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Panossian, A.; Oganessian, A.S.; Ambartsumian, M.; Gabrielian, E.S.; Wagner, H.; Wikman, G.
Effects of heavy physical exercise and adaptogens on nitric oxide content in human saliva
Phytomed, 1999, 6(1), 17-26
Effects of heavy physical exercise and adaptogens on nitric oxide content in human saliva
Phytomed, 1999, 6(1), 17-26
Exercise therapy, Bryonia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Lifestyle therapy, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Schizandra, Schizandra chinensis, Stress
Brockow, T.; Dillner, A.; Franke, A.; Resch, K.-L.
Analgesic Effects of Carbon Dioxide Insufflations as Adjunct Therapy in Persons with Non-Specific Neck or Low Back Pain - An Open, Randomised, Controlled, Clinical Trial
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 40 (Abstract)
Analgesic Effects of Carbon Dioxide Insufflations as Adjunct Therapy in Persons with Non-Specific Neck or Low Back Pain - An Open, Randomised, Controlled, Clinical Trial
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 40 (Abstract)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, CO2, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
Franke, A.; Reiner, L.; Pratzel, H.G.; Franke, T; Resch, K.-L.
Long-Term Efficacy of Radon Spa Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Randomized, Sham-Controlled Study and Follow-Up
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 41 (Abstract)
Long-Term Efficacy of Radon Spa Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Randomized, Sham-Controlled Study and Follow-Up
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 41 (Abstract)
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Spa, Physical therapy, Radon, Randomized trial
Grüber, C.; Riesberg, A.; Mansmann, U.; Wahn, U; Bühring, M.
Does Hydrotherapy Prevent Common Cold?
Randomized Controlled Trial in Preschool Children with Frequent Common Colds. Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 41 (Abstract)
Does Hydrotherapy Prevent Common Cold?
Randomized Controlled Trial in Preschool Children with Frequent Common Colds. Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 41 (Abstract)
Respiratory diseases, Common cold, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Krause, R.; Lewin, G.; Bühring, M.; Popov, I.; Deuse, U.; Howest, S.; Schildmann, J.; Stange, R.; Uehleke, B.
Serial Irradiation with Physiological Doses of Ultraviolet Light Improves Antioxidative Capacity of Blood Plasma
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 44 (Abstract)
Serial Irradiation with Physiological Doses of Ultraviolet Light Improves Antioxidative Capacity of Blood Plasma
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 44 (Abstract)
Blood/Lymphatic system, Experiment, Basic Research, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Alfano, A.P.; Taylor, A.G.; Foresman, P.A.; Dunkl, P.R.; McConnell, G.G.; Conaway, M.R.; Gillies, G.T.
Static Magnetic Fields for Treatment of Fibromyalgia
A Randomized Controlled Trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2001, 7(1), 53-64
Static Magnetic Fields for Treatment of Fibromyalgia
A Randomized Controlled Trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2001, 7(1), 53-64
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Doering, T.J.; Konitzer, M.; Hausner, T.; Steuernagel, B.; Schneider, B.; Fischer, G.C.
Zerebrale Hämodynamik bei Kohlendioxidapplikationen
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2002, 9(3), 148-152
Zerebrale Hämodynamik bei Kohlendioxidapplikationen
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2002, 9(3), 148-152
Blood, Blood/Lymphatic system, CO2, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Haslam, R.
A comparison of acupuncture with advice and exercises on the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip
A randomised controlled trial
Acupunct Med, 2001, 19(1), 19-26
A comparison of acupuncture with advice and exercises on the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip
A randomised controlled trial
Acupunct Med, 2001, 19(1), 19-26
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Hip arthrosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
Ekmekcioglu, C.; Strauss-Blasche, G.; Holzer, F.; Marktl, W.
Effect of Sulfur Baths on Antioxidative Defense Systems, Peroxide Concentrations and Lipid Levels in Patients with Degenerative Osteoarthritis
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2002, 9(4), 216-220
Effect of Sulfur Baths on Antioxidative Defense Systems, Peroxide Concentrations and Lipid Levels in Patients with Degenerative Osteoarthritis
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2002, 9(4), 216-220
Arthrosis, Balneology, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Sulfur, Heilbad
Gmünder, R.; Kissling, R.
Die Wirkung von klassischer Homöopathie im Vergleich mit standardisierter Physiotherapie bei der Behandlung von chronischen Kreuzschmerzen
Z Orthop Grenzgeb, 2002, 140, 503-508
Die Wirkung von klassischer Homöopathie im Vergleich mit standardisierter Physiotherapie bei der Behandlung von chronischen Kreuzschmerzen
Z Orthop Grenzgeb, 2002, 140, 503-508
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
Korthals-de Bos, I.B.C.; Hoving, J.L.; Tulder, M.W. van; Rutten-van Mölken, P.M.H.; Adèr, H.J.; Vet, C.W. de; Koes, B.W.; Vondeling, H.; Bouter, L.M.
Cost effectiveness of physiotherapy, manual therapy, and general practitioner care for neck pain
Economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2003, 326, (1-6)
Cost effectiveness of physiotherapy, manual therapy, and general practitioner care for neck pain
Economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2003, 326, (1-6)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Chiropractic, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Economy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Cost-effectiveness
Johnston, D.W.; Gold, A.; Kentish, J.; Smith, D.; Vallance, P.; Shah, D.; Leach, G.; Robinon, B.
Effect of stress management on blood pressure in mild primary hypertension
BMJ, 1993, 306 (6883), 963-966
Effect of stress management on blood pressure in mild primary hypertension
BMJ, 1993, 306 (6883), 963-966
Exercise therapy, High blood pressure, Relaxation, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Shekelle, P.G.; Hardy, M.L.; Morton, S.C.; Maglione, M.; Mojiea, W.A.; Suttorp, M.J.; Rhodes, S.L.; Jungvig, L.; Gagné, J.
Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance: a meta-analysis
JAMA, 2003, 289, 1537-1545
Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance: a meta-analysis
JAMA, 2003, 289, 1537-1545
Exercise therapy, Ephedra, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases, Overweight, Ephedra sinica
Ng, M.M.L.; Leung, M.C.P.; Poon, D.M.Y
The effects of electro-acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in patients with painful osteoarthritic knees: a randomized controlled trial with follow-up evaluation
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9(5), 641-649
The effects of electro-acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in patients with painful osteoarthritic knees: a randomized controlled trial with follow-up evaluation
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9(5), 641-649
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electroacupuncture, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Benda, W.; McGibbon, M.S.; Grant, L.G.
Improvements in muscle symmetry in children with cerebral palsy after equine-assisted therapy (Hippotherapy)
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9(6), 817-825
Improvements in muscle symmetry in children with cerebral palsy after equine-assisted therapy (Hippotherapy)
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9(6), 817-825
Therapeutic horse riding, Infections, Poliomyelitis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Pediatrics, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Zerebralparese
Yeung, C.K.N.; Leung, M.C.P.; Chow, D.H.K.
The use of electro-acupuncture in conjunction with exercise for the treatment of chronic low back pain
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9, 479-490
The use of electro-acupuncture in conjunction with exercise for the treatment of chronic low back pain
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9, 479-490
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Electroacupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific), Traditional Chinese medicine
Edwards, J.; Knowles, N.
Superficial dry needling and active stretching in the treatment of myofascial pain
A randomised controlled trial
Acupunct Med, 2003, 21, 80-86
Superficial dry needling and active stretching in the treatment of myofascial pain
A randomised controlled trial
Acupunct Med, 2003, 21, 80-86
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Muscle pain (unspecified), Stretching
Stener-Victorin, E.; Kruse-Smidje, C.; Jung, K.
Comparison between electro-acupuncture and hydrotherapy, both in combination with patient education and patient education alone, on the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip
Clin J Pain, 2004, 20(3), 179-185
Comparison between electro-acupuncture and hydrotherapy, both in combination with patient education and patient education alone, on the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip
Clin J Pain, 2004, 20(3), 179-185
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electroacupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Harlow, T.; Greaves, C.; White, A.; Brown, L.; Hart, A.; Ernst, E.
Randomised controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
BMJ, 2004, 329, 1450-1454 (Internet)
Randomised controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
BMJ, 2004, 329, 1450-1454 (Internet)
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Elden, H.; Ladfors, L.; Fakevik Olsen, M.; Ostgaard, H.-C.; Hagberg, H.
Effects of acupuncture and stabilising exercises as adjunct to standard treatment in pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain
Randomised single blind controlled trial
BMJ, 2005, 330, 761-765
Effects of acupuncture and stabilising exercises as adjunct to standard treatment in pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain
Randomised single blind controlled trial
BMJ, 2005, 330, 761-765
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Joints, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Obstetrics, Traditional Chinese medicine, Pelvic girdle pain
Balogh, Z.; Ördögh, J.; Gasz, A.; Német, L.; Bender, T.
Effectiveness of balneotherapy in chronic low back pain
A randomized single-blind controlled follow-up study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2005, 12(4), 196-201
Effectiveness of balneotherapy in chronic low back pain
A randomized single-blind controlled follow-up study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2005, 12(4), 196-201
Balneology, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Eccles, N.K.
A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled pilot study to investigate the effectiveness of a static magnet to relieve dysmenorrhea
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(4), 681-687
A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled pilot study to investigate the effectiveness of a static magnet to relieve dysmenorrhea
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(4), 681-687
Dysmenorrhea, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Galantino, M.L.; Shepard, K.; Krafft, L.; Laperriere, A.; Ducette, J.; Sorbello, A.; Barnish, M.; Condoluci, D.; Farrar, J.T.
The Effect of Group Aerobic Exercise and T'ai Chi on Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life for Persons Living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(6), 1085-1092
The Effect of Group Aerobic Exercise and T'ai Chi on Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life for Persons Living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(6), 1085-1092
Exercise therapy, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Hsieh, L.L.-C.; Kuo, C.-H.; Lee, L.H.; Yen, A.M.-F.; Chien, K.-L.; Chen, T.H.-H.
Treatment of low back pain by acupressure and physical therpy
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2006, 1-5 (Internet)
Treatment of low back pain by acupressure and physical therpy
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2006, 1-5 (Internet)
Acupressure, Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Sung, H.C.; Chang, S.M.; Lee, W.L.; Lee, M.S.
The effects of group music with movement intervention on agitated behaviours of institutionalized elders with dementia in Taiwan
Complement Ther Med, 2006, 14(2), 113-119
The effects of group music with movement intervention on agitated behaviours of institutionalized elders with dementia in Taiwan
Complement Ther Med, 2006, 14(2), 113-119
Exercise therapy, Dementia, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Cambron, J.A.; Gudavalli, M.R.; Hedeker, D.; McGregor, M.; Jedlicka, J.; Keenum, M.; Ghanayem, A.J.; Patwardhan, A.G.; Furner, S.E.
One-year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing flexion distraction with an exercise program for chronic low-back pain
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(7), 659-668
One-year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing flexion distraction with an exercise program for chronic low-back pain
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(7), 659-668
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Mutrie, N.; Campbell, A.M.; Whyte, F.; McConnachie, A.; Emslie, C.; Lee, L.; Kearney, N.; Walker, A.; Ritchie, D.
