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Scharla, S.H.,; Minne, H.W.; Waibel-Treber, S.; Schaible, A.; Lempert, U.G.; Wüster, C.; Leyendecker, G.; Ziegler, R.
Bone Mass Reduction after Estrogen Deprivation by Long-Acting Gonadotropine-Releasing Hormone Agonists and Its Relation to Pretreatment Serum Concentrations of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1990, 70(4), 1055-1061
Bone Mass Reduction after Estrogen Deprivation by Long-Acting Gonadotropine-Releasing Hormone Agonists and Its Relation to Pretreatment Serum Concentrations of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1990, 70(4), 1055-1061
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Osteoporosis, Vitamins, Cholecalciferol
Walach, H.; Linsenmann, E.; Reisenegger, I.
Wirksamkeit einer komplementärmedizinischen stationären Behandlung der atopischen Dermatitis - Ergebnisse einer katamnestischen Fragebogenstudie
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1994, 5(1), 216-224
Wirksamkeit einer komplementärmedizinischen stationären Behandlung der atopischen Dermatitis - Ergebnisse einer katamnestischen Fragebogenstudie
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1994, 5(1), 216-224
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Fasting, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neurodermitis, Whole foods
Key, T.J.A.; Thorogood, M.; Appleby, P.N.; Burr, M.L.
Dietary habits and mortality in 11000 vegetarians and health conscious people
Results of a 17 year follow up
BMJ, 1996, 313(28.9.), 775-779
Dietary habits and mortality in 11000 vegetarians and health conscious people
Results of a 17 year follow up
BMJ, 1996, 313(28.9.), 775-779
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Vegetarianism
Huijbregts, P.; Feskens, E.; Räsänen, L.; Fidanza, F.; Nissinen, A.; Menotti, A.; Kromhout, D.
Dietary pattern and 20 year mortality in elderly men in Finland, Italy, and the Netherlands
Longitudinal cohort study
BMJ, 1997, 315(5.7.), 13-17
Dietary pattern and 20 year mortality in elderly men in Finland, Italy, and the Netherlands
Longitudinal cohort study
BMJ, 1997, 315(5.7.), 13-17
Observational trial, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Nyyssönen, K.; Parvianinen, M.T.; Salonen, R.; Ruomilehto, J.; Salonen, J.T.
Vitamin C deficiency and risk of myocardial infarction
Prospective population study of men from eastern Finland
BMJ, 1997, 314(1.5.), 634-638
Vitamin C deficiency and risk of myocardial infarction
Prospective population study of men from eastern Finland
BMJ, 1997, 314(1.5.), 634-638
Acidum ascorbicum, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Heart attack, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Vitamins
Forsleff, L.; Schauss, A.G.; Bier, I.D.; Stuart, S.
Evidence of functional zinc deficiency in Parkinson's disease
J Altern Complement Med, 1999, 5(1), 57-64
Evidence of functional zinc deficiency in Parkinson's disease
J Altern Complement Med, 1999, 5(1), 57-64
Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Parkinson's disease, Trace elements, Zincum, Zincum sulfuricum
Fox, P.C.; Cummins, M.J.; Cummins, J.M.
Use of Orally Administered Anhydrous Crystalline Maltose for Relief of Dry Mouth
J Altern Complement Med, 2001, 7(1), 33-43
Use of Orally Administered Anhydrous Crystalline Maltose for Relief of Dry Mouth
J Altern Complement Med, 2001, 7(1), 33-43
Nutrition/diet, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Maltose, Mouth, Dry mouth, Non-randomized trial
Falkenbach, A.
Körperliche Belastung, Ernährung und Sonnenexposition zur Prävention der Osteoporose
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2001, 8(4), 196-204
Körperliche Belastung, Ernährung und Sonnenexposition zur Prävention der Osteoporose
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2001, 8(4), 196-204
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Calciferol, Calcium, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Light therapy, Osteoporosis, Physical therapy, Prevention, Systematic review
Kamat, A.M.; Lamm, D.L.
Chemoprevention of Urological Cancer
J Urol, 1999, 161(6), 1748-1760
Chemoprevention of Urological Cancer
J Urol, 1999, 161(6), 1748-1760
Bladder cancer, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Prostate cancer, Systematic review
Habash, M.B.; Mei, H.C. van der; Busscher, H.J.; Reid, G.
The Effect of Water, Ascorbic Acid, and Cranberry Derived Supplementation on Human Urine and Uropathogen Adhesion to Silicone Rubber
Can J Microbiol, 1999, 45(8), 691-694
The Effect of Water, Ascorbic Acid, and Cranberry Derived Supplementation on Human Urine and Uropathogen Adhesion to Silicone Rubber
Can J Microbiol, 1999, 45(8), 691-694
Acidum ascorbicum, Bacteria, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, H2O, Urinary tract, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Vaccininum, cowberry
McDougall, J.; Bruce, B.; Spiller, G.; Westerdahl, J.; McDougall, M.
Effects of very low-fat, vegan diet in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis
J Altern Complement Med, 2002, 8(1), 71-75
Effects of very low-fat, vegan diet in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis
J Altern Complement Med, 2002, 8(1), 71-75
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Rheumatic diseases, Veganism
Hooper, L.; Summerbell, C.D.; Higgins, J.P.T.; Thompson, R.L.; Capps, N.E.; Smith, G.D.; Riemersma, R.A.; Ebrahim, S.
Dietary fat intake and prevention of cardiovascular disease
A systematic review
BMJ, 2001, 322, 757-763
Dietary fat intake and prevention of cardiovascular disease
A systematic review
BMJ, 2001, 322, 757-763
Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Prevention, Systematic review
Hung, J.; Beilby, J.P.; Knuiman, M.W.; Divitini, M.
