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Friese, K.-H.
Ergebnisse vergleichender Untersuchungen bei homöopathischer und konventioneller Behandlung der Otitis Media im Rahmen einer Dissertation
AHZ, 1994, 239(5), 199-203
Ergebnisse vergleichender Untersuchungen bei homöopathischer und konventioneller Behandlung der Otitis Media im Rahmen einer Dissertation
AHZ, 1994, 239(5), 199-203
Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Middle ear inflammation
Gatterbäuer, E.
Therapie mit Bakterien-Antigenen und Antikörpern
NaturaMed, 1992, 7(4), 278-283
Therapie mit Bakterien-Antigenen und Antikörpern
NaturaMed, 1992, 7(4), 278-283
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nosoden, Pediatrics, Spenglersan therapy
Häussler, S.; Wiesenauer, M.
Das Antiallergikum Galphimia glauca
Eine multizentrische Retrospektivstudie im Vergleich
Z Allg Med, 1982, 58, 1850-1852
Das Antiallergikum Galphimia glauca
Eine multizentrische Retrospektivstudie im Vergleich
Z Allg Med, 1982, 58, 1850-1852
Allergies, Observational trial, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Retrospective design
Kosian, K.
Der Stellenwert der Vorbereitungsmethoden in der Geburtshilfe
AHZ, 1993, 238(6), 242-247
Der Stellenwert der Vorbereitungsmethoden in der Geburtshilfe
AHZ, 1993, 238(6), 242-247
Acupuncture, Observational trial, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Obstetrics, Traditional Chinese medicine
Ancarola, R. A.; Fernandez, M. A.
Toxic oil syndrome (rape-seed oil adulteration)
Homoeopathic treatment
Brit Hom J, 1983, 72(4), 235-241
Toxic oil syndrome (rape-seed oil adulteration)
Homoeopathic treatment
Brit Hom J, 1983, 72(4), 235-241
Argentum nitricum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Observational trial, Bryonia, Causticum, Cuprum, Homeopathy, Kalium carbonicum, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mercurius vivus, Plumbum, Rhus toxicodendron, Toxicology, Zincum
Claussen, C.F.; Bergmann, J.; Bertora, G.; Claussen, E.
Klinisch-experimentelle Prüfung und äquilibriometrische Messungen zum Nachweis der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit eines homöopathischen Arzneimittels bestehend aus Ambra, Cocculus, Conium, und Petroleum bei der Diagnose Vertigo und Nausea
Arzneim Forsch, 1984, 34,II(12), 1791-1798
Klinisch-experimentelle Prüfung und äquilibriometrische Messungen zum Nachweis der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit eines homöopathischen Arzneimittels bestehend aus Ambra, Cocculus, Conium, und Petroleum bei der Diagnose Vertigo und Nausea
Arzneim Forsch, 1984, 34,II(12), 1791-1798
Observational trial, Experiment, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Human, Nervous system, Vertigo, Sickness, Vertigoheel
Gibson, R.G.; Gibson, S.L.M.
A New Aspect of Psora
The Recognition and Treatment of House Dust Mite Allergy
Brit Hom J, 1980, 69(3), 151-158
A New Aspect of Psora
The Recognition and Treatment of House Dust Mite Allergy
Brit Hom J, 1980, 69(3), 151-158
Allergies, Observational trial, House-dust allergy, Homeopathy, Immune system, Complementary and alternative medicine, Miasm, Practice, Retrospective design
Gupta, R.; Bhardawaj, O.P.; Manchanda, R.K.
Homoeopathy in the Treatment of Warts
Brit Hom J, 1991, 80(2), 108-111
Homoeopathy in the Treatment of Warts
Brit Hom J, 1991, 80(2), 108-111
Acidum, Acidum nitricum, Antimonium, Antimonium crudum, Observational trial, Calcium, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Natrium, sodium chloride, Garden poppy, Practice, Ruta, Thuja, Warts
Mössinger, P.
Zum Arzneimittelbild und zur therapeutischen Wirksamkeit von Asa fötida beim Kolon irritabile
AHZ, 1979, 224(4), 146-152
Zum Arzneimittelbild und zur therapeutischen Wirksamkeit von Asa fötida beim Kolon irritabile
AHZ, 1979, 224(4), 146-152
Drug picture, Asa foetida, Observational trial, Drug proving, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Irritable bowel syndrome
Simon, L.
Zur Therapie akuter und chronischer Schmerzzustände mit potenzierten Heilpflanzenpräparaten
Eine klinische Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des chirurgischen Arbeitsgebietes
1986, (Manuskript)
Zur Therapie akuter und chronischer Schmerzzustände mit potenzierten Heilpflanzenpräparaten
Eine klinische Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des chirurgischen Arbeitsgebietes
1986, (Manuskript)
Aconitum, Belladonna, Belladonna e fructibus immaturis, Observational trial, Bryonia, Bryonia alba, Surgery, Colocynthis, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Economy, Rhus, Ruta, Pain, Cost-effectiveness
Walach, H.; Linsenmann, E.; Reisenegger, I.
