, Case report, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Mental diseases, Pulsatilla
2 Lodan, R.
Homeopath, 1990, 10(1), 3-5
Anxiety, Cyclamen, Depression, Case report, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Mental diseases, Repertorization
3 Feige, W.E.
"...alles zerreißen und mit meinem kleinen Beil die Wände schrotten"
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(1), 44-58
Anxiety, Case report, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Mental diseases, Chronic pain
4 Schnorrenberger, B.
Allergie, Enuresis nocturna und Ängste
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(1), 59-62
Allergies, Bedwetting, Case report, Case analysis, Urinary tract, House-dust allergy, Homeopathy, Immune system, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Practice, Mental diseases, Pet allergy
5 Yakir, M.
Ein "Mutterschaftsknoten" - eine Studie von Triticum vulgaris
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(1), 63-69
Allergies, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Case report, Case analysis, Homeopathy, Immune system, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Mental diseases, Triticum sativum, Triticum
6 Walsdorff, M.
ADS/ADHS - eine Einführung
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 3-11
Treatment concept, Homeopathy, ADHD, Clinical homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Practice, Mental diseases
7 Müller, K.-J.
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 12-19
Argentum, Case report, High potencies, Homeopathy, ADHD, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Potentization, Practice, Mental diseases, Argentum amalgamicum
8 Dahl, H.
Tics, Ängste, ADHS
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 20-24
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, bed bug, Case report, Case analysis, High potencies, Homeopathy, ADHD, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Potentization, Practice, Mental diseases, Tic
9 Dahl, H.
Die Polaritätsanalyse nach Dr. H. Frei bei ADHS
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 28-33
Case report, High potencies, Homeopathy, ADHD, Complementary and alternative medicine, Description of method, Phosphorus, Potentization, Practice, Mental diseases, Polarity analysis
10 Merialdo, G.
"Er schafft es nicht, seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas zu richten, sich auch nur ein kleines bisschen auf irgendetwas zu vertiefen"
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 44-47
Abelmoschus, Case report, High potencies, Homeopathy, ADHD, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Potentization, Practice, Mental diseases
11 Lindemann, S.
Gewalt im Traum
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 48-51
Acanthaster planci, Case report, Case analysis, High potencies, Homeopathy, ADHD, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Potentization, Practice, Mental diseases
12 Schreiner, V.
Ein sehr albernes und anstrengendes Kind mit der Befürchtung, andere würden schlecht über es reden
Hom Viva, 2014, 2014(2), 56-64
Cocainum muriaticum, Case report, Case analysis, High potencies, Homeopathy, ADHD, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Potentization, Practice, Mental diseases
13 Shetye, P.S.; Khariwala, F.K.
The unprejudiced observer
Realise it or lose it!
Hom Links, 2004, 17(1), 28-31
Antimonium, Antimonium crudum, Symptomatology, Depression, Case report, Mental and emotional symptoms, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lac, Mania, Practice, Mental diseases, Veratrum, Lac saccharum
14 Creveld, M.
Surviving with help of Diospyros kaki Creveld
The world tree
Hom Links, 2004, 17(1), 41-43
Diospyros, Diospyros kaki, Case report, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Mental diseases, Stress, Trauma, Burn
15 Bentley, G.
Facial analysis
An objective approach
Hom Links, 2006, 19(4), 195-198
Antlitzdiagnostik, Respiratory diseases, Autism, Diagnostics, Dulcamara, Case report, Common cold, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Miasm, Practice, Mental diseases, Solanum
16 Bailey, P.
An ocean of grief
A case of Lac humanum
Hom Links, 2006, 19(2), 68-70
Case report, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lac, Lac humanum, Practice, Mental diseases
17 Brulé, D.; Balon, J.; Zhao, L.; Seely, D.
An N-of-1 feasibility study of homeopathic treatment for fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy
Homeopathy, 2018, 107(3), 196-201
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mental diseases, n-of-1 trial
18 Brulé, D.; Seely, D.
An N-of-1 study of homeopathic treatment of fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy
Homeopathy, 2018, 107(1), 67 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, n-of-1 trial