Folate and vitamin B-12 and risk of fatal cardiovascular disease
Cohort study from Busselton, Western Australia
BMJ, 2003, 326, 1-6
Folate and vitamin B-12 and risk of fatal cardiovascular disease
Cohort study from Busselton, Western Australia
BMJ, 2003, 326, 1-6
Observational trial, Cyanocobalamin, Nutrition/diet, folic acid, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Vitamins
Kronenberg, F.; Fugh-Berman, A.
Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms
A review of randomized, controlled trials
Ann Intern Med, 2002, 137, 805-813
Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms
A review of randomized, controlled trials
Ann Intern Med, 2002, 137, 805-813
Acupuncture, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Climacteric, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Mind-body medicine, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Donaldson, M.S.; Speight, N.; Loomis, S.
Fibromyalgia syndrome improved using a mostly raw vegetarian diet
An observational study
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2001, 1(7), 1-8 (Internet)
Fibromyalgia syndrome improved using a mostly raw vegetarian diet
An observational study
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2001, 1(7), 1-8 (Internet)
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Raw foodism, Vegetarianism
Fox, C.H.; Eberl, M.
Phytic acid (IP6), novel broad spectrum anti-neoplastic agent: a systematic review
Complement Ther Med, 2003, 10(4), 229-234
Phytic acid (IP6), novel broad spectrum anti-neoplastic agent: a systematic review
Complement Ther Med, 2003, 10(4), 229-234
Nutrition/diet, Basic Research, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytic Acid, Prevention, Systematic review
Mathur, K.S.; Khan, M.A.
Hypocholsterolaemic of Bengal gram
A long-term study in man
BMJ, 1968, 1, 30-31
Hypocholsterolaemic of Bengal gram
A long-term study in man
BMJ, 1968, 1, 30-31
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lathyrus, Lathyrus sativus, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
Menon, I.S.; Kendal, R.V.; Dewar, H.A.; Newell, D.J.
Effect of onion on blood fibrinolytic activity
BMJ, 1968, 3, 351-352
Effect of onion on blood fibrinolytic activity
BMJ, 1968, 3, 351-352
Allium, Nutrition/diet, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Prevention, Metabolic diseases
Sainani, G.S.; Desai, D.B.; More, K.N.
Onion, garlic and atherosclerosis
Lancet, 1976, 2, 275-276
Onion, garlic and atherosclerosis
Lancet, 1976, 2, 275-276
Allium, Allium sativum, Arteriosclerosis, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Metabolic diseases
Yeh, G.Y.; Eisenberg, D.M.; Kaptchuk, T.J.; Phillips, R.S.
Systematic review of herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in diabetes
Diabetes Care, 2003, 26, 1277-1294
Systematic review of herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in diabetes
Diabetes Care, 2003, 26, 1277-1294
Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review
Ray, J.G.; Meier, Ch.; Vermeulen, M.J.; Boss, S.; Wyatt, Ph.R.; Cole, D.E.C.
Association of neural tube defects and folic acid food fortification in Canada
Lancet, 2002, 360(9350), 2047-2048
Association of neural tube defects and folic acid food fortification in Canada
Lancet, 2002, 360(9350), 2047-2048
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, folic acid, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Prevention, Prevalence, Vitamins
Weingarten, M.A.; Zalmanovici, A.; Yaphe, J.
Dietary calcium supplementation for preventing colorectal cancer and adenomatous polyps
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2005, 2(CD003548), 1-16 (Internet)
Dietary calcium supplementation for preventing colorectal cancer and adenomatous polyps
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2005, 2(CD003548), 1-16 (Internet)
Calcium, Bowel cancer, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Dietary supplementation, Prevention, Systematic review
Shea, B.; Wells, G.; Cranney, A.; Zytaruk, N.; Robinson, V.; Griffith, L.; Hamel, C.; Ortiz, Z.; Peterson, J.; Adachi, J.; Tugwell, P.; Guyatt, G.
Calcium supplementation on bone loss in postmenopausal women
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004, 3, 1-30 (Internet)
Calcium supplementation on bone loss in postmenopausal women
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004, 3, 1-30 (Internet)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Calcium, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Dietary supplementation, Osteoporosis, Prevention, Systematic review
Moore, H.; Summerbell, C.; Hooper, L.; Cruickshank, K.; Vyas, A.; Johnstone, P.; Ashton, V.; Kopelman, P.
Dietary advice for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004, 3CD004097, 1-117 (Internet)
Dietary advice for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004, 3CD004097, 1-117 (Internet)
Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review
Greenlee, H.; White, E.; Patterson, R.E.; Kristal, A.R.
Supplement use among cancer survivors in the vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study cohort
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(4), 660-666
Supplement use among cancer survivors in the vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study cohort
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(4), 660-666
Observational trial, Assesment, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Dietary supplementation, Patient structure, Prevalence
Keinan-Boker, L.; Schouw, Y.T. van der; Grobbee, D.E.; Peeters, P.H.
Dietary phytoestrogens and breast cancer risk
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 79, 282-288
Dietary phytoestrogens and breast cancer risk
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 79, 282-288
Observational trial, Breast cancer, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine
Hak, A.E.; Ma, J.; Powell, C.B.; Campos, H.; Gaziano, J.M.; Willett, W.C.; Stampfer, M.J.
Prospective study of plasma carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to risk of ischemic stroke
Stroke, 2004, 35, 1584-1588
Prospective study of plasma carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to risk of ischemic stroke
Stroke, 2004, 35, 1584-1588
Observational trial, Beta-Carotin, Carotin, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Stroke, Tokopherol, Vitamins
Yang, Y.-C.; Lu, F.-H.; Wu, J.-S.; Wu, C.-H.; Chang, C.-J.
