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62 results (filtered)
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Wilt, T.J.; Ishani, A.; Stark, G.; McDonald, R.; Lau, J.; Mulrow, C.
Saw palmetto extracts for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
A systematic review
JAMA, 1998, 280(18), 1604-1609
Saw palmetto extracts for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
A systematic review
JAMA, 1998, 280(18), 1604-1609
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Systematic review
Bach, D.; Ebeling, L.
Long-term drug treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - results of a prospective 3-year multicenter study using Sabal extract IDS 89
Phytomed, 1996, 3(2), 105-112
Long-term drug treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - results of a prospective 3-year multicenter study using Sabal extract IDS 89
Phytomed, 1996, 3(2), 105-112
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata
Gerber, G.S.; Zagaja, G.P.; Bales, G.T.; Chodak, G.W.; Contreras, B.A.
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) in men with lower urinary tract symptoms
Effect on urodynamic parameters and voiding symptoms
Urology, 1998, 51, 1003-1007
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) in men with lower urinary tract symptoms
Effect on urodynamic parameters and voiding symptoms
Urology, 1998, 51, 1003-1007
Andrology, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Sabal serrulata
Nortier, J.L.; Muniz Martinez, M.-C.; Schmeiser, H.H.; Arlt, V.M.; Bieler, C.A.; Petein, M.; Depierreux, M.F.; Pauw, L. de; Abramowicz, D.; Verheerstraeten, P.; Vanherweghem, J.-L.
Urothelial carcinoma associated with the use of a chinese herb (Aristolochia fangchi)
New Engl J Med, 2000, 342(23), 1686-1692
Urothelial carcinoma associated with the use of a chinese herb (Aristolochia fangchi)
New Engl J Med, 2000, 342(23), 1686-1692
Aristolochia, Aristolochia clematitis, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Adverse effect
Friederich, M.; Theurer, C.; Schiebel-Schlosser, G.
Prosta Fink Forte-Kapseln in der Behandlung der benignen Prostatahyperplasie
Eine multizentrische Anwendungsbeobachtung an 2245 Patienten
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(4), 200-204
Prosta Fink Forte-Kapseln in der Behandlung der benignen Prostatahyperplasie
Eine multizentrische Anwendungsbeobachtung an 2245 Patienten
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(4), 200-204
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign)
Hautmann, C.; Scheithe, K.
Fluidextrakt aus Agropyron repens bei Harnwegsinfektionen oder Reizblase
Z Phytother, 2000, 21(5), 252-255
Fluidextrakt aus Agropyron repens bei Harnwegsinfektionen oder Reizblase
Z Phytother, 2000, 21(5), 252-255
Acorus, couch-grass, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Irritable bladder
Pittler, M.H.
Complementary therapies for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia
FACT, 2000, 5(4), 255-257
Complementary therapies for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia
FACT, 2000, 5(4), 255-257
Cucurbita, Cucurbita pepo, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Pygeum africanum, Sabal serrulata, Systematic review, Urtica, Urtica dioica
Jepson, R.G.; Mihaljevic, L.; Craig, J.
Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006, 2(CD001321), 1-19
Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006, 2(CD001321), 1-19
Urinary tract, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Vaccinium, cowberry
Bach, D.
Medikamentöse Langzeitbehandlung der BPH
Ergebnisse einer prospektiven 3-Jahres-Studie mit dem Sabalextrakt IDS 89
Urologe, 1995, 35, 178-183
Medikamentöse Langzeitbehandlung der BPH
Ergebnisse einer prospektiven 3-Jahres-Studie mit dem Sabalextrakt IDS 89
Urologe, 1995, 35, 178-183
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata
Habash, M.B.; Mei, H.C. van der; Busscher, H.J.; Reid, G.
The Effect of Water, Ascorbic Acid, and Cranberry Derived Supplementation on Human Urine and Uropathogen Adhesion to Silicone Rubber
Can J Microbiol, 1999, 45(8), 691-694
The Effect of Water, Ascorbic Acid, and Cranberry Derived Supplementation on Human Urine and Uropathogen Adhesion to Silicone Rubber
Can J Microbiol, 1999, 45(8), 691-694
Acidum ascorbicum, Bacteria, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, H2O, Urinary tract, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Vaccininum, cowberry
Koch, E.