Wirksamkeit einer komplementärmedizinischen stationären Behandlung der atopischen Dermatitis - Ergebnisse einer katamnestischen Fragebogenstudie
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1994, 5(1), 216-224
Wirksamkeit einer komplementärmedizinischen stationären Behandlung der atopischen Dermatitis - Ergebnisse einer katamnestischen Fragebogenstudie
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1994, 5(1), 216-224
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Fasting, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neurodermitis, Whole foods
Heidl, R.; Wiesenauer, M.
Neue Ansätze zur Behandlung der Pollinosis
Z Allg Med, 1995, 71, 1895-1900
Neue Ansätze zur Behandlung der Pollinosis
Z Allg Med, 1995, 71, 1895-1900
Allergies, Observational trial, Desarell, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine
Gieler, U.; Weth, A. von der ; Heger, M.
Mahonia aquifolium - a new type of topical treatment for psoriasis
J Dermatolog Treat, 1995, 6, 31-34
Mahonia aquifolium - a new type of topical treatment for psoriasis
J Dermatolog Treat, 1995, 6, 31-34
Observational trial, Berberis, Berberis aquifolium, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Psoriasis vulgaris
Sradj, N.
Lymphomyosot - Indikationen in der Ophthalmologie
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der vorderen Abschnitte
BM, 1994, 23(2), 110-112
Lymphomyosot - Indikationen in der Ophthalmologie
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der vorderen Abschnitte
BM, 1994, 23(2), 110-112
Eye diseases, Observational trial, Trachoma, Episcleritis, Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Marginal blepharitis, Lymphomyosot, Iritis
Mohan, G.R.; Jayalakshmi, C.; Meena Devi, A.L.
Cervical spondylosis - a clinical study
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(3), 131-133
Cervical spondylosis - a clinical study
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(3), 131-133
Aurum, Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Calcium, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, Calcium fluoratum, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Spondylosis, Sulfur
Garanin, G.; Kühl, E.-D.; Vorberg, G.
Zur Behandlung grippaler Infekte mit Metavirulent Tropfen
EHK, 1985, 34(10), 782-784
Zur Behandlung grippaler Infekte mit Metavirulent Tropfen
EHK, 1985, 34(10), 782-784
Acidum, lactic acid, Aconitum, Observational trial, Ferrum, Ferrum phosphoricum, Gelsemium, Gentiana, Gentiana lutea, Flu, Homeopathy, Infections, Influenzinum, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Luffa, Luffa operculata, Metavirulent, Nosoden, Veratrum
Reuther, F.
Zur homöopathischen Behandlungen von Erkältungskrankheiten
EHK, 1986, 35(2), 105-109
Zur homöopathischen Behandlungen von Erkältungskrankheiten
EHK, 1986, 35(2), 105-109
Respiratory diseases, Observational trial, Common cold, Flu, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Remedium Febrogrippale EKF
Werthmann, K.
Infektbekämpfung mit Hilfe von Erregernosoden
EHK, 1984, 33(9), 570-572
Infektbekämpfung mit Hilfe von Erregernosoden
EHK, 1984, 33(9), 570-572
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nosoden, Pediatrics
Astrup, C.; Astrup, S.; Astrup, S.; Alsted Pedersen, P.
Die Behandlung von Gesichtsschmerzen mit homöopathischen Heilmitteln
Eine prospektiv geplante Nachuntersuchung
EHK, 1976, 25(3), 89-96
Die Behandlung von Gesichtsschmerzen mit homöopathischen Heilmitteln
Eine prospektiv geplante Nachuntersuchung
EHK, 1976, 25(3), 89-96
Anthroposophic medicine, Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Neuralgia, Practice, Trigeminal neuralgia
Zenner, S.; Metelmann, H.
Praxiserfahrungen mit einem homöopathischen Zäpfchenpräparat
Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Anwendungsbeobachtung
tpk, 1991, 5(1/2), 63-68
Praxiserfahrungen mit einem homöopathischen Zäpfchenpräparat
Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Anwendungsbeobachtung
tpk, 1991, 5(1/2), 63-68
Drug picture, Observational trial, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Adverse effect, Viburcol N
Amann, W.
Günstige Wirkung eines homöopathischen Kombinationspräparates bei Akne
tpk, 1993, 7(5), 204-209
Günstige Wirkung eines homöopathischen Kombinationspräparates bei Akne
tpk, 1993, 7(5), 204-209
Acne, Observational trial, Endocrinology, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Review (CR)
Friese, K.-H.
Therapie der akuten Mittelohrentzündung bei Kindern
Mit homöopathischen Mitteln gut behandelbar
tpk, 1994, 8(3), 73-77
Therapie der akuten Mittelohrentzündung bei Kindern
Mit homöopathischen Mitteln gut behandelbar
tpk, 1994, 8(3), 73-77
Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Middle ear inflammation, Pediatrics
Adler, M.