Benefits of supervised group exercise programme for women being treated for early stage breast cancer
Pragmatic randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2007, 334, 517-524 (Internet)
Benefits of supervised group exercise programme for women being treated for early stage breast cancer
Pragmatic randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2007, 334, 517-524 (Internet)
Exercise therapy, Breast cancer, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Williamson, L.; Wyatt, M.R.; Yein, K., Melton, J.T.K.
Severe knee osteoarthritis
A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture, physiotherapy (supervised exercise) and standard management for patients awaiting knee replacement
Rheumatol, 2007, 46(9), 1445-1449
Severe knee osteoarthritis
A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture, physiotherapy (supervised exercise) and standard management for patients awaiting knee replacement
Rheumatol, 2007, 46(9), 1445-1449
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Conventional medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Haddad, J.B.; Obolensky, A.G.; Shinnick, P.
The biologic effects and the therapeutic mechanism of action of electric and electromagnetic field stimulation on bone and cartilage
New findings and a review of earlier work
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(5), 485-490
The biologic effects and the therapeutic mechanism of action of electric and electromagnetic field stimulation on bone and cartilage
New findings and a review of earlier work
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(5), 485-490
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Bones, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Meta-analysis, Physical therapy, Review (CR)
Leibetseder, V.; Strauss-Blasche, G.; Marktl, W.; Ekmekcioglu, C.
Does Aerobic Training Enhance Effects of Spa Therapy in Back Pain Patients?
A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2007, 14(4), 202-206
Does Aerobic Training Enhance Effects of Spa Therapy in Back Pain Patients?
A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2007, 14(4), 202-206
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Spa, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific), Aerobic training
Brockow, T.; Schiener, R.; Franke, A.; Resch, K.L.; Peter, R.U.
A pragmatic randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of highly concentrated saline spa water baths followed by UVB compared to UVB only in moderate to severe psoriasis
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(7), 725-732
A pragmatic randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of highly concentrated saline spa water baths followed by UVB compared to UVB only in moderate to severe psoriasis
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(7), 725-732
Balneology, Skin diseases, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Spa, Light therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Psoriasis vulgaris
Lehmann, T.R.; Russell, D.W.; Spratt, K.F.; Colby, H.; Liu, Y.K.; Fairchild, M.L.; Christensen, S.
Efficacy of electroacupuncture and TENS in the rehabilitation of chronic low back pain patients
Pain, 1986, 26, 277-290
Efficacy of electroacupuncture and TENS in the rehabilitation of chronic low back pain patients
Pain, 1986, 26, 277-290
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electroacupuncture, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Lundeberg, T.
A comparative study of the pain alleviating effect of vibratory stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, electroacupuncture and placebo
Am J Chin Med, 1984, 12(1-4), 72-79
A comparative study of the pain alleviating effect of vibratory stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, electroacupuncture and placebo
Am J Chin Med, 1984, 12(1-4), 72-79
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electroacupuncture, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Physical therapy, Placebo, Randomized trial, Pain, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Flegal, K.E.; Kishiyama, S.; Zajdel, D.; Haas, M.; Oken, B.S.
Adherence to yoga and exercise interventions in a 6-month clinical trial
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2007, 7, 37; (1-17)
Adherence to yoga and exercise interventions in a 6-month clinical trial
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2007, 7, 37; (1-17)
Anxiety, Exercise therapy, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Geriatrics, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Yoga
Szczurko, O.; Cooley, K.; Busse, J.W.; Seely, D.; Bernhardt, B.; Guyatt, G.H.; Zhou, Q.; Mills, E.J.
Naturopahtic care for chronic low back pain
A randomized trial
PLoS ONE, 2007, 2(9), e919; (1-7)
Naturopahtic care for chronic low back pain
A randomized trial
PLoS ONE, 2007, 2(9), e919; (1-7)
Acupuncture, Breathing therapy, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Relaxation, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Greaves, C.J.; Harlow, T.N.
Exploration of the validity of weak magnets as a suitable placebo in trials of magnetic therapy
Complement Ther Med, 2008, 16(3), 177-180
Exploration of the validity of weak magnets as a suitable placebo in trials of magnetic therapy
Complement Ther Med, 2008, 16(3), 177-180
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Physical therapy, Placebo, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Elden, H.; Osstgaard, H.-C.; Fagevik-Olsen, M.; Ladfors, L.; Hagberg, H.
Treatments of pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women
Adverse effects of standard treatment, acupuncture and stabilising exercises on the pregnancy, mother, delivery and the fetus/neonate
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2008, 8(1), 34; (1-38)
Treatments of pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women
Adverse effects of standard treatment, acupuncture and stabilising exercises on the pregnancy, mother, delivery and the fetus/neonate
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2008, 8(1), 34; (1-38)
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Conventional medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pain, Obstetrics, Traditional Chinese medicine, Pelvic girdle pain
Little, P.; Lewith, G.; Webley, F.; Evans, M.; Beattie, A.; Middleton, K.; Barnett, J. Ballard, K.; Oxford, F.; Smith, P.; Yardley, L.; Hollinghurst, S.; Sharp, D.
Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain
BMJ, 2008, 337, (1-8) (Internet)
Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain
BMJ, 2008, 337, (1-8) (Internet)
Alexander technique, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Massage, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
Lau, K.S.; Jones, A.Y.
A single session of Acu-TENS increases FEV1 and reduces dyspnoea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Aust J Physiother, 2008, 54(3), 179
A single session of Acu-TENS increases FEV1 and reduces dyspnoea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Aust J Physiother, 2008, 54(3), 179
Acupuncture, Respiratory diseases, Dyspnea, Electroacupuncture, Electrotherapy, Emphysema, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Itoh, K.; Hirota, S.; Katsumi, Y.; Ochi, H.; Kitakoji, H.
