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[related to Homeopathy]

Homeosiniatry refers to a combination of homeopathy and acupuncture. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, mentioned “ill points” (if a remedy is chosen well, they will disappear). During the same period of time, Rademacher was involved with homeopathy and the process of finding the diagnosis by palpation. August Weihe Jr. (1840-1896) assigned 270 points to specific homeopathic symptom complexes and used them to support his selection of remedies for therapy. In 1947 Roger de La Fuye, an acupuncturist and homeopath, discovered that most of Weihe’s points coincide exactly with acupuncture points. The points had precisely identical locations and also impacted the same symptomatology. He was the first doctor to treat his patients utilizing both needle acupuncture and the corresponding homeopathic oral remedies. Homeosiniatry uses 482 points, 434 on Chinese meridians and 48 extra points. The current practice of homeosiniatry is to inject sterile homeopathic remedies into acupuncture points.