The protective effect of habitual tea consumption on hypertension
Arch Intern Med, 2004, 164, 1534-1540
The protective effect of habitual tea consumption on hypertension
Arch Intern Med, 2004, 164, 1534-1540
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Retrospective design, Tea
Sano, J.; Inami, S.; Seimiya, K.; Ohba, T.; Sakai, S.; Takano, T.; Mizuno, K.
Effects of green tea intake on the development of coronary artery disease
Circ J, 2004, 68, 665-670
Effects of green tea intake on the development of coronary artery disease
Circ J, 2004, 68, 665-670
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Retrospective design, Tea
Darmadi-Blackberry, I.; Wahlqvist, M.L.; Kouris-Blazos, A.; Steen, B.; Lukito, W.; Horie, Y.; Horie, K.
The most important dietary predictor of survival of older people of different ethnecities
Asian Pacific J Clin Nutr, 2004, 13(2), 217-220
The most important dietary predictor of survival of older people of different ethnecities
Asian Pacific J Clin Nutr, 2004, 13(2), 217-220
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention
Zhang, M.; Lee, A.H.; Binns, C.W.; Xie, X.
Green tea consumption enhances survival of epithelial ovarian cancer
Int J Cancer, 2004, 112, 465-469
Green tea consumption enhances survival of epithelial ovarian cancer
Int J Cancer, 2004, 112, 465-469
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Ovarian cancer, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Tea
Psaltopoulou, T.; Naska, A.; Orfanos, P.; Trichopoulos, D.; Mountokalakis, T.; Trchopoulou, A.
Olive oil, the Mediterranean diet, and arterial blood pressure
The Greek European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutririon (EPIC) study
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 80, 1012-1018
Olive oil, the Mediterranean diet, and arterial blood pressure
The Greek European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutririon (EPIC) study
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 80, 1012-1018
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mediterranian diet, Oil, olive, green, Oleum oliva, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Retrospective design, Olea
Rosell, M.S.; Appleby, P.N.; Spencer, E.A.; Key, T.J.
Soy intake and blood cholesterol concentrations
A cross-sectional study of 1033 pre- and postmenopausal women in the Oxford arm of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 80, 1391-1396
Soy intake and blood cholesterol concentrations
A cross-sectional study of 1033 pre- and postmenopausal women in the Oxford arm of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 80, 1391-1396
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phaseolus, Phaseolus max, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Metabolic diseases
Silva, I. dos Santos; Mangtani, P.; McCormack, V.; Bhakta, D.; McMichael, A.J.; Sevak, L.
Phyto-oestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in South Asian women in England
Findings from a population-based case-control study
Cancer Causes Control, 2004, 15, 805-818
Phyto-oestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in South Asian women in England
Findings from a population-based case-control study
Cancer Causes Control, 2004, 15, 805-818
Observational trial, Breast cancer, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Prevention
Hemilä, H.; Chalker, E.; Souza, R.R.D. d'; Douglas, R.M.; Treacy, B.
Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD000980), 1-68
Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD000980), 1-68
Acidum ascorbicum, Respiratory diseases, Common cold, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Vitamins
Lupattelli, G.; Marchesi, S., Lombardini, R.; Roscini, A.R.; Trinca, F.; Gemelli, F.; Vaudo, G.; Mannarino, E.
Artichoke juice improves endothelial function in hyperlipemia
Life Sci, 2004, 76, 775-782
Artichoke juice improves endothelial function in hyperlipemia
Life Sci, 2004, 76, 775-782
Observational trial, Cynara cardunculus subsp. flavescens, Nutrition/diet, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
Schouw, Y.T. van der; Kreijkamp-Kaspers, S.; Peeters, P.H.M.; Keinan-Boker, L.; Rimm, E.B.; Grobbee, D.E.
Prospective study on usual dietary phytoestrogen intake and cardiovascular disease risk in western women
Circulation, 2005, 111, 465-471
Prospective study on usual dietary phytoestrogen intake and cardiovascular disease risk in western women
Circulation, 2005, 111, 465-471
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention
Lukaczer, D.; Darland, G.; Tripp, M.; Liska, D.; Lerman, R.H.; Schiltz, B.; Bland, J. S.
Clinical effects of a proprietary combination isoflavone nutritional supplement in menopausal women
A pilot trial
Altern Ther Health Med, 2005, 11(5), 60-65
Clinical effects of a proprietary combination isoflavone nutritional supplement in menopausal women
A pilot trial
Altern Ther Health Med, 2005, 11(5), 60-65
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Pueraria, Pueraria lobata, Trifolium, Trifolium pratense
Lee, W.; Min, W.K.; Chun, S.; Lee, Y.-W.; Park, H.; Lee, D.H.; Lee, Y.K.; Son, J.E.
Long-term effects of green tea ingestion on atherosclerotic biological markers in smokers
Clin Biochem, 2005, 38, 84-87
Long-term effects of green tea ingestion on atherosclerotic biological markers in smokers
Clin Biochem, 2005, 38, 84-87
Antioxidants, Arteriosclerosis, Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Addiction
Pittler, M.H.; Schmidt, K.; Ernst, E.
Adverse events of herbal food supplements for body weight reduction
Systematic review
Obes Rev, 2005, 6, 93-111
Adverse events of herbal food supplements for body weight reduction
Systematic review
Obes Rev, 2005, 6, 93-111
guar gum, Ephedra, Nutrition/diet, Garcinia, garcinia hanbury, Guarana, Ilex, Ilex paraguariensis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Pausinystalia yohimbe, Phytomedicine, Plantago, Plantago afra, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review, Overweight, Adverse effect, Ephedra sinica
Moser, H.W.; Raymond, G.V.; Lu, S.-E.; Muenz, L.R.; Moser, A.B.; Xu, J.; Jones, R.O.; Loes, D.J.; Melhem, E.R.; Dubey, P.; Bezman, L.; Brereton, H.; Odone, A.