A pilot study on using acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA)
Chin Med, 2008, 3, 2
A pilot study on using acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA)
Chin Med, 2008, 3, 2
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Wiedemann, A.M.; Trott, P. von; Lüdtke, R.; Reißhauer, A.; Willich, S.N.; Witt, C.M.
Developing a Qigong intervention and an exercise therapy for elderly patients with chronic neck pain and the study protocol
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2008, 15(4), 195-202 (Studienprotokoll)
Developing a Qigong intervention and an exercise therapy for elderly patients with chronic neck pain and the study protocol
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2008, 15(4), 195-202 (Studienprotokoll)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Hollinghurst, S.; Sharp, D.; Ballard, K.; Barnett, J.; Beatti, A.; Evans, M.; Lewith, G.; Middleton, K.; Oxford, F.; Webley, F.; Little, P.
Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain
Economic evaluation
BMJ, 2008, 337, (1-8)
Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain
Economic evaluation
BMJ, 2008, 337, (1-8)
Alexander technique, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Economy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
Taylor, S.L.; Kaur, M.; LoSicco, K.; Willard, J.; Camacho, F.; O'Rourke, K.S.; Feldman, S.R.
Pilot study of the effect of ultraviolet light on pain and mood in fibromyalgia syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(1), 15-23
Pilot study of the effect of ultraviolet light on pain and mood in fibromyalgia syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(1), 15-23
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Light therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Nourshahi, M.; Ahmadizad, S.; Nikbakht, H.; Heidarnia, M.A.; Ernst, E.
The effects of triple therapy (acupuncture, diet and exercise) on body weight
A randomized, clinical trial
Int J Obes, 2009, 33(5), 583-587
The effects of triple therapy (acupuncture, diet and exercise) on body weight
A randomized, clinical trial
Int J Obes, 2009, 33(5), 583-587
Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine, Overweight
Maki, K.C.; Reeves, M.S.; Farmer, M.; Yasunaga, K., Matsuo, N.; Katsuragi, Y.; Komikado, M.; Tokimitsu, I.; Wilder, D.; Jones, F.; Blumberg, J.B.; Cartwright, Y.
Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight obese adults
J Nutr, 2009, 139, 264-270
Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight obese adults
J Nutr, 2009, 139, 264-270
Exercise therapy, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Obesitiy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Tea, Overweight
Panton, L.B.; Figueroa, A.; Kingsley, J.D.; Hornbuckle, L.; Wilson, J.; St. John, N.; Abood, D.; Mathis, R.; VanTassel, J.; McMillan, V.
Effects of resistance training and chiropractic treatment in women with fibromyalgia
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(3), 321-328
Effects of resistance training and chiropractic treatment in women with fibromyalgia
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(3), 321-328
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chiropractic, Fibromyalgia, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Alentorn-Geli, E.; Moras, G.; Padilla, J.; Fernandez-Sola, J.; Bennett, R.M.; Lazaro-Haro, C.; Pons, S.
Effect of acute and chronic whole-body vibration exercise on serum insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in women with fibromyalgia
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(5), 573-578
Effect of acute and chronic whole-body vibration exercise on serum insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in women with fibromyalgia
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(5), 573-578
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Vibration therapy
Piatkowski, J.; Kern, S.; Ziemssen, T.
Effect of BEMER magnetic field therapy on the level of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis
A randomized, double-blind controlled trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(5), 507-511
Effect of BEMER magnetic field therapy on the level of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis
A randomized, double-blind controlled trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2009, 15(5), 507-511
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Multiple sclerosis, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
Ngai, S.P.C.; Jones, A.Y.M.; Hui-Chan, C.W.Y.; Ko, F.W.S.; Hui, D.S.C.
Effect of Acu-TENS on post-exercise expiratory lung volume in subjects with asthma
A randomized controlled trial
Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 2009, 167(3), 348-353
Effect of Acu-TENS on post-exercise expiratory lung volume in subjects with asthma
A randomized controlled trial
Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 2009, 167(3), 348-353
Acupuncture, Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Schweickert, W.D.; Pohlman, M.C.; Pohlman, A.S.; Nigos, C.; Pawlik, A.J.; Esbrook, C.L.; Spears, L.; Miller, M.; Franczyk, M.; Deprizio, D.; Schmidt, G.A.; Bowman, A.; Barr, R.; McCallister, K.E.; Hall, J.B.; Kress, J.P.
Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients
A randomised controlled trial
Lancet, 2009, 373(9678), 1874-1882
Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients
A randomised controlled trial
Lancet, 2009, 373(9678), 1874-1882
Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Stener-Victorin, E.; Jedel, E.; Janson, P.O.; Bergmann Sverrisdottir, Y.
Low-frequency electro-acupuncture and physical exercise decrease high muscle sympathetic nerve activity in polycystic ovary syndrome
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2009, 297, R387-R395
Low-frequency electro-acupuncture and physical exercise decrease high muscle sympathetic nerve activity in polycystic ovary syndrome
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2009, 297, R387-R395
Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Electroacupuncture, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Vegetative nervous system
Foster, N.E.; Thomas, E.; Hill, J.C.; Hay, E.M.