Extracts from fruits of saw palmetto (Sabal serrulata) and roots of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
Viable alternatives in the medical treatment of benign prostata hyperplasia and associated lower urinary tracts symptoms
Planta Med, 2001, 67, 489-500
Extracts from fruits of saw palmetto (Sabal serrulata) and roots of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
Viable alternatives in the medical treatment of benign prostata hyperplasia and associated lower urinary tracts symptoms
Planta Med, 2001, 67, 489-500
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Systematic review, Urtica, Urtica dioica
Upadhyay, L.; Tripathi, K.; Kulkarni, K.S.
A study of prostane in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Phytother Res, 2001, 15, 411-415
A study of prostane in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Phytother Res, 2001, 15, 411-415
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostane, Prostatic enlargement (benign)
Raz, R.; Chazan, B.; Dan, M.
Cranberry juice and urinary tract infection
Clin Infect Dis, 2004, 38(10), 1413-1419
Cranberry juice and urinary tract infection
Clin Infect Dis, 2004, 38(10), 1413-1419
Urinary tract, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Vaccinium, cranberry
Durak, I.; Yilmaz, E.; Devrim, E.; Perk, H.; Kacmaz, M.
Consumption of aqueous garlic extract leads to significant improvement in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer
Nutrition Res, 2003, 23, 199-204
Consumption of aqueous garlic extract leads to significant improvement in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer
Nutrition Res, 2003, 23, 199-204
Allium, Allium sativum, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Prostate cancer, Prostatic enlargement (benign)
Greenberg, J.A.; Newmann, S.J.; Howell, A.B.
Consumption of sweetened dried cranberries versus unsweetened raisins for inhibition of uropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesion in human urine
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(5), 875-878
Consumption of sweetened dried cranberries versus unsweetened raisins for inhibition of uropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesion in human urine
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(5), 875-878
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Vaccinium, cranberry, Vitis vinifera, Vitis
Bailey, D.T.; Dalton, C.; Joseph, Daugherty F.; Tempesta, M.S.
Can a concentrated cranberry extract prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in women?
A pilot study
Phytomed, 2007, 14(4), 237-241
Can a concentrated cranberry extract prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in women?
A pilot study
Phytomed, 2007, 14(4), 237-241
Observational trial, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Vaccinium, cranberry
Diureseuntersuchungen mit Cynosid
Aus unserer Arbeit, 1956, 2(2), 15-19
Diureseuntersuchungen mit Cynosid
Aus unserer Arbeit, 1956, 2(2), 15-19
Observational trial, Experiment, Healthy probands, Basic Research, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Strophantus, Animal
Clare, B.A.; Conroy, R.S.; Spelman, K.
The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a single day
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(8), 929-934
The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a single day
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(8), 929-934
Observational trial, Healthy probands, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Taraxacum
Tacklind, J.; MacDonald, R.; Rutks, I.; Wilt, T.J.
Serenoa repens for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009, 2(CD001423), 1-88
Serenoa repens for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009, 2(CD001423), 1-88
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Systematic review
Mazokopakis, E.E.; Karefilakis, C.M.; Starakis, I.K.
Efficacy of cranberry capsules in prevention of urinary tract infections in postmenopausal women
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(11), 1155
Efficacy of cranberry capsules in prevention of urinary tract infections in postmenopausal women
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(11), 1155
Observational trial, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Vaccinium, cranberry
Lee, Y.L.; Najm, W.I.; Owens, J.; Thrupp, L.; Baron, S.; Shanbrom, E.; Cesario, T.
Anti-microbial activity of urine after ingestion of cranberry
A pilot study
eCAM, 2010, 7(2), 227-232
Anti-microbial activity of urine after ingestion of cranberry
A pilot study
eCAM, 2010, 7(2), 227-232
Bacteria, Healthy probands, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Vaccinium, cranberry
Botto, H.; Neuzillet, Y.