Follow-up of 89 asymptomatic patients with adrenoleukodystrophy treated with Lorenzo's oil
Arch Neurol, 2005, 62, 1073-1080
Follow-up of 89 asymptomatic patients with adrenoleukodystrophy treated with Lorenzo's oil
Arch Neurol, 2005, 62, 1073-1080
Adrenoleucodystrophy, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Oil, Pediatrics, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
Michalsen, A.; Riegert, M.; Lüdtke, R.; Bäcker, M.; Langhorst, J.; Schwickert, M.; Dobos, G.J.
Mediterranean diet and extended fasting's influence on changing the intestinal microflora, immunoglobulin A secretion and clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia
An observational study
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2005, 5, 1-24 (Internet)
Mediterranean diet and extended fasting's influence on changing the intestinal microflora, immunoglobulin A secretion and clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia
An observational study
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2005, 5, 1-24 (Internet)
Arthritis, Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Fasting, Fibromyalgia, Therapeutic fasting, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mediterranian diet, Rheumatic diseases
Greenberg, J.A.; Newmann, S.J.; Howell, A.B.
Consumption of sweetened dried cranberries versus unsweetened raisins for inhibition of uropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesion in human urine
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(5), 875-878
Consumption of sweetened dried cranberries versus unsweetened raisins for inhibition of uropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesion in human urine
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(5), 875-878
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Vaccinium, cranberry, Vitis vinifera, Vitis
Chrubasik, S.; Chrubasik, C.; Torda, T.; Madisch, A.
Efficacy and tolerability of potato juice in dyspeptic patients
A pilot study.
Phytomed, 2006, 13(1-2), 11-15
Efficacy and tolerability of potato juice in dyspeptic patients
A pilot study.
Phytomed, 2006, 13(1-2), 11-15
Observational trial, Dyspepsia, Nutrition/diet, Homespun remedies, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Solanum, potatoe, Traditional medicine, Potato Juice
Cicero, A.F.; Brancaleoni, M.; Laghi, L.; Donati, F.; Mino, M.
Antihyperlipidaemic effect of a Monascus purpureus brand dietary supplement on a large sample of subjects at low risk for cardiovascular disease: A pilot study.
Complement Ther Med, 2005, 13(4), 273-278
Antihyperlipidaemic effect of a Monascus purpureus brand dietary supplement on a large sample of subjects at low risk for cardiovascular disease: A pilot study.
Complement Ther Med, 2005, 13(4), 273-278
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, red yeast rice, Dietary supplementation, Metabolic diseases
Gerber, B.; Scholz, C.; Reimer, T.; Briese, V.; Janni, W.
Complementary and alternative therapeutic approaches in patients with early breast cancer
A systematic review
Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2006, 95(3), 199-209
Complementary and alternative therapeutic approaches in patients with early breast cancer
A systematic review
Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2006, 95(3), 199-209
Acupuncture, Breast cancer, Enzyme therapy, Nutrition/diet, Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Minerals, Mistletoe therapy, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Trace elements, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine, Vitamins
Adams, J.B.; George, F.; Audhya, T.
Abnormally high plasma levels of vitamin B6 in children with autism not taking supplements compared to controls not taking supplements
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(1), 59-63
Abnormally high plasma levels of vitamin B6 in children with autism not taking supplements compared to controls not taking supplements
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(1), 59-63
Autism, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Non-randomized trial, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Pyridoxin, Vitamins
Reisman, J.; Schachter, H.; Dales, R.E.; Tran, K.; Kourad, K.; Barnes, D.; Campson, M.; Morrison, A.; Gaboury, I.; Blackman, J.
Treating asthma with omega-3 fatty acids
Where is the evidence? A systematic review
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2006, 6, (1-21) (Internet)
Treating asthma with omega-3 fatty acids
Where is the evidence? A systematic review
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2006, 6, (1-21) (Internet)
Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review
Chayasirisobhon, S.
Use of a pine bark extract and antioxidant vitamin combination product as therapy for migraine in patients refractory to pharmacologic medication
Headache, 2006, 46, 788-793
Use of a pine bark extract and antioxidant vitamin combination product as therapy for migraine in patients refractory to pharmacologic medication
Headache, 2006, 46, 788-793
Acidum ascorbicum, Antioxidants, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Migraine, Nervous system, Phytomedicine, Pinus, Tokopherol, Vitamins
Teitelbaum, J.E.; Johnson, C.; Cyr, J.S.
The use of d-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(9), 857-862
The use of d-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(9), 857-862
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Nutrition/diet, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Mental diseases
Hino, A.; Adachi, H.; Enomoto, M.; Furuki, K.; Shigetoh, Y.; Ohtsuka, M.; Kumagae, S.I.; Hirai, Y.; Jalaldin, A.; Satoh, A.; Imaizumi, T.
Habitual coffee but not green tea consumption is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome
An epidemiological study in a general Japanese population
Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2006, 76(3), 383-389
Habitual coffee but not green tea consumption is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome
An epidemiological study in a general Japanese population
Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2006, 76(3), 383-389
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Coffea, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases, Tea
Kim, W.; Jeong, M.H.; Cho, S.H.; Yun, J.H.; Chae, H.J.; Ahn, Y.K.; Lee, M.C.; Cheng, X.; Kondo, T.; Murohara, T.; Kang, J.C.