The relationship between patient and practitioner expectations and preferences and clinical outcomes in a trial of exercise and acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis
Eur J Pain, 2010, 14(4), 402-409
The relationship between patient and practitioner expectations and preferences and clinical outcomes in a trial of exercise and acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis
Eur J Pain, 2010, 14(4), 402-409
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
Hupperets, M.D.; Verhagen, E.A.; Mechelen, W. van
Effect of unsupervised home based proprioceptive training on recurrences of ankle sprain
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339(91), b2684; (1-6)
Effect of unsupervised home based proprioceptive training on recurrences of ankle sprain
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339(91), b2684; (1-6)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial, Sprain
Schencking, M.; Otto, A.; Deutsch, T.; Sandholzer, H.
A comparison of Kneipp hydrotherapy with conventional physiotherapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Protocol of a prospective randomised controlled clinical trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2009, 10, 104; (1-10) (Studienprotokoll)
A comparison of Kneipp hydrotherapy with conventional physiotherapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Protocol of a prospective randomised controlled clinical trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2009, 10, 104; (1-10) (Studienprotokoll)
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Hip arthrosis, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Kneipp therapy, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physical therapy, Physiotherapy, Randomized trial
Szczurko, O.; Cooley, K.; Mills, E.J.; Zhou, Q.; Perri, D.; Seely, D.
Naturopathic treatment of rotator cuff tenditis among canadian postal workers
A randomized controlled trial
Arthritis Rheum, 2009, 61(8), 1037-1045
Naturopathic treatment of rotator cuff tenditis among canadian postal workers
A randomized controlled trial
Arthritis Rheum, 2009, 61(8), 1037-1045
Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Enzyme therapy, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Tendinitis, Traditional Chinese medicine
Jenkinson, C.M.; Doherty, M.; Avery, A.J.; Read, A.; Taylor, M.A.; Sach, T.H.; Silcocks, P.; Muir, K.R.
Effects of dietary intervention and quadriceps strenghtening exercises on pain and function in overweight people with knee pain
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339, b3170; (1-10)
Effects of dietary intervention and quadriceps strenghtening exercises on pain and function in overweight people with knee pain
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339, b3170; (1-10)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Nutrition/diet, Joints, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Overweight, Strength training
Barton, G.R.; Sach, T.H.; Jenkinson, C.; Doherty, M.; Avery, A.J.; Muir, K.R.
Lifestyle interventions for knee pain in overweight and obese adults aged > 45
Economic evaluation of randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339, b2273; (1-6)
Lifestyle interventions for knee pain in overweight and obese adults aged > 45
Economic evaluation of randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339, b2273; (1-6)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Nutrition/diet, Joints, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Economy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Overweight, Cost-effectiveness, Strength training
Borup, L.; Wurlitzer, W.; Hedegaard, M.; Kesmodel, U.S.; Hvidman, L.
Acupuncture as pain relief during delivery
A randomized controlled trial
Birth, 2009, 36(1), 5-12
Acupuncture as pain relief during delivery
A randomized controlled trial
Birth, 2009, 36(1), 5-12
Acupuncture, Electrotherapy, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pain, Obstetrics, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Linschoten, R. van; Middelkoop, M. van; Berger, M.Y.; Heintjes E.M.; Verhaar, J.A.; Willemsen, S.P.; Koes, B.W.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.M.
Supervised exercise therapy versus usual care for patellofemoral pain syndrome
An open label randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339, b4074; (1-8)
Supervised exercise therapy versus usual care for patellofemoral pain syndrome
An open label randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2009, 339, b4074; (1-8)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Richmond, S.J.; Brown, S.R.; Campion, P.D.; Porter, A.J.; Moffett, J.A.; Jackson, D.A.; Featherstone, V.A.; Taylor, A.J.
Therapeutic effects of magnetic and copper bracelets in osteoarthritis
A randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial
Complement Ther Med, 2009, 17(5-6), 249-256
Therapeutic effects of magnetic and copper bracelets in osteoarthritis
A randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial
Complement Ther Med, 2009, 17(5-6), 249-256
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
Sterling, M.; Valentin, S.; Vicenzino, B.; Souvlis, T.; Connelly, L.B.
Dry needling and exercise for chronic whiplash
A randomised controlled trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2009, 10, 160; (1-6)
Dry needling and exercise for chronic whiplash
A randomised controlled trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2009, 10, 160; (1-6)
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Cervical syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Choi, K.-E.; Strobel, M.; Lauche, R.; Musial, F.; Saha, F.; Rampp, T.; Dobos, G.
Analgesic effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Implications for acupuncture?
Eur J Integr Med, 2009, 1(4), 214 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Analgesic effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Implications for acupuncture?
Eur J Integr Med, 2009, 1(4), 214 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Acupuncture, Electrotherapy, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Pain, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Saptharishi, L.; Soudarssanane, M.; Thiruselvakumar, D.; Navasakthi, D.; Mathanraj, S.; Karthigeyan, M.; Sahai, A.
Community-based randomized controlled trial of non-pharmacological interventions in prevention and control of hypertension among young adults
Indian J Community Med, 2009, 34(4), 329-334
Community-based randomized controlled trial of non-pharmacological interventions in prevention and control of hypertension among young adults
Indian J Community Med, 2009, 34(4), 329-334
Exercise therapy, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Minerals, Natrium, sodium chloride, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial, Yoga
Lipton, R.B.; Dodick, D.W.; Silberstein, S.D.; Saper, J.R.; Aurora, S.K.; Pearlman, S.H.; Fischell, R.E.; Ruppel, P.L; Goodsby, P.J.
Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation for accute treatment of migraine with aura
A randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, sham-controlled trial
Lancet (Neurology), 2010, (online, March 4, 2010), (1-8)
Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation for accute treatment of migraine with aura
A randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, sham-controlled trial
Lancet (Neurology), 2010, (online, March 4, 2010), (1-8)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnetic field therapy, Migraine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Fioravanti, A.; Bellisai, B.; Capitani, S.; Manica, P.; Paolazzi, G.; Galeazzi, M.