Hypertonietherapie mit homöopathischem Komplexmittel
Prävention in der Herz-Kreislauftherapie
tpk, 1994, 8(5), 224-228
Hypertonietherapie mit homöopathischem Komplexmittel
Prävention in der Herz-Kreislauftherapie
tpk, 1994, 8(5), 224-228
Apocynum, Arnica, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Crataegus, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Viscum, Viscum album
Möller, H.; Naumann, H.
Immunstimulation mit Echinacea D4 bei leukopenischen Infekten
tpk, 1987, 1(1), 56-61
Immunstimulation mit Echinacea D4 bei leukopenischen Infekten
tpk, 1987, 1(1), 56-61
Observational trial, Echinacea, Flu, Homeopathy, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Dotzer, F.
Therapie des Klimakteriums mit hormonfreien Arzneimitteln
tpk, 1987, 1(2), 119-123
Therapie des Klimakteriums mit hormonfreien Arzneimitteln
tpk, 1987, 1(2), 119-123
Observational trial, Black cohosh, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Climacteric, Klimaktoplant, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine
Wiesenauer, M.
Die Behandlung pruriginöser Dermatitiden mit Cardiospermum
TW, 1984, 34, 5089-5091
Die Behandlung pruriginöser Dermatitiden mit Cardiospermum
TW, 1984, 34, 5089-5091
Observational trial, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Dermatitis, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Clausius, N.; Linde, K.; Melchart, D.; Ramirez, G.; Eitel, F.; Hedge, L.V.; Jonas, W.B.
Kontrollierte klinische Studien zur Homöopathie
Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit mit Metaanalyse
Albrecht, H., Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Band 3 (1996), 1997, 65-83
Kontrollierte klinische Studien zur Homöopathie
Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit mit Metaanalyse
Albrecht, H., Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Band 3 (1996), 1997, 65-83
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Review (CR)
Linde, K.; Clausius, N.; Ramirez, G.; Melchart, D.; Eitel, F.; Hedges, L.V.; Jonas, W.B.
Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects?
A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials
Lancet, 1997, 350, 834-843 (Originalarbeit)
Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects?
A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials
Lancet, 1997, 350, 834-843 (Originalarbeit)
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Placebo-controlled
Ochoa-Bernal, F.; Ruiz-Hernández, A.; Searcy Bernal, R.
Disminución de la tension arterial elevada con Lachesis muta 200 cH. en el servicio de urgencias del hospital ncaional homeopático
Bol Mex Hom, 1995, 28(2), o.A. (Abstract)
Disminución de la tension arterial elevada con Lachesis muta 200 cH. en el servicio de urgencias del hospital ncaional homeopático
Bol Mex Hom, 1995, 28(2), o.A. (Abstract)
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lachesis, Emergency medicine/Intensive care
Stumpf, R.
Die Behandlung rheumatologischer und traumatologischer Erkrankungen mit einem Naturstoffpräparat
ÄN, 1997, 38(12), 894-904
Die Behandlung rheumatologischer und traumatologischer Erkrankungen mit einem Naturstoffpräparat
ÄN, 1997, 38(12), 894-904
Arnica, Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Bryonia, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Rheumatic diseases, Rhus, Rhus toxicodendron, Traumadyn
Ernst, E.; Barnes, J.
Are homoeopathic remedies effective for delayed-onset muscle soreness?
A systematic review of placebo-controlled trials
Perfusion, 1998, 11(1), 4-8
Are homoeopathic remedies effective for delayed-onset muscle soreness?
A systematic review of placebo-controlled trials
Perfusion, 1998, 11(1), 4-8
Arnica, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Rhus, Rhus toxicodendron, Systematic review
Barnes, J.; Resch, K.-L.; Ernst, E.
Homeopathy for Postoperative Ileus?
A Meta-Analysis
J Clin Gastroenterol, 1997, 25(4), 628-633
Homeopathy for Postoperative Ileus?
A Meta-Analysis
J Clin Gastroenterol, 1997, 25(4), 628-633
Surgery, Homeopathy, Ileus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meta-analysis, Postoperative complaints
Wassenhoven, M. van
A retrospective study of cardiac rhythm disorders
Brit Hom J, 1998, 87(2), 77-85
A retrospective study of cardiac rhythm disorders
Brit Hom J, 1998, 87(2), 77-85
Observational trial, Cardiovascular diseases, Cardiac arrhythmia, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Retrospective design
Lüdtke, R.; Wiesenauer, M.
Eine Metaanalyse der homöopathischen Behandlung der Pollinosis mit Galphimia glauca
Wien Med Wochenschr, 1997, 147(14), 323-327
Eine Metaanalyse der homöopathischen Behandlung der Pollinosis mit Galphimia glauca
Wien Med Wochenschr, 1997, 147(14), 323-327
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis
Kayne, S.; Beattie, N.
A study of remedies prescribed at Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital
Brit Hom J, 1998, 87(4), 190-194
A study of remedies prescribed at Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital
Brit Hom J, 1998, 87(4), 190-194
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Hospital, Practice
Abahouni, B.
