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Cimbiz, A.; Bayazit, V.; Hallaceli, H.; Cavlak, U.
The effect of combined therapy (spa and physical therapy) on pain in various chronic diseases.
Complement Ther Med, 2005, 13(4), 244-250
The effect of combined therapy (spa and physical therapy) on pain in various chronic diseases.
Complement Ther Med, 2005, 13(4), 244-250
Observational trial, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Spa, Manual therapy, Massage, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Retrospective design, Rheumatic diseases, Pain
Kaye, A.D.; Kaye, A.J.; Swinford, J.; Baluch, A.; Bawcom, B.A.; Lambert, T.J.; Hoover, J.M.
The effect of deep-tissue massage therapy on blood pressure and heart rate
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(2), 125-128
The effect of deep-tissue massage therapy on blood pressure and heart rate
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(2), 125-128
Observational trial, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage
Buckle, J.; Newberg, A.; Wintering, N.; Hutton, E.; Lido, C.; Farrar, J.T.
Measurement of regional cerebral blood flow associated with the M technique-light massage therapy
A case series and longitudinal study using SPECT
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(8), 903-910
Measurement of regional cerebral blood flow associated with the M technique-light massage therapy
A case series and longitudinal study using SPECT
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(8), 903-910
Observational trial, Brain, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Nervous system
Sefton, J.M.; Yarar, C.; Berry, J.W.; Pascoe, D.D.
Therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders produces changes in peripheral blood flow when assessed with dynamic infrared thermography
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(7), 723-732
Therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders produces changes in peripheral blood flow when assessed with dynamic infrared thermography
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(7), 723-732
Observational trial, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage
Shell, W.E.; Jarmel, M.E.; Charuvastra, E.H.
Nonpharmacologic treatment of cardiac dysrhythmias
Altern Ther Health Med, 1996, 2(4), 93-94 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Nonpharmacologic treatment of cardiac dysrhythmias
Altern Ther Health Med, 1996, 2(4), 93-94 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Observational trial, Chiropractic, Cardiovascular diseases, Tachycardia, Cardiac arrhythmia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy
Lu, W.-A.; Chen, G.-Y.; Kuol C.-D.
Foot reflexology can increase vagal modulation, decrease sympathetic modulation, and lower blood pressure in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease
Altern Ther Health Med, 2011, 17(4), 8-14
Foot reflexology can increase vagal modulation, decrease sympathetic modulation, and lower blood pressure in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease
Altern Ther Health Med, 2011, 17(4), 8-14
Observational trial, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Manual therapy, Nervous system, Reflexology, Vegetative nervous system
Wolever, R.Q.; Webber, D.M., Meunier, J.P.; Greeson, J.M.; Lausier, E.R.; Gaudet, T.W.
Modifiable disease risk, readiness to change, and psychosocial functioning improve with integrative medicine immersion model
Altern Ther Health Med, 2011, 17(4), 38-47
Modifiable disease risk, readiness to change, and psychosocial functioning improve with integrative medicine immersion model
Altern Ther Health Med, 2011, 17(4), 38-47
Mindfulness meditation, Acupuncture, Observational trial, Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Lifestyle modification, Manual therapy, Massage, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Qi Gong, Stroke, Metabolic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine, Yoga
Jones, J.; Thomson, P.; Irvine, K.; Leslie, S.J.
Is there a specific hemodynamic effect in reflexology?
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(4), 319-328
Is there a specific hemodynamic effect in reflexology?
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(4), 319-328
Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Reflexology, Systematic review
Chen, W.L.; Liu, G.J.; Yeh, S.H.; Chiang, M.C.; Fu, M.Y.; Hsieh, Y.K.
Effect of back massage intervention on anxiety, comfort, and physiologic responses in patients with congestive heart failure
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(5), 464-470
Effect of back massage intervention on anxiety, comfort, and physiologic responses in patients with congestive heart failure
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(5), 464-470
Anxiety, Observational trial, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart failure, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Mental diseases
Taspinar, F.; Aslan, U.B.; Sabir, N.; Cavlak, U.
Implementation of matrix rhythm therapy and conventional massage in young females and comparison of their acute effects on circulation
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(10), 826-832
Implementation of matrix rhythm therapy and conventional massage in young females and comparison of their acute effects on circulation
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(10), 826-832
Observational trial, Circulatory disorder, Healthy probands, Gynaecology, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage
Wynd, S.; Westaway, M.; Vohra, S.; Kawchuk, G.
The quality of reports on cervical arterial dissection following cervical spinal manipulation
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8, e59170; (1-8)
The quality of reports on cervical arterial dissection following cervical spinal manipulation
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8, e59170; (1-8)
Arteries, Chiropractic, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Systematic review, Adverse effect
Yang, X.; Zhao, H.; Wang, J.