A possible complementary therapy for fibromyalgia patients
Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2009, 27(5 Suppl. 56), S29-S32
A possible complementary therapy for fibromyalgia patients
Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2009, 27(5 Suppl. 56), S29-S32
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Thermotherapy
Dubois, O.; Salamon, R.; Germain, C.; Poirier, M.F.; Vaugeois, C.; Banwarth, B.; Mouaffak, F.; Galinowski, A.; Olie, J.P.
Balneotherapy versus paroxetine in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder
Complement Ther Med, 2010, 18(1), 1-7
Balneotherapy versus paroxetine in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder
Complement Ther Med, 2010, 18(1), 1-7
Anxiety, Balneology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
Wong, R.K.; Sagar, S.M.; Chen, B.J.; Yi, G.Y.; Cook, R.
Phase II randomized trial of acupuncture-like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation to prevent radiation-induced xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients
J Soc Integr Oncol, 2010, 8(2), 35-42
Phase II randomized trial of acupuncture-like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation to prevent radiation-induced xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients
J Soc Integr Oncol, 2010, 8(2), 35-42
Electrotherapy, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Head and neck cancer, Cancer, Dry mouth, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Gemmell, H.; Hilland, A.
Immediate effect of electric point stimulation (TENS) in treating latent upper trapezius trigger points
A double blind randomised placebo-controlled trial
J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2011, 15(3), 348-354
Immediate effect of electric point stimulation (TENS) in treating latent upper trapezius trigger points
A double blind randomised placebo-controlled trial
J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2011, 15(3), 348-354
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Pain, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Arslan, G.G.; Eser, I.
An examination of the effect of castor oil packs on constipation in the elderly
A randomized controlled trial
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2011, 17(1), 58-62
An examination of the effect of castor oil packs on constipation in the elderly
A randomized controlled trial
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2011, 17(1), 58-62
Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Oil, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Rizinus communis, Constipation, Compress
Bennell, K.; Wee, E.; Coburn, S.; Green, S.; Harris, A.; Staples, M.; Forbes, A.; Buchbinder, R.
Efficacy of standardised manual therapy and home exercise programme for chronic rotator cuff disease
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2010, 340(82), c2756; (1-10)
Efficacy of standardised manual therapy and home exercise programme for chronic rotator cuff disease
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2010, 340(82), c2756; (1-10)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Shoulder, Tendinitis, Rotatorenmanschetten-Syndrom
Lin, S.Y.; Neoh, C.A.; Huang, Y.T.; Wang, K.Y.; Ng, H.F.; Shi, H.Y.
Educational program for myofascial pain syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(6), 633-640
Educational program for myofascial pain syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(6), 633-640
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Stretching
Meade, C.S.; Lukas, S.E.; McDonald, L.J.; Fitzmaurice, G.M.; Eldridge, J.A.; Merrill, N.; Weiss, R.D.
A randomized trial of transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation as adjunctive treatment for opioid detioxification
J Subst Abuse Treat, 2010, 38(1), 12-21
A randomized trial of transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation as adjunctive treatment for opioid detioxification
J Subst Abuse Treat, 2010, 38(1), 12-21
Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Addiction, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
Vasseljen, O.; Fladmark, A.M.
Abdominal muscle contraction thickness and function after specific and general exercises
A randomized controlled trial in chronic low back pain patients
Man Ther, 2010, 15(5), 482-489
Abdominal muscle contraction thickness and function after specific and general exercises
A randomized controlled trial in chronic low back pain patients
Man Ther, 2010, 15(5), 482-489
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Crawshaw, D.P.; Helliwell, P.S.; Hensor, E.M.; Hay, E.M.; Aldous, S.J.; Conaghan, P.G.
Exercise therapy after corticosteroid injection for moderate to severe shoulder pain
Large pragmatic randomised trial
BMJ, 2010, 340(281), c3037(1-7)
Exercise therapy after corticosteroid injection for moderate to severe shoulder pain
Large pragmatic randomised trial
BMJ, 2010, 340(281), c3037(1-7)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Schulterschmerz (unspezifisch)
Furness, T.P.; Maschette, W.E.; Lorenzen, C.; Naughton, G.A.; Williams, M.D.
Efficacy of a whole-body vibration intervention on functional performance of community-dwelling older adults
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(7), 795-797
Efficacy of a whole-body vibration intervention on functional performance of community-dwelling older adults
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(7), 795-797
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Vibration therapy
Escortell-Mayor, E.; Riesgo-Fuertes, R.; Garrido-Elustondo, S.; Asúnsolo-Del Barco, A.; Díaz-Pulido, B.; Blanco-Díaz, M.; Bejerano-Álvarez, E.
Primary care randomized clinical trial
Manual therapy effectiveness in comparison with TENS in patients with neck pain
Man Ther, 2011, 16(1), 66-73
Primary care randomized clinical trial
Manual therapy effectiveness in comparison with TENS in patients with neck pain
Man Ther, 2011, 16(1), 66-73
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Takayama, S.; Seki, T.; Watanabe, M.; Takashima, S.; Sugita, N.; Konno, S.; Iwasaki, K.; Yambe, T.; Yoshizawa, M.; Nitta, S.; Maruyama, S.; Yaegashi, N.
