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Haider, R.; Khan, A.K.; Aziz, K.M.; Chowdhury, A.; Kabir, I.
Evaluation of indigenous plants in the treatment of acute shigellosis
Tropic Geograph Med, 1991, 43(3), 266-270
Evaluation of indigenous plants in the treatment of acute shigellosis
Tropic Geograph Med, 1991, 43(3), 266-270
Ayurveda, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Shigellosis
Palmer, K.K.; Vaghela, D.B.; Manjusha, R.
A clinical study on the effect of Arka Taila in the management of Karnasrava (otomycosis)
Ayu, 2011, 32(3), 349-352
A clinical study on the effect of Arka Taila in the management of Karnasrava (otomycosis)
Ayu, 2011, 32(3), 349-352
Ayurveda, Calotropis, Calotropis procera, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mycosis, Ear, Randomized trial