Apis mellifica
Zoologie, étude analytique de la teinture-mère, essai thérapeutique d'une préparation homéopathique en traumatologie
1985, 1-149 (Dissertation)
Apis mellifica
Zoologie, étude analytique de la teinture-mère, essai thérapeutique d'une préparation homéopathique en traumatologie
1985, 1-149 (Dissertation)
Apis, Observational trial, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Wound healing
Duriez, J.
Etude de l'effet de l'ostéocynésine dans le traitement de l'ostéoporose post-ménopausique
Homéopathie francaise, 1986, 74, 155-166
Etude de l'effet de l'ostéocynésine dans le traitement de l'ostéoporose post-ménopausique
Homéopathie francaise, 1986, 74, 155-166
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Osteoporosis
Kennedy, C.O.
Do Homoeopathic Remedies Work in Practice?
Brit Hom J, 1980, 69, 6-11
Do Homoeopathic Remedies Work in Practice?
Brit Hom J, 1980, 69, 6-11
Allergies, Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Bryonia, House-dust allergy, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Hospital, Medorrhinum, Nosoden, Practice, Rheumatic diseases, Rhus
Williams, H.
The Sensitive Blood Crystallization Test in Practice
J Am Inst Hom, 1967, 60, 107-109
The Sensitive Blood Crystallization Test in Practice
J Am Inst Hom, 1967, 60, 107-109
Observational trial, Blut-Kristall-Analyse, Chemistry, Diagnostics, Experiment, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lachesis, Human
Williams, H.
Amino Acid Excretion Levels Following Homoeopathic Therapy
J Am Inst Hom, 1967, 60, 110
Amino Acid Excretion Levels Following Homoeopathic Therapy
J Am Inst Hom, 1967, 60, 110
Observational trial, Biochemistry, Experiment, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human
Gerhard, I.; Makarow, O.; Wenzkowsky, B.
Therapie klimakterischer Beschwerden mit einem homöopathischen Kombinationspräparat
Gyn, 1998, 6, 400-406
Therapie klimakterischer Beschwerden mit einem homöopathischen Kombinationspräparat
Gyn, 1998, 6, 400-406
Observational trial, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Climacteric, Klimaktoplant, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine
Bignamini, M.
A retrospective Analysis for the Homoeopathic Treatment of Headache on Individual Data
LMHI (ed.): 42nd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 29 March - 2 April, 1987, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 1987, 308-317 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
A retrospective Analysis for the Homoeopathic Treatment of Headache on Individual Data
LMHI (ed.): 42nd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 29 March - 2 April, 1987, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 1987, 308-317 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Nervous system, Retrospective design
Krishnamurty, P.S.
Experimental research in cataract with cineraria maritima
Brit Hom J, 1970, 59(2), 88-94
Experimental research in cataract with cineraria maritima
Brit Hom J, 1970, 59(2), 88-94
Eye diseases, Observational trial, Cineraria maritima, Eye cataract, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Mössinger, P.
Ergebnisse bei der Grippebehandlung im Januar und Februar 1968
AHZ, 1968, 213(6), 241-254
Ergebnisse bei der Grippebehandlung im Januar und Februar 1968
AHZ, 1968, 213(6), 241-254
Observational trial, Bryonia, Flu, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Chirila, M.; Lazar, T.; Badulici, S.
The effects of ocimum basilicum D5 in workers chronically exposed to chlorine
GIRI (ed.): 7th GIRI Meeting, 20-21 November, 1993, Montpellier, France, 1993, 34 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
The effects of ocimum basilicum D5 in workers chronically exposed to chlorine
GIRI (ed.): 7th GIRI Meeting, 20-21 November, 1993, Montpellier, France, 1993, 34 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Ocimum, Environmental medicine
Walach, H.; Reisenegger, I.; Linsenmann, E.
The long-term efficacy of a combined treatment of classical homoeopathy, fasting and whole-food diet in atopic dermatitis
A catamnestic questionaire study
GIRI (ed.): 7th GIRI Meeting, 20-21 November, 1993, Montpellier, France, 1993, 63 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
The long-term efficacy of a combined treatment of classical homoeopathy, fasting and whole-food diet in atopic dermatitis
A catamnestic questionaire study
GIRI (ed.): 7th GIRI Meeting, 20-21 November, 1993, Montpellier, France, 1993, 63 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Observational trial, Nutrition/diet, Fasting, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neurodermitis
Wiesenauer, M.
Comparison of solid and liquid forms of homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis
Adv Ther, 1998, 15(6), 362-371
Comparison of solid and liquid forms of homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis
Adv Ther, 1998, 15(6), 362-371
Observational trial, Capsicum, Guaiacum, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Quinsy, Pharmaceutics, Phytolacca
Gutu, D.M.
The relations between miasms (chronic infections) in light of causa fundamentalis
LMHI (ed.) : 43rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 1988, Athens, Greece, 1988, 198-202
The relations between miasms (chronic infections) in light of causa fundamentalis
LMHI (ed.) : 43rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 1988, Athens, Greece, 1988, 198-202
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Miasm, Practice
Ramakrishnan, A.U.