Chinese massage (Tuina) for the treatment of essential hypertension
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Complement Ther Med, 2014, 22(3), 541-548
Chinese massage (Tuina) for the treatment of essential hypertension
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Complement Ther Med, 2014, 22(3), 541-548
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Meta-analysis, Systematic review, Tuina
Zegarra-Parodi, R.; Park, P.Y.; Heath, D.M.; Makin, I.R.; Degenhardt, B.F.; Roustit, M.
Assessment of skin blood flow following spinal manual therapy
A systematic review
Man Ther, 2014,
Assessment of skin blood flow following spinal manual therapy
A systematic review
Man Ther, 2014,
Chiropractic, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Systematic review
Girsberger, W.; Bänziger, U.; Lingg, G.; Lothaller, H.; Endler, P.C.
Heart rate variability and the influence of craniosacral therapy on autonomous nervous system regulation in persons with subjective discomforts
A pilot study
J Integr Med, 2014, 12(3), 156-161
Heart rate variability and the influence of craniosacral therapy on autonomous nervous system regulation in persons with subjective discomforts
A pilot study
J Integr Med, 2014, 12(3), 156-161
Observational trial, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cranio-sacral therapy, Manual therapy, Nervous system, Vegetative nervous system
Walaszek, R.
Impact of classic massage on blood pressure in patients with clinically diagnosed hypertension
J Trad Chin Med, 2015, 35(4), 396-401
Impact of classic massage on blood pressure in patients with clinically diagnosed hypertension
J Trad Chin Med, 2015, 35(4), 396-401
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage
Abdul Rani, A.A.; Melati, R.; Ghani, A.; Shamsuddin, S.; Abdullah, Z.; Halim, N.H.A.; Mustapha, N.; Muhamad, N.A.
Massage therapy for improving functional activity after stroke (Protocol)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2015, 10(CD011924), 1-11 (Studienprotokoll)
Massage therapy for improving functional activity after stroke (Protocol)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2015, 10(CD011924), 1-11 (Studienprotokoll)
Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Systematic review
Xiong, X.J.; Li, S.J.; Zhang, Y.Q.
Massage therapy for essential hypertension
A systematic review
J Hum Hypertens, 2015, 29(3), 143-151
Massage therapy for essential hypertension
A systematic review
J Hum Hypertens, 2015, 29(3), 143-151
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Systematic review
Mantovani, A.M.; Fregonesi, C.E.P.T.; Lorenconi, R.M.R.; Savian, N.U.; Palma, M.R.; Salgado, A.S.I.; Oliveira, L.V.F. de; Parreira, R.B.
Immediate effect of basic body awareness therapy on heart rate variability
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2016, 22, 8-11
Immediate effect of basic body awareness therapy on heart rate variability
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2016, 22, 8-11
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Physiotherapy
Vajnai, G.; Seedheeyan, S.; Tutuianu, C.; Rose, A.; Florschutz, G.
Service description and a single case study of applying rhythmical massage therapy in clinical practice for left mid-cerebral artery stroke rehabilitation and assessing the effectiveness of the treatments
Merkurstab, 2016, 69(1), 53 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Service description and a single case study of applying rhythmical massage therapy in clinical practice for left mid-cerebral artery stroke rehabilitation and assessing the effectiveness of the treatments
Merkurstab, 2016, 69(1), 53 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Anthroposophic medicine, Case report, Cardiovascular diseases, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Practice, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Rhythmische Massage
Ammann Albertin, L.; Wälchli, C.; Wirtz, C.; Krüerke, D.; Simoes-Wüst, A.P.
Rhythmical massage in co-ocurring asthma and hypertension
A case report
Merkurstab, 2016, 69(1), 55 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Rhythmical massage in co-ocurring asthma and hypertension
A case report
Merkurstab, 2016, 69(1), 55 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Anthroposophic medicine, Asthma, Respiratory diseases, High blood pressure, Case report, Cardiovascular diseases, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Practice, Rhythmische Massage
Sibbritt, D.
Rehabilitation of stroke patients using traditional Thai massage, herbal treatments and physical therapies
J Chin Integr Med, 2012, 10(7), 743-750
Rehabilitation of stroke patients using traditional Thai massage, herbal treatments and physical therapies
J Chin Integr Med, 2012, 10(7), 743-750
Observational trial, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Thai massage
Liao, I.-C.; Chen, S.-L.; Wang, M.-Y.; Tasai, P.-S.
Effects of massage on blood pressure in patients with hypertension and prehypertension
A meta-analysis of randmized controlled trials
J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2016, 31(1), 73-83
Effects of massage on blood pressure in patients with hypertension and prehypertension
A meta-analysis of randmized controlled trials
J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2016, 31(1), 73-83
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Meta-analysis