Effect of green tea consumption on endothelial function and circulating endothelial progenitor cells in chronic smokers
Circ J, 2006, 70, 1052-1057
Effect of green tea consumption on endothelial function and circulating endothelial progenitor cells in chronic smokers
Circ J, 2006, 70, 1052-1057
Arteriosclerosis, Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Addiction, Tea, Cell biology
Sankar, D.; Rao, M.R.; Sambandam, G.; Pugalendi, K.V.
A pilot study of open label sesame oil in hypertensive diabetics
J Med Food, 2006, 9, 408-412
A pilot study of open label sesame oil in hypertensive diabetics
J Med Food, 2006, 9, 408-412
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Oil, Phytomedicine, Sesamum indicum, Metabolic diseases
Rocca, G.; Dioni, F.; Rocca, N.; Oliveri, F.; Brunetto, M.R.; Bonino, F.
Thermal care of functional dyspepsia based on bicarbonate-sulphate-calcium water
A sequential clinical trial
eCAM, 2007, 4(3), 381-391
Thermal care of functional dyspepsia based on bicarbonate-sulphate-calcium water
A sequential clinical trial
eCAM, 2007, 4(3), 381-391
Balneology, Observational trial, Dyspepsia, Nutrition/diet, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Spa, Gastrointestinal tract, Minerals, Physical therapy, Trinkkur
Yang, G.; Shu, X.O.; Li, H.; Chow, W.-H.; Ji, B.-T.; Zhang, X.; Gao, Y.T.; Zheng, W.
Prospective cohort study of green tea consumption and colorectal cancer risk in women
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2007, 16(6), 1219-1223
Prospective cohort study of green tea consumption and colorectal cancer risk in women
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2007, 16(6), 1219-1223
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Bowel cancer, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Colorectal cancer, Tea
Ide, R.; Fujino, Y.; Hoshiyama, Y.; Mizoue, T.; Kubo, T.; Pham, T.-M.; Shirane, K.; Tokui, N.; Sakata, K.; Tamakoshi, A.; Yoshimura, T.
A prospective study of green tea consumption and oral cancer incidence in Japan
Ann Epidemiol, 2007, 17(10), 821-826
A prospective study of green tea consumption and oral cancer incidence in Japan
Ann Epidemiol, 2007, 17(10), 821-826
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Tea
Houston, M.C.; Cooil, B.; Olafsson, B.J.; Raggi, P.
Juice powder concentrate and systemic blood pressure, progression of coronary artery calcium and antioxidant status in hypertensive subjects
A pilot study
eCAM, 2007, 4(4), 455-462
Juice powder concentrate and systemic blood pressure, progression of coronary artery calcium and antioxidant status in hypertensive subjects
A pilot study
eCAM, 2007, 4(4), 455-462
Antioxidants, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation
Dickinson, H.O.; Nicolson, D.J.; Campbell, F.; Cook, J.V.; Beyer, F.R.; Ford, G.A.; Mason, J.
Magnesium supplementation for the managment of primary hypertension in adults (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD004640), 1-45
Magnesium supplementation for the managment of primary hypertension in adults (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD004640), 1-45
High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnesium, Minerals, Dietary supplementation, Systematic review
Dickinson, H.O.; Nicolson, D.J.; Campbell, F.; Beyer, F.R.; Mason, J.
Potassium supplementation for the managment of primary hypertension in adults (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD004641), 1-32
Potassium supplementation for the managment of primary hypertension in adults (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD004641), 1-32
High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Kalium, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Minerals, Dietary supplementation, Systematic review
Dickinson, H.O.; Nicolson, D.J.; Cook, J.V.; Campbell, F.; Beyer, F.R.; Ford, G.A.; Mason, J.
Calcium supplementation for the managment of primary hypertension in adults (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 2(CD004639), 1-38
Calcium supplementation for the managment of primary hypertension in adults (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 2(CD004639), 1-38
High blood pressure, Calcium, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Minerals, Dietary supplementation, Systematic review
Karkos, P.D.; Leong, S.C.; Arya, A.K.; Papouliakos, S.M.; Apostolidou, M.T.; Issing, W.J.
'Complementary ENT'
A systematic review of commonly used supplements
J Laryngol Otol, 2007, 121, 779-782
'Complementary ENT'
A systematic review of commonly used supplements
J Laryngol Otol, 2007, 121, 779-782
Allergies, Nutrition/diet, Ginkgo, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Sinusitis, Nervous system, Nosoden, Ear noises, Phytomedicine, Cold, Vertigo, Spirulina, Spirulina platensis, Systematic review, Vertigoheel, Vitamins
Patel, K.; Curtis, L.T.
A comprehensive approach to treating autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
A prepilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(10), 1091-1097
A comprehensive approach to treating autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
A prepilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(10), 1091-1097
Autism, Observational trial, Chelation therapy, Nutrition/diet, ADHD, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Behavioural therapy
Kurahashi, N.; Sasazuki, S.; Iwasaki, M.; Inoue, M.; Tsugane, S.
Green tea consumption and prostate cancer risk in Japanese men
A prospective study
Am J Epidemiol, 2008, 167(1), 71-77
Green tea consumption and prostate cancer risk in Japanese men
A prospective study
Am J Epidemiol, 2008, 167(1), 71-77
Andrology, Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Prostate cancer, Tea
Polychronopoulos, E.; Zeimbekis, A.; Kastorini, C.M.; Papairakleous, N.M.; Vlachou, I.; Bountziouka, V.; Panagiotakos, D. B.
Effects of black and green tea consumption on blood glucose levels in non-obese elderly men and women from Mediterranean Islands (MEDIS epidemiological study)
Eur J Nutr, 2008, 47(1), 10-16
Effects of black and green tea consumption on blood glucose levels in non-obese elderly men and women from Mediterranean Islands (MEDIS epidemiological study)
Eur J Nutr, 2008, 47(1), 10-16
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases, Tea
AlFaleh, K.; Bassler, D.