Homoeopathy in diabetes mellitus
L.M.H.I. (ed.) : 40e Congres de la Ligue Médicale Homéopathique Internationale, Lyon, France, 26-30 Mai, 1985, 1985, 350-353 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Homoeopathy in diabetes mellitus
L.M.H.I. (ed.) : 40e Congres de la Ligue Médicale Homéopathique Internationale, Lyon, France, 26-30 Mai, 1985, 1985, 350-353 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Observational trial, Diabetes mellitus, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Metabolic diseases
Berning, S.
Behandlung grippaler Infekte mit einem homöopathischen Komplexarzneimittel
Eine Praxisstudie
EHK, 1999, 48(7), 439-444
Behandlung grippaler Infekte mit einem homöopathischen Komplexarzneimittel
Eine Praxisstudie
EHK, 1999, 48(7), 439-444
Respiratory diseases, Observational trial, Elhachin, Common cold, Flu, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine
Witt, C.; Lüdtke, R.; Weber, K.; Chigne, M.; Baur, R.; Willich, S.N.
Die Studie "Verlaufsbeobachtung bei Patienten in der homöopathischen Arztpraxis"
Albrecht, H., Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Band 5 (1998), 1999, 187-193
Die Studie "Verlaufsbeobachtung bei Patienten in der homöopathischen Arztpraxis"
Albrecht, H., Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Band 5 (1998), 1999, 187-193
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Review (CR), Cohort study
Adler, M.
Efficacy and safety of a fixed combination homeopathic therapy for sinusitis
Adv Ther, 1999, 16(2), 103-111
Efficacy and safety of a fixed combination homeopathic therapy for sinusitis
Adv Ther, 1999, 16(2), 103-111
Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Sinusitis, Sinusitis PMD(R)
Reus, V.; Weiser, M.
Homöopathische Behandlung gynäkologischer Erkrankungen - Ergebnisse einer Anwendungsbeobachtung
BM, 1999, 28(5), 233-236
Homöopathische Behandlung gynäkologischer Erkrankungen - Ergebnisse einer Anwendungsbeobachtung
BM, 1999, 28(5), 233-236
Observational trial, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine
Ernst, E.
Homeopathic prophylaxis of headaches and migraine?
A systematic review
J Pain Symptom Manage, 1999, 18(5), 353-357
Homeopathic prophylaxis of headaches and migraine?
A systematic review
J Pain Symptom Manage, 1999, 18(5), 353-357
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Migraine, Nervous system, Systematic review
McCarney, R.W.; Linde, K.; Lasserson, T.J.
Homeopathy for chronic asthma
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004, 1(CD000353), 1-18
Homeopathy for chronic asthma
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004, 1(CD000353), 1-18
Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review
Walach, H.; Güthlin, C.
Effects of Homeopathy and Acupuncture in General Practice - Intermediate Results of a Longitudinal Observational Study as Seen in Work-Absenteeism
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clincial Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 36 (Abstract)
Effects of Homeopathy and Acupuncture in General Practice - Intermediate Results of a Longitudinal Observational Study as Seen in Work-Absenteeism
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clincial Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 36 (Abstract)
Acupuncture, Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine
Fahrenkamp, K.
Unfertige und fertige Herzklappenfehler; Eine klinische Beweisführung
1936, 1-181
Unfertige und fertige Herzklappenfehler; Eine klinische Beweisführung
1936, 1-181
Observational trial, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Weiser, M.; Gottwald, R.
Therapie von Grippe und grippalen Infekten mit einem Homöopathicum
NaturaMed, 2000, 1(15), 15-18
Therapie von Grippe und grippalen Infekten mit einem Homöopathicum
NaturaMed, 2000, 1(15), 15-18
Observational trial, Flu, Gripp-Heel (Heel), Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice
Huber, H.; Gärtner, A.; Renke, M.; Kalchschmidt, H.; Keil, H.
Effektivität der homöopathischen Behandlung im Zentrum für Klassische Homöopathie Stuttgart (ZKH)
ZKH, 2000, 44(2), 47-55
Effektivität der homöopathischen Behandlung im Zentrum für Klassische Homöopathie Stuttgart (ZKH)
ZKH, 2000, 44(2), 47-55
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Retrospective design
Wiesenauer, M.; Heidl, R.
New approaches to treating pollinosis
A pilot study
Complement Ther Med, 1999, 7(4), 222-224
New approaches to treating pollinosis
A pilot study
Complement Ther Med, 1999, 7(4), 222-224
Allergies, Observational trial, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine
Witt, C.; Baumann, S.; Lüdtke, R.; Chigne, M.; Schulze, D.; Baur, R.; Willich, S.N.
Homepathic Medical Practice: Diagnoses and Medical Care in a Prospective Cohort Study
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 56 (Abstract)
Homepathic Medical Practice: Diagnoses and Medical Care in a Prospective Cohort Study
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine: International Congress on Clinical Research and Quality Management in Complementary Medicine, Munich, April 6 to 8, 2000
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2000, 7(1), 56 (Abstract)
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Cohort study
Clover, A.