Effectiveness of a cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) preparation in reducing asymptomatic bacteriuria in patients with an ileal enterocystoplasty
Scand J Urol Nephrol, 2010, 44(3), 165-168
Effectiveness of a cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) preparation in reducing asymptomatic bacteriuria in patients with an ileal enterocystoplasty
Scand J Urol Nephrol, 2010, 44(3), 165-168
Observational trial, Surgery, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Vaccinium, cranberry
Wagenlehner, F.M.; Bschleipfer, T.; Pilatz, A.; Weidner, W.
Pollen extract for chronic prostatitis
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Urol Clin North Am, 2011, 38(3), 285-292
Pollen extract for chronic prostatitis
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Urol Clin North Am, 2011, 38(3), 285-292
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, timothy grass, Phytomedicine, Pollen, Inflammation of the prostata, Pain, Secale, Secale cereale, Systematic review, maize, Pelvic girdle pain, Chronic pain
Shahgholian, N.; Dehghan, M.; Mortazavi, M.; Gholami, F.; Valiani, M.
Effect of aromatherapy on pruritus relief in hemodialysis patients
Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 2010, 15(4), 240-244
Effect of aromatherapy on pruritus relief in hemodialysis patients
Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 2010, 15(4), 240-244
Aromatherapy, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Skin diseases, Itching, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lavendula, Manual therapy, Massage, Melaleuca, Mentha, Phytomedicine
Suter, A.; Saller, R.; Riedi, E.; Heinrich, M.
Improving BPH symptoms and sexual dysfunctions with a saw palmetto preparation?
Results from a pilot trial
Phytother Res, 2013, 27(2), 218-226
Improving BPH symptoms and sexual dysfunctions with a saw palmetto preparation?
Results from a pilot trial
Phytother Res, 2013, 27(2), 218-226
Andrology, Observational trial, Erectile disorder, Urinary tract, Impotence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata
Sun, T.; Xu, H.; Xu, F.
Astragalus injection for hypertensive renal damage
A systematic review
eCAM, 2012, 2012, 929025; (1-6)
Astragalus injection for hypertensive renal damage
A systematic review
eCAM, 2012, 2012, 929025; (1-6)
Applikationsform, Astragalus, High blood pressure, Urinary tract, Chinese medicinal herbs, Cardiovascular diseases, Injektion, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Kidney, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
MacDonald, R.; Tacklind, J.W.; Rutks, I.; Wilt, T.J.
Serenoa repens monotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
An updated Cochrane systematic review
BJU Int, 2012, 109(12), 1756-1761
Serenoa repens monotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
An updated Cochrane systematic review
BJU Int, 2012, 109(12), 1756-1761
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Systematic review
Morán, E.; Budía, A.; Broseta, E.; Boronat, F.
Fitoterapia en Urologia
Evidencia cientifica actual de su aplicacion en hiperplasia benigna de prostata y adenocarcinoma de prostata
Acta Urol Esp, 2013, 37(2), 114-119
Fitoterapia en Urologia
Evidencia cientifica actual de su aplicacion en hiperplasia benigna de prostata y adenocarcinoma de prostata
Acta Urol Esp, 2013, 37(2), 114-119
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Phytomedicine, Prostate cancer, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Systematic review
Morán, E.; Budía, A.; Broseta, E.; Boronat, F.
Phytotherapy in urology
Current scientific evidence of its application in urolithiasis, chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and urinary tract infections
Acta Urol Esp, 2013, 37(3), 174-180
Phytotherapy in urology
Current scientific evidence of its application in urolithiasis, chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and urinary tract infections
Acta Urol Esp, 2013, 37(3), 174-180
Andrology, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Erectile disorder, Urinary calculus, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Pelvic girdle pain
Giulianelli, R.; Pecoraro, S.; Sepe, G., Leonardi, R.; Gentile, B.C.; Albanesi, L.; Brunori, S.; Mavilla, L.; Pisanti, F.; Giannella, R.; Morello, P.; Tuzzolo, D.; Coscione, M.; Galasso, F.; D'Angelo, T.; Ferravante, P.; Morelli, E.; Miragliuolo, A.
Multicentre study on the efficacy and tolerability of an extract of Serenoa repens in patients with chronic benign prostate conditions associated with inflammation
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2012, 84(2), 94-98
Multicentre study on the efficacy and tolerability of an extract of Serenoa repens in patients with chronic benign prostate conditions associated with inflammation
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2012, 84(2), 94-98
Andrology, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata
Ilic, D.; Misso, M.