The effect of warming of the abdomen and of herbal medicine on superior mesenteric artery blood flow
A pilot study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2010, 17(4), 195-201
The effect of warming of the abdomen and of herbal medicine on superior mesenteric artery blood flow
A pilot study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2010, 17(4), 195-201
Acupuncture, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Moxibustion, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Thermotherapy, Traditional Chinese medicine
Forestier, R.; Desfour, H.; Tessier, J.M.; Francon, A.; Foote, A.M.; Genty, C.; Rolland, C.; Roques, C.F.; Bosson, J.L.
Spa therapy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
A large randomised multicentre trial
Ann Rheum Dis, 2010, 69(4), 660-665
Spa therapy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
A large randomised multicentre trial
Ann Rheum Dis, 2010, 69(4), 660-665
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Spa, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
Tidhar, D.; Katz-Leurer, M.
Aqua lymphatic therapy in women who suffer from breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema
A randomized controlled study
Support Care Cancer, 2010, 18(3), 383-392
Aqua lymphatic therapy in women who suffer from breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema
A randomized controlled study
Support Care Cancer, 2010, 18(3), 383-392
Blood/Lymphatic system, Breast cancer, Gynaecology, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lymphedema, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Water gymnastics
Rapaport, M.H.; Schettler, P.; Bresee, C.
A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Single Session of Swedish Massage on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal and Immune Function in Normal Individuals
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(10), 1079-1088
A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Single Session of Swedish Massage on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal and Immune Function in Normal Individuals
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(10), 1079-1088
Endocrinology, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Internal medicine, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Swedish massage
Leonard, G.; Cloutier, C.; Marchand, S.
Reduced analgesic effect of acupuncture-like TENS but not conventional TENS in opioid-treated patients
J Pain, 2011, 12(2), 213-221
Reduced analgesic effect of acupuncture-like TENS but not conventional TENS in opioid-treated patients
J Pain, 2011, 12(2), 213-221
Acupuncture, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pain, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine, Chronic pain
Trombetti, A.; Hars, M.; Herrmann, F.R.; Kressig, R.W.; Ferrari, S.; Rizzoli, R.
Effect of music-based multitask training on gait, balance, and fall risk in elderly people
A randomized controlled trial
Arch Intern Med, 2011, 171(6), 525-533
Effect of music-based multitask training on gait, balance, and fall risk in elderly people
A randomized controlled trial
Arch Intern Med, 2011, 171(6), 525-533
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial
Jankovic, A.; Binic, I.; Vrucinic, Z.; Jankovic, D.; Jankovic, I.
Can you combine herbal therapy with physical agents in the treatment of venous leg ulcers?
Evaluation of healing and antimicrobiological effects: A pilot study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2010, 17(5), 266-269
Can you combine herbal therapy with physical agents in the treatment of venous leg ulcers?
Evaluation of healing and antimicrobiological effects: A pilot study
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2010, 17(5), 266-269
Fitoven, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Plantoderm, Randomized trial, Vein disorders
Critchley, D.J.; Pierson, Z.; Battersby, G.
Effect of pilates mat exercises and conventional exercise programmes on tranversus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis activity
Pilot randomised trial
Man Ther, 2011, 16(2), 183-189
Effect of pilates mat exercises and conventional exercise programmes on tranversus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis activity
Pilot randomised trial
Man Ther, 2011, 16(2), 183-189
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pilates, Strength training
Pach, D.; Knöchel, B.; Lüdtke, R.; Wruck, K.; Willich, S.N.; Witt, C.M.
Visiting a sauna: does inhaling hot dry air reduce common cold symptoms?
A randomised controlled trial
MJA, 2010, 193(11-12), 730-734
Visiting a sauna: does inhaling hot dry air reduce common cold symptoms?
A randomised controlled trial
MJA, 2010, 193(11-12), 730-734
Respiratory diseases, Common cold, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial, Sauna
Streeter, C.C.; Whitfield, T.H.; Owen, L.; Rein, T.; Karri, S.K.; Yakhkind, A.; Perlmutter, R.; Prescot, A.; Renshaw, P.F.; Ciraulo, D.A.; Jensen, J.E.
Effects of yoga versus walking on mood, anxiety, and brain GABA levels
A randomized controlled MRS study
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(11), 1145-1152
Effects of yoga versus walking on mood, anxiety, and brain GABA levels
A randomized controlled MRS study
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(11), 1145-1152
Anxiety, Exercise therapy, Brain, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Neurophysiology, Physical therapy, Physiology, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Yoga, Walking
Lam, L.C.; Chau, R.C.; Wong, B.M.; Fung, A.W.; Lui, V.W.; Tam, C.C.; Leung, G.T.; Kwok, T.C.; Chiu, H.F.; Ng, S.; Chan, W.M.
Interim follow-up of a randomized controlled trial comparing Chinese style mind body (Tai Chi) and stretching exercises on cognitive function in subjects at risk of progressive cognitive decline
Int J Geriatr Psych, 2011, 26(7), 733-740
Interim follow-up of a randomized controlled trial comparing Chinese style mind body (Tai Chi) and stretching exercises on cognitive function in subjects at risk of progressive cognitive decline
Int J Geriatr Psych, 2011, 26(7), 733-740
Exercise therapy, Dementia, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine, Stretching
Baillet, A.; Zeboulon, N.; Gossec, L.; Combescure, C.; Bodin, L.-A.; Juvin, R.; Dougados, M.; Gaudin, P.
Efficacy of cardiorespiratory aerobic exercise in rheumatoid arthritis
Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Arthritis Care Res, 2010, 62(7), 984-992
Efficacy of cardiorespiratory aerobic exercise in rheumatoid arthritis
Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Arthritis Care Res, 2010, 62(7), 984-992
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Physical therapy, Rheumatic diseases
Renan-Ordine, R.; Alburquerque-Sendì, N.F.; Rodrigues de Souza, D.P.; Cleland, J.A.; Fernández-de-Las-Penas, C.