Patient benefit survey
Turnbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(2), 68-72
Patient benefit survey
Turnbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(2), 68-72
Observational trial, Assesment, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Hospital, Cancer, Practice
Gottwald, R.; Weiser, M.
Homöopathische Behandlung von grippalen Infekten bei Kindern
ÄN, 2000, 41(6), 348-353
Homöopathische Behandlung von grippalen Infekten bei Kindern
ÄN, 2000, 41(6), 348-353
Observational trial, Flu, Gripp-Heel (Heel), Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics
Witt, C.; Müller, E.; Linde, K.; Willich, S.N.
Homeopathic treatment of human infertility - an overview
(33. Tagung über Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung, gleichzeitig 25. Veterinär-Humanmedizinische Gemeinschaftstagung am 17./18. Februar 2000 in Berlin)
Reprod Dom Anim, 2000, 35(1), 17 (Abstract)
Homeopathic treatment of human infertility - an overview
(33. Tagung über Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung, gleichzeitig 25. Veterinär-Humanmedizinische Gemeinschaftstagung am 17./18. Februar 2000 in Berlin)
Reprod Dom Anim, 2000, 35(1), 17 (Abstract)
Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review
Willich, S.N.; Baur, R.
Die Konsistenz homöopathischer Arzneimittelbilder
Epidemiologische Studie am Beispiel des akuten Myokardinfarktes
Appell, R.G. (Hrsg.): Homöopathie 150 Jahre nach Hahnemann, 1994, 162-169
Die Konsistenz homöopathischer Arzneimittelbilder
Epidemiologische Studie am Beispiel des akuten Myokardinfarktes
Appell, R.G. (Hrsg.): Homöopathie 150 Jahre nach Hahnemann, 1994, 162-169
Drug picture, Observational trial, Assesment, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Castellsagu, A.P.
Evolution of 26 cases of bronchial asthma with homoeopathic treatment
Brit Hom J, 1992, 81(4), 168-172
Evolution of 26 cases of bronchial asthma with homoeopathic treatment
Brit Hom J, 1992, 81(4), 168-172
Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Observational trial, Case analysis, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Retrolective design
Güthlin, C.; Walach, H.
Erprobungsverfahren zu Akupunktur und Homöopathie der Innungskrankenkassen in Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg und Sachsen
Aku, 1999, 27(3), 171-174
Erprobungsverfahren zu Akupunktur und Homöopathie der Innungskrankenkassen in Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg und Sachsen
Aku, 1999, 27(3), 171-174
Acupuncture, Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Health insurance, Economy, Traditional Chinese medicine
Kuhnke, I.
Zweckmäßige Behandlung akut-entzündlicher Erkrankungen des Rachens und des lymphatischen Rachenrings
Landarzt, 1968, 44(31), 1-8 (Sonderdruck)
Zweckmäßige Behandlung akut-entzündlicher Erkrankungen des Rachens und des lymphatischen Rachenrings
Landarzt, 1968, 44(31), 1-8 (Sonderdruck)
Aconitum, Atropinum, Atropinum sulfuricum, Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditonsin, Mercurius, Mercurius cyanatus, Pharyngitis
Vogler-Hinze, S.
Die Behandlung akuter Hals- und Mandelentzündungen im Kindesalter
Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit eines homöopathischen Arzneimittels
ÄN, 2000, 41(7), 475-482
Die Behandlung akuter Hals- und Mandelentzündungen im Kindesalter
Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit eines homöopathischen Arzneimittels
ÄN, 2000, 41(7), 475-482
Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Quinsy, Pediatrics
Witt, C.; Lüdtke, R.; Weber, K.; Chigne, M.; Baur, R.; Willich, S.N.
Verlaufsbeobachtung bei Patienten in der homöopathischen Arztpraxis
Zwischenbericht nach Abschluß der Rekrutierung
Albrecht, H.; Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens Stiftung, Band 6 (1999), 2000, 103-108
Verlaufsbeobachtung bei Patienten in der homöopathischen Arztpraxis
Zwischenbericht nach Abschluß der Rekrutierung
Albrecht, H.; Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens Stiftung, Band 6 (1999), 2000, 103-108
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Review (CR), Cohort study
Jonas, W.B.; Linde, K.; Ramirez, G.
Homeopathy and rheumatic disease
Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Rheumatic Diseases II
Rheumatic Disease Clin North Am, 2000, 26(1), 117-123
Homeopathy and rheumatic disease
Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Rheumatic Diseases II
Rheumatic Disease Clin North Am, 2000, 26(1), 117-123
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Rheumatic diseases, Systematic review
Taylor, M.A.; Reilly, D.; Llewellyn-Jones, R.H.; McSharry, C.; Aitchison, T.C.
Randomised controlled trials of homoeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial series
BMJ, 2000, 321, 471-476
Randomised controlled trials of homoeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial series
BMJ, 2000, 321, 471-476
Allergies, Homeopathy, Immune system, Isopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Placebo, Placebo-controlled
Richter, H.