Probiotics for prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008, 1(CD005496), (1-28)
Probiotics for prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008, 1(CD005496), (1-28)
Nutrition/diet, Premature delivery, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Pediatrics, Prevention, Probiotics, Obstetrics, Systematic review, Enterocolitis necroticans neonatorum
Heusser, P.; Wolf, U.; Vonwiller, H.-M.; Messerli, N.; Laederach-Hofmann, K.
Nutrition with 'light and water'?
In strict isolation for 10 days without food - a critical case study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2008, 15(4), 203-209
Nutrition with 'light and water'?
In strict isolation for 10 days without food - a critical case study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2008, 15(4), 203-209
Observational trial, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Calorie-free diet, Metabolic diseases
Hsu, T.L.; Bau, J.G.; Wang, W.K.; Li, S.P.; Wang, Y.Y.
Similarity between coffee effects and qi-stimulating events
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(9), 1145-1150
Similarity between coffee effects and qi-stimulating events
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(9), 1145-1150
Observational trial, Coffea, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine
Bjelakovic, G.; Nikolova, D.; Simonetti, R.G.; Gluud, C.
Antioxidant supplements for preventing gastrointestinal cancers (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008, 3(CD004183), 1-158
Antioxidant supplements for preventing gastrointestinal cancers (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008, 3(CD004183), 1-158
Antioxidants, Bowel cancer, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Stomach cancer, Dietary supplementation, Prevention, Systematic review
Hagen, K.B.; Byfuglien, M.G.; Falzon, L.; Olsen, S.U.; Smedslund, G.
Dietary interventions for rheumatoid arthritis
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009, 2009(CD006400)), (1-54) (Internet)
Dietary interventions for rheumatoid arthritis
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009, 2009(CD006400)), (1-54) (Internet)
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review
Morrison, J.; Mutell, D.; Pollock, T.A.; Redmond, E.; Bralley, J.A.; Lord, R.S.
Effects of dried cruciferous powder on raising 2/16 hydroxyestrogen ratios in premenopausal women
Altern Ther Health Med, 2009, 15(2), 52-53
Effects of dried cruciferous powder on raising 2/16 hydroxyestrogen ratios in premenopausal women
Altern Ther Health Med, 2009, 15(2), 52-53
Observational trial, Brassica, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Menopause, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Prevention
Li, Q.; Kakizaki, M.; Kuriyama, S.;
Green tea consumption and lung cancer risk
The Ohsaki study
Brit J Cancer, 2008, 99(7), 1179-1184
Green tea consumption and lung cancer risk
The Ohsaki study
Brit J Cancer, 2008, 99(7), 1179-1184
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lung cancer, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Tea
Tanabe, N.; Suzuki, H.; Aizawa, Y.; Seki, N.
Consumption of green and roasted teas and the risk of stroke incidence
Results from the Tokamachi-Nakasato cohort study in Japan
Int J Epidemiol, 2008, 37(5), 1030-1040
Consumption of green and roasted teas and the risk of stroke incidence
Results from the Tokamachi-Nakasato cohort study in Japan
Int J Epidemiol, 2008, 37(5), 1030-1040
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Stroke, Tea
Zhang, M.; Huang, J.; Xie, X.; Holman, C.D.
Dietary intakes of mushrooms and green tea combine to reduce the risk of breast cancer in Chinese women
Int J Cancer, 2009, 124(6), 1404-1408
Dietary intakes of mushrooms and green tea combine to reduce the risk of breast cancer in Chinese women
Int J Cancer, 2009, 124(6), 1404-1408
Breast cancer, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mycotherapy, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Tea
Kaur, B.; Rowe, B.H.; Arnold, E.
Vitamin C supplementation for asthma
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009, 1(CD000993), 1-34
Vitamin C supplementation for asthma
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009, 1(CD000993), 1-34
Acidum ascorbicum, Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Systematic review, Vitamins
Shaladi, A.M.; Crestani, F.; Saltari, R.
Auricular acupuncture plus antioxidants in the treatment of subjective tinnitus
A case series
Med Acupunct, 2009, 21(2), 131-134
Auricular acupuncture plus antioxidants in the treatment of subjective tinnitus
A case series
Med Acupunct, 2009, 21(2), 131-134
Acupuncture, Antioxidants, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Ear acupuncture, Ear noises, Traditional Chinese medicine
Koppe, C.; Rodríguez, M.; Winkler, K.; Pietzsch, J.; Neumann, K.; Hiemann, N.E.; Hetzer, R.; Malmsten, M.; Siegel, G.
Reduction of arteriosclerotic nanoplaque formation and size by n-3 fatty acids in patients after valvular defect operation
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2009, 16(4), 237-245
Reduction of arteriosclerotic nanoplaque formation and size by n-3 fatty acids in patients after valvular defect operation
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2009, 16(4), 237-245
Arteriosclerosis, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Rohrer, J.E.; Stroebel, R.J.
Does moderate fruit and vegetable intake protect against frequent mental distress in adult primary care patients?
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(9), 953-955
Does moderate fruit and vegetable intake protect against frequent mental distress in adult primary care patients?
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(9), 953-955
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Stress
Whelan, A.M.; Jurgens, T.M.; Naylor, H.
Herbs, vitamins and minerals in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome
A systematic review
Can J Clin Pharmacol, 2009, 16(3), e407-e429
Herbs, vitamins and minerals in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome
A systematic review
Can J Clin Pharmacol, 2009, 16(3), e407-e429
Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Premenstrual syndrome, Systematic review, Vitamins
Meguid, N.A.; Hashish, A.F.; Anwar, M.; Sidhom, G.
Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(6), 641-645
Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(6), 641-645
Autism, Observational trial, Calciferol, Calcium, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Vitamins
Gasbarrini, G; Zaccone, V.; Covino, M.; Gallo, A.
Effectiveness of a "cold dessert", with or without the addition of a mixture of digestive herbs, in subjects with "functional dyspepsia"
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2010, 24(1), 93-98
Effectiveness of a "cold dessert", with or without the addition of a mixture of digestive herbs, in subjects with "functional dyspepsia"
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2010, 24(1), 93-98
Observational trial, Cynara cardunculus subsp. flavescens, Dyspepsia, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Melissa, lemon balm, Phytomedicine
Royer, D.J.; George, J.N.; Terrell, D.R.
Thrombocytopenia as an adverse effect of complementary and alternative medicines, herbal remedies, nuritional supplements, foods and beverages
Eur J Haematol, 2010, 84(5), 421-429
Thrombocytopenia as an adverse effect of complementary and alternative medicines, herbal remedies, nuritional supplements, foods and beverages
Eur J Haematol, 2010, 84(5), 421-429
Blood/Lymphatic system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Thrombocytopaenia, Adverse effect
Allen-Davis, W.; Fletcher, H.; Davis, C.; Frankson, M.
Commonly used botanicals and vitamins and their impact on blood pressure and blood loss in surgical gynaecology patients
J Obstet Gynaecol, 2010, 30(3), 272-276
Commonly used botanicals and vitamins and their impact on blood pressure and blood loss in surgical gynaecology patients
J Obstet Gynaecol, 2010, 30(3), 272-276
Surgery, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Vitamins
Caughey, G.E.; James, M.J.; Proudman, S.M.; Cleland, L.G.
Fish oil supplementation increases the cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity of paracetamol in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Complement Ther Med, 2010, 18(3-4), 171-174
Fish oil supplementation increases the cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity of paracetamol in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Complement Ther Med, 2010, 18(3-4), 171-174
Arthritis, Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Rheumatic diseases, fish oil
Dijkstra, S.C.; Brouwer, I.A.; Rooij, F.J. van; Hofman, A.; Witteman, J.C.; Geleijnse, J.M.
Intake of very long chain n-3 fatty acids from fish and the incidence of heart failure
The Rotterdam study
Eur J Heart Fail, 2009, 11(10), 922-928
Intake of very long chain n-3 fatty acids from fish and the incidence of heart failure
The Rotterdam study
Eur J Heart Fail, 2009, 11(10), 922-928
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart failure, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Prevention
Lakhan, S.E.; Vieira, K.F.
Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders
Systematic review
Nutrition J, 2010, 9(1), 42; (1-14)
Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders
Systematic review
Nutrition J, 2010, 9(1), 42; (1-14)
Anxiety, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Systematic review
Sun, Q.; Spiegelman, D.; Dam, R.M. van; Holmes, M.D.; Malik, V.S.; Willett, W.C.; Hu, F.B.
White rice, brown rice, and risk of type 2 diabetes in US men and women
Arch Intern Med, 2010, 170(11), 961-969
White rice, brown rice, and risk of type 2 diabetes in US men and women
Arch Intern Med, 2010, 170(11), 961-969
Observational trial, Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Prevention, Metabolic diseases, Oryza sativa
Arntzen, K.A.; Schirmer, H.; Wilsgaard, T.; Mathiesen, E.B.
Moderate wine consumption is associated with better cognitive test results
A 7 year follow up of 5033 subjects in the Tromsø study
Acta Neurol Scand, 2010, 122(S190), 23-29
Moderate wine consumption is associated with better cognitive test results
A 7 year follow up of 5033 subjects in the Tromsø study
Acta Neurol Scand, 2010, 122(S190), 23-29
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Vitis vinifera, Vitis
Steinbrecher, A.; Nimptsch, K.; Hüsing, A.; Rohrmann, S.; Linseisen, J.
Dietary glucosinolate intake and risk of prostate cancer in the EPIC-Heidelberg cohort study
Int J Cancer, 2009, 125(9), 2179-2186
Dietary glucosinolate intake and risk of prostate cancer in the EPIC-Heidelberg cohort study
Int J Cancer, 2009, 125(9), 2179-2186
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Prostate cancer
Galeone, C.; Tavani, A.; Pelucchi, C.; Turati, F.; Winn, D.M.; Levi, F.; Yu, G.-P.; Morgenstern, H.; Kelsey, K.; Dal Maso, L.; Purdue, M.P.; McClean, M.; Talamini, R.; Hayes, R.B.; Franceschi, S.; Schantz, S.; Zhang, Z.-F.; Ferro, G.; Chuang, S.-C.; Boffetta, P.; La Vecchia, C.; Hashibe, M.
Coffee and tea intake and risk of head and neck cancer
Pooled analysis in the international head and neck cancer epidemiology consortium
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2010, 19(7), 1723-1736
Coffee and tea intake and risk of head and neck cancer
Pooled analysis in the international head and neck cancer epidemiology consortium
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2010, 19(7), 1723-1736
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Coffea, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Head and neck cancer, Cancer
Steinbrecher, A.; Rohrmann, S.; Timofeeva, M.; Risch, A.; Jansen, E.; Linseisen, J.
Dietary glucosinolate intake, polymorphisms in selected biotransformation enzymes, and risk of prostate cancer
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2010, 19(1), 135-143
Dietary glucosinolate intake, polymorphisms in selected biotransformation enzymes, and risk of prostate cancer
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2010, 19(1), 135-143
Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Non-randomized trial, Prostate cancer
De Filippo, C.; Cavalieri, D.; Di Paola, M.; Ramazzotti, M.; Poullet, J.B.; Massart, S.; Collini, S.; Pieraccini, G.; Lionetti, P.