Effectiveness of myofascial trigger point manual therapy combined with a self-stretching protocol for the management of plantar heel pain
A randomized controlled trial
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2011, 41(2), 43-50
Effectiveness of myofascial trigger point manual therapy combined with a self-stretching protocol for the management of plantar heel pain
A randomized controlled trial
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2011, 41(2), 43-50
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Stretching
Fransen, M.; Nairn, L.; Winstanley, J.; Lam, P.; Edmonds, J.
Physical activity for osteoarthritis management
A randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating hydroptherapy or tai chi classes
Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 57(3), 407-414
Physical activity for osteoarthritis management
A randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating hydroptherapy or tai chi classes
Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 57(3), 407-414
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Woo, J.; Hong, A.; Lau, E.; Lynn, H.
A randomised controlled trial of tai chi and resistance exercise on bone health, muscle strength and balance in community-living elderly people
Age Ageing, 2007, 36(3), 262-268
A randomised controlled trial of tai chi and resistance exercise on bone health, muscle strength and balance in community-living elderly people
Age Ageing, 2007, 36(3), 262-268
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Osteoporosis, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Shen, C.L.; Williams, J.S.; Chyu, M.C.; Paige, R.L.; Stephens, A.L.; Chauncey, K.B.; Prabhu, F.R.; Ferris, L.T.; Yeh, J.K.
Comparison of the effects of tai chi and resistance training on bone metabolism in the elderly
A feasibility study
Am J Chin Med, 2007, 35(3), 369-381
Comparison of the effects of tai chi and resistance training on bone metabolism in the elderly
A feasibility study
Am J Chin Med, 2007, 35(3), 369-381
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Osteoporosis, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Martel, J.; Dugas, C.; Dubois, J.D.; Descarreaux, M.
A randomised controlled trial of preventive spinal manipulation with and without a home exercise program for patients with chronic neck pain
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2011, 12(1), 41; (1-13)
A randomised controlled trial of preventive spinal manipulation with and without a home exercise program for patients with chronic neck pain
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2011, 12(1), 41; (1-13)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Chiropractic, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial
Sherman, K.J.; Ludman, E.J.; Cook, A.J.; Hawkes R.J.; Roy-Byrene, P.P.; Bentley, S.; Brooks, M.Z.; Cherkin, D.C.
Effectiveness of therapeutic massage for generalised anxiety disorder
A randomized controlled trial
Depress Anxiety, 2010, 27(5), 441-450
Effectiveness of therapeutic massage for generalised anxiety disorder
A randomized controlled trial
Depress Anxiety, 2010, 27(5), 441-450
Anxiety, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Thermotherapy
Ng, N.T.; Heesch, K.C.; Brown, W.J.
Efficacy of a progressive walking program and glucosamine sulphate supplementation on osteoarthritic symptoms of the hip and knee
A feasibility trial
Arthritis Res Ther, 2010, 12(1), R25
Efficacy of a progressive walking program and glucosamine sulphate supplementation on osteoarthritic symptoms of the hip and knee
A feasibility trial
Arthritis Res Ther, 2010, 12(1), R25
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Nutrition/diet, Glucosamin, Hip arthrosis, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Walking
Giaquinto, S.; Ciotola, E.; Dall'Armi, V.; Margutti, E.
Hydrotherapy after total knee arthroplasty
A follow-up study
Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2010, 51(1), 59-63
Hydrotherapy after total knee arthroplasty
A follow-up study
Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2010, 51(1), 59-63
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Surgery, Joints, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation
Palacka, P.; Kucharska, J.; Murin, J.; Dostalova, K.; Okkelova, A.; Cizova, M.; Waczulikova, I.; Moricova, S.; Gvozdjakova, A.
Complementary therapy in diabetic patients with chronic complications
A pilot study
Bratisl Lek Listy, 2010, 111(4), 205-211
Complementary therapy in diabetic patients with chronic complications
A pilot study
Bratisl Lek Listy, 2010, 111(4), 205-211
Alpha-Liponsäure, Antioxidants, Coenzyme, Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Light therapy, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Tokopherol, Vitamins
Sentandreu Manó, T.; Salom Terrádez, J.R.; Tomás, J.M.; Meléndez Moral, J.C.; Fuente Fernández, T. de la; José, C.C.
Electroestimulación en el tratamiento de la mano hemipléjica espástica después de un ictus
Estudio aleatorizado
Med Clin, 2011, 137(7), 297-301
Electroestimulación en el tratamiento de la mano hemipléjica espástica después de un ictus
Estudio aleatorizado
Med Clin, 2011, 137(7), 297-301
Electrotherapy, Geriatrics, Hemiplegia, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Stroke
Lin, M.L.; Lin, M.H.; Fen, J.J.; Lin, W.T.; Chen, P.Q.
A comparison between pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture for relieving pain in patients with chronic low back pain
Acupunct Electrother Res, 2010, 35(3-4), 133-146
A comparison between pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture for relieving pain in patients with chronic low back pain
Acupunct Electrother Res, 2010, 35(3-4), 133-146
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electroacupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Physical therapy, Pulsed signal therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Söderberg, E.I.; Carlsson, J.Y.; Stener-Victorin, E.; Dahlof, C.
Subjective well-being in patients with chronic tension-type headache
Effect of acupuncture, physical training, and relaxation training
Clin J Pain, 2011, 27(5), 448-456
Subjective well-being in patients with chronic tension-type headache
Effect of acupuncture, physical training, and relaxation training
Clin J Pain, 2011, 27(5), 448-456
Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pain, Traditional Chinese medicine, Chronic pain