Lycopene for the prevention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer
A systematic review
Maturitas, 2012, 72(4), 269-276
Lycopene for the prevention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer
A systematic review
Maturitas, 2012, 72(4), 269-276
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lycopene, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Prostate cancer, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Systematic review
Zhang, L.; Mao, W.; Guo, X.; Wu, Y.; Li, C.; Lu, Z.; Su, G.; Li, X.; Liu, Z.; Guo, R.; Jie, X.; Wen, Z.; Liu, X.
Ginkgo biloba extract for patients with early diabetic nephropathy
A systematic review
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 689142, (1-17)
Ginkgo biloba extract for patients with early diabetic nephropathy
A systematic review
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 689142, (1-17)
Diabetes mellitus, Ginkgo, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nephropathy, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review
Gaybullaev, A.A.; Kariev, S.S.
Effects of the herbal combination Canephron N on urinary risk factors of idiopathic calcium urolithiasis in an open study
Z Phytother, 2013, 34(1), 16-20
Effects of the herbal combination Canephron N on urinary risk factors of idiopathic calcium urolithiasis in an open study
Z Phytother, 2013, 34(1), 16-20
Observational trial, Urinary calculus, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine
Zhang, H.; Ho, Y.F.; Che, C.T.; Lin, Z.X.; Leung, C.; Chan, L.S.
Topical herbal application as an adjuvant treatment for chronic kidney disease
A systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials
J Adv Nurs, 2012, 68(8), 1679-1691
Topical herbal application as an adjuvant treatment for chronic kidney disease
A systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials
J Adv Nurs, 2012, 68(8), 1679-1691
Urinary tract, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Iacono, F.; Prezioso, D.; Illiano, D.; Ruffo, A.; Romeo, G.; Amato, B.
Observational study
Daily treatment with a new compound "Tradamixina" plus Serenoa repens for two months improved the lower urinary tract symptoms
BMC Surgery, 2012, 12(Suppl 1), S22; (1-8)
Observational study
Daily treatment with a new compound "Tradamixina" plus Serenoa repens for two months improved the lower urinary tract symptoms
BMC Surgery, 2012, 12(Suppl 1), S22; (1-8)
Andrology, Observational trial, Ecklonia, Ecklonia bicyclis, Glucosamin, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Tribulus terrestris
Laszig, R.
Goldrutenkraut bei chronischen/rezidivierenden Harnwegsinfekten
Giatros Urologie, 1999, 15, 39-43
Goldrutenkraut bei chronischen/rezidivierenden Harnwegsinfekten
Giatros Urologie, 1999, 15, 39-43
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Solidago
Rugendorff, E.W.; Weidner, W.; Ebeling, L.; Buck, A.C.
Behandlungsergebnisse mit Pollenextrakt (Cernilton) bei Prostatodynie und chronischer Prostatitis
Vahlensieck, W.; Rutishauser, G.: Benigne Prostatopathien, 1992, 76-84 (Zweitveröffentlichung)
Behandlungsergebnisse mit Pollenextrakt (Cernilton) bei Prostatodynie und chronischer Prostatitis
Vahlensieck, W.; Rutishauser, G.: Benigne Prostatopathien, 1992, 76-84 (Zweitveröffentlichung)
Andrology, Observational trial, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Pollen, Prostatic enlargement (benign)
Schnell, U.C.; Thelen, J.
Untersuchungen über die antibakterielle Wirkung von Carito ((R)) in der gynäkologischen Urologie
MMW, 1977, 119, 127-128
Untersuchungen über die antibakterielle Wirkung von Carito ((R)) in der gynäkologischen Urologie
MMW, 1977, 119, 127-128
Allium, Observational trial, Cucurbita, Cucurbita pepo, Damiana, Echinacea, Echinacea purpurea, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pareira brava, Phytomedicine, Populus, Turnera
Lu, Q.; Jiang, F.; Xu, R.; Zhao, X.-K.; Zhong, Z.-H.; Zhang, L.; Jiang, H.-Y.; Yi, L.; Hou, Y.; Zhu, X.