Homöopathie in der Schwangerschaft
2 Studien: Dystrophie und drohende Frühgeburt
Dorcsi, M., Swoboda, F. (Hrsg.): Documenta homeopathica, Band 9, 1988, 111-124
Homöopathie in der Schwangerschaft
2 Studien: Dystrophie und drohende Frühgeburt
Dorcsi, M., Swoboda, F. (Hrsg.): Documenta homeopathica, Band 9, 1988, 111-124
Observational trial, Premature delivery, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical homeopathy, Ipecacuanha, Kalium, Kalium carbonicum, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Larrea tridendata, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Obstetrics, Veratrum, Larrea
Heger, M.; Riley, D.S.; Haidvogl, M.
International integrative primary care outcomes study (IIPCOS-2)
An international research project of homeopathy in primary care
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s10-s13 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
International integrative primary care outcomes study (IIPCOS-2)
An international research project of homeopathy in primary care
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s10-s13 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Dantas, F.; Rampes, H.
Do homeopathic medicines provoke adverse effects?
A systematic review
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s35-s38 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Do homeopathic medicines provoke adverse effects?
A systematic review
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s35-s38 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Adverse effect
Spence, D.
Clinical outcome audit
Bristol Homoeopathic Hospital
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s44 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Clinical outcome audit
Bristol Homoeopathic Hospital
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s44 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Clover, A.
Patient benefit survey
Turnbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital 1997
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s45 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Patient benefit survey
Turnbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital 1997
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s45 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Wiesenauer, M.; Lüdtke, R.
A meta-analysis of the homeopathic treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia glauca
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s52 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
A meta-analysis of the homeopathic treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia glauca
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(suppl. 1), s52 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis
Trnavsky, G.
Quantitative Durchblutungsmessungen bei Secale D 4
Dorcsi, M.(Hrsg.): Documenta homeopathica, Band 4, 1981, 305-309
Quantitative Durchblutungsmessungen bei Secale D 4
Dorcsi, M.(Hrsg.): Documenta homeopathica, Band 4, 1981, 305-309
Occlusive arterial disease, Observational trial, Blood/Lymphatic system, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Ischaemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Secale
Rastogi, D.P.; Singh, V.P.; Singh, V.; Dey, S.K.
Evaluation of homoeopathic therapy in 129 asymptomatic HIV carriers
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(1), 4-8
Evaluation of homoeopathic therapy in 129 asymptomatic HIV carriers
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(1), 4-8
Observational trial, HIV, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Berckel Smit, J.A.C.M. van
A pilot study evaluating the efficancy of homoeopathy in daily practice
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(1), 9-15
A pilot study evaluating the efficancy of homoeopathy in daily practice
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(1), 9-15
Observational trial, Assesment, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Patient satisfaction
Feldhaus, H.-W.
Cost-effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment in a dental practice
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(1), 22-28
Cost-effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment in a dental practice
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(1), 22-28
Arnica, Observational trial, Surgery, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dental diseases
Milewska, G.; Trzebiatowska-Trzeciak, O.
Homoeopathic treatment of alcohol withdrawal
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(4), 249-251
Homoeopathic treatment of alcohol withdrawal
Brit Hom J, 1993, 82(4), 249-251
Belladonna, Observational trial, Chronic diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phosphorus, Mental diseases, Addiction, Sulfur, Alcohol Addiction
Badulici, S.; Chirulescu, Z.; Chirila, P.; Rosca, A.
Zinc: immunoglobulin relationship in patients with cirrhosis of the liver before and after treatment with zincum metallicum 5cH
Brit Hom J, 1994, 83(2), 92 (Abstract)
Zinc: immunoglobulin relationship in patients with cirrhosis of the liver before and after treatment with zincum metallicum 5cH
Brit Hom J, 1994, 83(2), 92 (Abstract)
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Liver cirrhosis, Gastrointestinal tract, Zincum
Theiss, A.J.
Naturheilverfahren in der weiblichen Sterilitätsbehandlung
ÄN, 2000, 41(10), 676-680
Naturheilverfahren in der weiblichen Sterilitätsbehandlung
ÄN, 2000, 41(10), 676-680
Acupuncture, Observational trial, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine
Cortina, J.
Enuresis and its homoepathic treatment
Study of 20 cases treated with Ilex paraguensis
Brit Hom J, 1994, 83(4), 220-222
Enuresis and its homoepathic treatment
Study of 20 cases treated with Ilex paraguensis
Brit Hom J, 1994, 83(4), 220-222
Observational trial, Bedwetting, Urinary tract, Homeopathy, Ilex, Ilex paraguariensis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics
Eizayaga, F.X.; Eizayaga, J.
Homoeopathic treatment of bronchial asthma
Retrospective study of 62 cases
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(1), 28-33
Homoeopathic treatment of bronchial asthma
Retrospective study of 62 cases
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(1), 28-33
Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Retrospective design
Wassenhoven, M. van
Retrospective study of rheumatological patients in a private homoeopathic medical practice
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(4), 198-204
Retrospective study of rheumatological patients in a private homoeopathic medical practice
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(4), 198-204
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Retrospective design, Rheumatic diseases
Gray, J.