Impact of diet in shaping gut microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and rural Africa
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2010, 107(33), 14691-14696
Impact of diet in shaping gut microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and rural Africa
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2010, 107(33), 14691-14696
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Pediatrics
Jalali-Khanabadi, B.A.; Mozaffari-Khosravi, H.; Parsaeyan, N.
Effects of almond dietary supplementation on coronary heart disease lipid risk factors and serum lipid oxidation parameters in men with mild hyperlipidemia
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(12), 1279-1283
Effects of almond dietary supplementation on coronary heart disease lipid risk factors and serum lipid oxidation parameters in men with mild hyperlipidemia
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(12), 1279-1283
Andrology, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Prunus, Prunus dulcis, Metabolic diseases
Williams, F.M.K.; Skinner, J.; Spector, T.D.; Cassidy, A.; Clark, I.M.; Davidson, R.M.; MacGregor, A.J.
Dietary garlic and hip osteoarthritis
Evidence of a protective effect and putative mechanism of action
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2010, 11, 280; (1-8)
Dietary garlic and hip osteoarthritis
Evidence of a protective effect and putative mechanism of action
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2010, 11, 280; (1-8)
Arthrosis, Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Hip arthrosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Rheumatic diseases
Crowe, F.L.; Roddam, A.W.; Key, T.J.; Appleby, P.N.; Overvad, K.; Jakopsen, M.U.; Tjonneland, A.; Hansen, L.; Boeing, H.; Weikert, C.; Linseisen, J.; Kaaks, R.; Trichopoulou, A.; Misirli, G.; Lagiou, P.; Sacerdote, C.; Pala, V.; Palli, D.; Tumino, R.; Panico, S.; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B.; Boer, J.; Gils, C.H. van; Beulens, J.W.J.; Barricarte, A.; Rodíguez, L.; Larranaga, N.; Sánchez, M.J.; Tormo, M.J.; Buckland, G.; Lund, E.; Hedblad, B.; Melander, O.; Jansson, J.H.; Wennberg, P.; Wareham, N.J.; Slimani, N.; Romieu, I.; Jenab, M.; Danesh, J.; Gallo, V.; Norat, T.; Riboli, E.
Fruit and vegetable intake and mortality from ischaemic heart disease
Results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Heart study
Eur Heart J, 2011, 32(10), 1235-1243
Fruit and vegetable intake and mortality from ischaemic heart disease
Results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Heart study
Eur Heart J, 2011, 32(10), 1235-1243
Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Systematic review
Michaud, D.S.; Gallo, V.; Schlehofer, B.; Tjonneland, A.; Olsen, A.; Overvad, K.; Dahm, C.C.; Teucher, B.; Lukanova, A.; Boeing, H.; Schütze, M.; Trichopoulou, A.; Lagiou, P.; Kyrozis, A.; Sacerdote, C.; Krogh, V.; Masala, G.; Tumino, R.; Mattiello, A.; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B.; Ros, M.M.; Peeters, P.H.M.; Gils, C.H. van; Skeie, G.; Engeset, D.; Parr, C.L.; Ardanaz, E.; Chirlaque, M.D.; Dorronsoro, M.; Sánchez, M.J.; Argüelles, M.; Jakszyn, P.; Nilsson, L.M.; Melin, B.S.; Manjer, J.; Wirfält, E.; Khaw, K.T.; Wareham, N.; Allen, N.E.; Key, T.J.; Romieu, I.; Vineis, P.; Riboli, E.
Coffee and tea intake and risk of brain tumors in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort study
Am J Clin Nutr, 2010, 92(5), 1145-1150
Coffee and tea intake and risk of brain tumors in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort study
Am J Clin Nutr, 2010, 92(5), 1145-1150
Observational trial, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Coffea, Nutrition/diet, Brain tumor, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer
McCoy, M.
Evaluation of a standardized wellness protocol to improve anthropometric and physiologic function and to reduce health risk factors
A retrospective analysis of outcome
J Altern Complement Med, 2011, 17(1), 39-44
Evaluation of a standardized wellness protocol to improve anthropometric and physiologic function and to reduce health risk factors
A retrospective analysis of outcome
J Altern Complement Med, 2011, 17(1), 39-44
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Retrospective design
Murthy, S.N.; Rao, N.S.; Nandkumar, B.; Kadam, A.
Role of naturopathy and yoga treatment in the management of hypertension
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2011, 17(1), 9-12
Role of naturopathy and yoga treatment in the management of hypertension
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2011, 17(1), 9-12
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Yoga
Abendroth, A.; Michalsen, A.; Lüdtke, R.; Rüffer, A.; Musial, F.; Dobos, G.J.; Langhorst, J.
Changes of intestinal microflora in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during fasting or a mediterranean diet
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2010, 17(6), 307-313
Changes of intestinal microflora in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during fasting or a mediterranean diet
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2010, 17(6), 307-313
Observational trial, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Fasting, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mediterranian diet
Clement, Y.N.; Onakpoya, I.; Hung, S.K.; Ernst, E.
Effects of herbal and dietary supplements on cognition in menopause
A systematic review
Maturitas, 2011, 68(3), 256-263
Effects of herbal and dietary supplements on cognition in menopause
A systematic review
Maturitas, 2011, 68(3), 256-263
Nutrition/diet, Brain, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Dietary supplementation, Nervous system, Phytomedicine, Systematic review
Showell, M.G.; Brown, J.; Yazdani, A.; Stankiewicz, M.T.; Hart, R.J.
Antioxidants for male subfertility
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2011, 1(CD007411), 1-136
Antioxidants for male subfertility
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2011, 1(CD007411), 1-136
Andrology, Antioxidants, Nutrition/diet, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review