A pilot study on intravesical administration of curcumin for cystitis glandularis
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 269745, (1-5)
A pilot study on intravesical administration of curcumin for cystitis glandularis
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 269745, (1-5)
Observational trial, Bladder infection, Curcuma, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine
Chen, Y.; Gong, Z.; Chen, X.; Tang, L.; Zhao, X.; Yuan, Q.; Cai, G.
Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F (a traditional Chinese medicine) for primary nephrotic syndrome
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2013, 8(CD008568), 1-69
Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F (a traditional Chinese medicine) for primary nephrotic syndrome
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2013, 8(CD008568), 1-69
Urinary tract, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nephrotisches Syndrom, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine, Tripterygium, Tripterygium wilfordii
Marotta, F.; Naito, Y.; Bishier, M.P.; Jain, S.; Yadav, H.; Minelli, E.; Kumari, A.; Solimene, U.; Sollano, J.
Subclinical candiduria in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies
A preliminary study on the protective effect of a natural phytocompound
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2010, 24(3), 317-324
Subclinical candiduria in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies
A preliminary study on the protective effect of a natural phytocompound
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2010, 24(3), 317-324
Acidum, Acidum ascorbicum, Observational trial, Candidiasis, Bowel cancer, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus spec., Stomach cancer, Phytomedicine, Pimpinella, Pimpinella anisum, Prevention, Pseudowintera colorata
Stamatiou, K.; Pierris, N.
Serenoa repens extract additionally to quinolones in the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis
The preliminary results of a long term observational study
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2013, 85(4), 190-196
Serenoa repens extract additionally to quinolones in the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis
The preliminary results of a long term observational study
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2013, 85(4), 190-196
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Inflammation of the prostata, Sabal serrulata
Stuglin, C.; Prasad, K.
Effect of flaxseed consumption on blood pressure, serum lipids, hemopoietic system and liver and kidney enzymes in healthy humans
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther, 2005, 10(1), 23-27
Effect of flaxseed consumption on blood pressure, serum lipids, hemopoietic system and liver and kidney enzymes in healthy humans
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther, 2005, 10(1), 23-27
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Urinary tract, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Liver, Linum usitatissimum, Gastrointestinal tract, Kidney, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
Russo, G.I.; Cimino, S.; Salamone, C.; Madonia, M.; Favilla, V.; Castelli, T.; Morgia, G.
Potential efficacy of some African plants in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer
Mini Rev Med Chem, 2013, 13(11), 1564-1571
Potential efficacy of some African plants in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer
Mini Rev Med Chem, 2013, 13(11), 1564-1571
Andrology, Basic Research, Urinary tract, Hypericum, St John's wort, Hypoxis, African potato, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Oleander, Phytomedicine, Prostate cancer, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Pygeum africanum, Systematic review, Traditional African Medicine
Martynyuk, L.; Martynyuk, L.; Ruzhitska, O.; Martynyuk, O.
Effect of the herbal combination Canephron N on diabetic nephropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus
Results of a comparative cohort study
J Altern Complement Med, 2014, 20(6), 472-478
Effect of the herbal combination Canephron N on diabetic nephropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus
Results of a comparative cohort study
J Altern Complement Med, 2014, 20(6), 472-478
Observational trial, Canephron N, Diabetes mellitus, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nephropathy, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
Yoshino, T.; Yanagawa, T.; Watanabe, K.
Risk factors for pseudoaldosteronism with rhabdomyolysis caused by consumption of drugs containing licorice and differences between incidence of these conditions in Japan and other countries
Case report and literature review
J Altern Complement Med, 2014, 20(6), 516-520
Risk factors for pseudoaldosteronism with rhabdomyolysis caused by consumption of drugs containing licorice and differences between incidence of these conditions in Japan and other countries
Case report and literature review
J Altern Complement Med, 2014, 20(6), 516-520
Case report, Glycyrrhiza, liquorice root, Urinary tract, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Practice, Toxicology, Traditional Japanese medicine, Adverse effect
Bass-Ware, A.; Weed, D.; Johson, T.; Spurlock, A.
Evaluation of the effect of cranberry juice on symptoms associated with a urinary tract infection
Urol Nurs, 2014, 34(3), 121-127
Evaluation of the effect of cranberry juice on symptoms associated with a urinary tract infection
Urol Nurs, 2014, 34(3), 121-127
Observational trial, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Juice/distillate, Vaccinium, cranberry
Jeong, S.K.; Park, H.J.; Park, B.D.; Kim, I.-H.
Effectiveness of topical Chia seed oil on pruritus of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and healthy volunteers
Ann Dermatol, 2010, 22(2), 143-148
Effectiveness of topical Chia seed oil on pruritus of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and healthy volunteers
Ann Dermatol, 2010, 22(2), 143-148
Observational trial, Diabetes mellitus, Urinary tract, Skin diseases, Itching, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Oil, Phytomedicine, sage, Metabolic diseases, Salvia hispanica
Chen, Y.Z.; Gong, Z.X.; Cai, G.Y.; Gao, Q.; Chen, X.M.; Tang, L.; Wei, R.B.; Zhou, J.H.
Efficacy and safety of flos Abelmoschus manihot (Malvaceae) on type 2 diabetic nephropathy
A systematic review
Chin J Integr Med, 2015, 21(6), 464-472
Efficacy and safety of flos Abelmoschus manihot (Malvaceae) on type 2 diabetic nephropathy
A systematic review
Chin J Integr Med, 2015, 21(6), 464-472
Abelmoschus, Abelmoschus manihot, Diabetes mellitus, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nephropathy, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review
Vicariotto, F.
Effectiveness of an association of a cranberry dry extract, D-mannose, and the two microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 and Lactobacillus paracasei LPC09 in women affected by cystitis
A pilot study
J Clin Gastroenterol, 2014, 48(Suppl 1), S96-S101
Effectiveness of an association of a cranberry dry extract, D-mannose, and the two microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 and Lactobacillus paracasei LPC09 in women affected by cystitis
A pilot study
J Clin Gastroenterol, 2014, 48(Suppl 1), S96-S101
Observational trial, Bladder infection, D-Mannose, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus spec., Phytomedicine, Probiotics, Vaccinium, cranberry, Lactobacillus paracasei
Huser, P.
Systematischer Review über den Einsatz und die Wirksamkeit von Phytotherapeutika bei Patienten mit chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
2015, 1-145 (Dissertation)
Systematischer Review über den Einsatz und die Wirksamkeit von Phytotherapeutika bei Patienten mit chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
2015, 1-145 (Dissertation)
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Phytomedicine, Systematic review
Görne, R.; Wegener, T.; Feistel, B.; Kelber, O.; Reichling, J.
Sägepalmenfrüchte-Extrakte bei Symptomen des unteren Urogenitaltraktes (LUTS) beim Mann
Systematisches Review belegt well-established use
Z Phytother, 2015, 36(Suppl. 1), S14 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Sägepalmenfrüchte-Extrakte bei Symptomen des unteren Urogenitaltraktes (LUTS) beim Mann
Systematisches Review belegt well-established use
Z Phytother, 2015, 36(Suppl. 1), S14 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Systematic review
Durham, S.H.; STamm, P.L.; Eiland, L.S.
Cranberry products for the prophylaxis of urinary tract infections in pediatric patients
Ann Pharmacother, 2015, 49(12), 1349-1356
Cranberry products for the prophylaxis of urinary tract infections in pediatric patients
Ann Pharmacother, 2015, 49(12), 1349-1356
Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Review (CR), Vaccinium, cranberry
Monti, E.; Trinchieri, A.; Magri, V.; Cleves, A.; Perletti, G.
Herbal medicines for urinary stone treatment
A systematic review
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2016, 88, 38-46
Herbal medicines for urinary stone treatment
A systematic review
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2016, 88, 38-46
Urinary calculus, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Kidney stones, Phytomedicine, Systematic review
Hüve, J.
Phyto-Urologikum bei akuter dysurischer Symptomatik
Naturheilkunde, 2014, 2014(5), 31-32
Phyto-Urologikum bei akuter dysurischer Symptomatik
Naturheilkunde, 2014, 2014(5), 31-32
Observational trial, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Irritable bladder, Solidago
Asare, G.A.; Ngala, R.A.; Afriyle, D.; Adjei, S.; Nyarko, A.; Anang-Quartey, Y.; Asiedu, B.; Doku, D.; Amoah, B.Y.; Bentum, K.; Musah, I.; Mossanda, K.
Calcium - Magnesium imbalance implicated in benign prostatic hyperplasia and restoration by a phytotherapeutic drug - Croton membranaceus Müll.Arg
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2017, 17(1), 152; (1-8)
Calcium - Magnesium imbalance implicated in benign prostatic hyperplasia and restoration by a phytotherapeutic drug - Croton membranaceus Müll.Arg
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2017, 17(1), 152; (1-8)
Observational trial, Croton, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Croton membranaceus
Novara, G.; Giannarini, G.; Alcaraz, A.; Cózar-Olmo, J.M.; Descazeaud, A.; Montorsi, F.; Ficarra, V.
Efficacy and safety of hexanic lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (Permixon) in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Eur Urol Focus, 2016, 2(5), 553-561
Efficacy and safety of hexanic lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (Permixon) in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Eur Urol Focus, 2016, 2(5), 553-561
Andrology, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Systematic review
Bachmann, C.
Die tibetische Rezeptur Se'bru 5 bei rezidivierenden unkomplizierten Harnwegsinfekten
Eine Fallserie zeigt Wirksamkeit
Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed, 2017, 29(6), 324-326
Die tibetische Rezeptur Se'bru 5 bei rezidivierenden unkomplizierten Harnwegsinfekten
Eine Fallserie zeigt Wirksamkeit
Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed, 2017, 29(6), 324-326
Observational trial, Bladder infection, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Traditional Tibetan medicine, Se'bru 5
Risi, O.; Manica, M.; Lisanti, R.C.; Manfredi, A.; Tecci, G.R.
Effectiveness on mild stress and mixed urinary incontinence and impact on Quality of Life of a phytotherapic product containing astragalus, thyme, lavender, hop, equisetum, red clover, cypress and agrimonia at titrated concentrations
Results from a monocentric study
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2017, 89(4), 293-295
Effectiveness on mild stress and mixed urinary incontinence and impact on Quality of Life of a phytotherapic product containing astragalus, thyme, lavender, hop, equisetum, red clover, cypress and agrimonia at titrated concentrations
Results from a monocentric study
Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2017, 89(4), 293-295
Observational trial, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Stress, IncontinenzaMEV®
Chen, W.-C.; Wu, S.-Y.; Liao, P.-C.; Chou, T.-Y.; Chen, H.-Y.; Chiang, J.-H.; Su, Y.-C.; Man, K.-M.; Tsai, M.-Y.; Chen, Y.-H.
Treatment of urolithiasis with medicinal plant Salvia miltiorrhiza
A nationwide cohort study
eCAM, 2018, Article ID 8403648, (1-7)
Treatment of urolithiasis with medicinal plant Salvia miltiorrhiza
A nationwide cohort study
eCAM, 2018, Article ID 8403648, (1-7)
Observational trial, Urinary calculus, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Retrospective design, sage, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Cohort study
Bouya, S.; Ahmadidarehsima, S.; Badakhsh, M.; Balouchi, A.; Koochakzai, M.
Effect of aromatherapy interventions on hemodialysis complications
A systematic review
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2018, 32, 130-138
Effect of aromatherapy interventions on hemodialysis complications
A systematic review
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2018, 32, 130-138
Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Systematic review
Kageyama, S.; Beppu, M.; Ohnogi, H.; Miyazaki, S.; Haruno, A.; Ito, Y.; Yamada, S.
Clinical effects of formulated food of Peucedanum japonicum extract and saw palmetto extract in male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms
Low Urin Tract Symptoms, 2018, 10(2), 167-174
Clinical effects of formulated food of Peucedanum japonicum extract and saw palmetto extract in male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms
Low Urin Tract Symptoms, 2018, 10(2), 167-174
Andrology, Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Geriatrics, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Peucedanum, Phytomedicine, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Sabal serrulata, Peucedanum japonicum