How I treat irritable bowel disease: A survey of 25 consecutive patients
Brit Hom J, 1998, 87(4), 195-202
How I treat irritable bowel disease: A survey of 25 consecutive patients
Brit Hom J, 1998, 87(4), 195-202
Observational trial, Homeopathy, Clinical homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lycopodium, Gastrointestinal tract, Irritable bowel syndrome, Retrospective design
Jenaer, M.; Henry, M.F.; Garcia, A.; Marichal, B.
Evaluation of 2LHERP in preventing recurrences of genital herpes
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(4), 174-177
Evaluation of 2LHERP in preventing recurrences of genital herpes
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(4), 174-177
2L Herp, Observational trial, Skin diseases, Herpes simplex, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Prevention
Sevar, R.
Audit of outcome in 829 consecutive patients treated with homeopathic medicines
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(4), 178-187
Audit of outcome in 829 consecutive patients treated with homeopathic medicines
Brit Hom J, 2000, 89(4), 178-187
Observational trial, Attitude, Assesment, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Pleuger, R.
Homöopathische Thromboseprophylaxe
(Aus der Chirurg. Abteilung des Städt. Krankenhauses Plettenberg/W.)
DHM, 1957, 8(12), 545-551
Homöopathische Thromboseprophylaxe
(Aus der Chirurg. Abteilung des Städt. Krankenhauses Plettenberg/W.)
DHM, 1957, 8(12), 545-551
Aesculus hippocastanum, Observational trial, Surgery, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lachesis, Pharmacology, Prevention, Thrombosis
Oberbaum, M.; Bastide, M.; Bentwich, Z.
Preliminary results in treating patients suffering from allergic and vasomoto rhinitis with thymulin
GIRI (ed.) : 4th Meeting 30th Nov.-1rst December 1990, Maison de la Recherche, Paris, 1990, 25 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Preliminary results in treating patients suffering from allergic and vasomoto rhinitis with thymulin
GIRI (ed.) : 4th Meeting 30th Nov.-1rst December 1990, Maison de la Recherche, Paris, 1990, 25 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Allergies, Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cold, Thymulin
Schoeler, H.
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Kreislaufwirkung von Veratrum album
AHZ, 1965, 210(9), 393-407
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Kreislaufwirkung von Veratrum album
AHZ, 1965, 210(9), 393-407
Observational trial, Drug proving, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Circulatory failure, Veratrum, Veratrum viride
Sidhu, S.S.; Kishore, J.; Joshi, C.
Effectiveness of Arnica montana in post dental extraction cases
L.M.H.I. (ed.): 32nd International Homeopathic Medical Congress of the International Homoeopathic Medical League, New Delhi, 5th-11th Oct. 1977, 1977, 321-325 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Effectiveness of Arnica montana in post dental extraction cases
L.M.H.I. (ed.): 32nd International Homeopathic Medical Congress of the International Homoeopathic Medical League, New Delhi, 5th-11th Oct. 1977, 1977, 321-325 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Arnica, Observational trial, Surgery, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Tooth extraction, Dental diseases, Toothache
Long, L.; Ernst, E.
Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of osteoarthritis
A systematic review
Brit Hom J, 2001, 90(1), 37-43
Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of osteoarthritis
A systematic review
Brit Hom J, 2001, 90(1), 37-43
Arthritis, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review
Carlsson, I.; Benthin, G.; Petersson, A.-S.; Wennmalm, A.
Differential inhibition of thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin synthesis by low dose acetylsalicylic acid in atherosclerotic patients
Thrombosis Res, 1990, 57(3), 437-444
Differential inhibition of thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin synthesis by low dose acetylsalicylic acid in atherosclerotic patients
Thrombosis Res, 1990, 57(3), 437-444
Acidum acetylosalicylicum, Arteriosclerosis, Observational trial, Blood/Lymphatic system, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Thrombosis
Stoss, M.; Michels, C.; Peter, E.; Beutke, R.; Gorter, R.W.
Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis
J Altern Complement Med, 2000, 6(6), 499-508
Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis
J Altern Complement Med, 2000, 6(6), 499-508
Eye diseases, Observational trial, Trachoma, Euphrasia, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine
Cucherat, M.; Haugh, M.C.; Gooch, M.; Boissel, J.-P.
Evidence of clinical efficacy of homeopathy
A meta-analysis of clinical trials
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2000, 56(1), 27-33
Evidence of clinical efficacy of homeopathy
A meta-analysis of clinical trials
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2000, 56(1), 27-33
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis
Riley, D.; Fischer, M.; Singh, B.; Haidvogl, M.; Heger, M.
Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine
An Outcomes Study Comparing Effectiveness in a Primary Care Setting
J Altern Complement Med, 2001, 7(2), 149-159
Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine
An Outcomes Study Comparing Effectiveness in a Primary Care Setting
J Altern Complement Med, 2001, 7(2), 149-159
Allergies, Respiratory diseases, Observational trial, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine