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Heiwe, S.; Jacobson, S.H.
Exercise training for adults with chronic kidney disease (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2011, 10(CD003236), 1-374
Exercise training for adults with chronic kidney disease (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2011, 10(CD003236), 1-374
Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Physical therapy, Systematic review
Sheng, B.; He, D.; Zhao, J.; Chen, X.; Nan, X.
The protective effects of the traditional Chinese herbs against renal damage induced by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
A clinical study
Urol Res, 2011, 39(2), 89-97
The protective effects of the traditional Chinese herbs against renal damage induced by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
A clinical study
Urol Res, 2011, 39(2), 89-97
Alisma orientale, Astragalus, Astragalus membranaceus, Cornus, Dioscorea, Electrotherapy, Urinary tract, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lygodium, Lysimachia, Kidney stones, Paeonia, Physical therapy, Plantago, Poria, Prevention, Randomized trial, Rehmannia glutinosa, Traditional Chinese medicine, Adverse effect, Shock wave stimulation
Hoffman, R.M.; Monga, M.; Elliott, S.P.; MacDonald, R.; Wilt, T.J.
Microwave thermotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD004135), 1-51
Microwave thermotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD004135), 1-51
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Prostatic enlargement (benign), Systematic review, Thermotherapy
Fraser, S.A.; Elliott, V.; Bruin, E. de; Bherer, L.; Dumoulin, C.
The effects of combining videogame dancing and pelvic floor training to improve dual-task gait and cognition in women with mixed-urinary incontinence
Games Health J, 2014, 3(3), 1-7
The effects of combining videogame dancing and pelvic floor training to improve dual-task gait and cognition in women with mixed-urinary incontinence
Games Health J, 2014, 3(3), 1-7
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Pelvic floor exercises
Rangaswamy, P.A.; Sultana, A.; Rahman, K.; Nagapattinam, S.
Efficacy of Boswellia serrata L. and Cyperus scariosus L. plus pelvic floor muscle training in stress incontinence in women of reproductive age
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2014, 20, 230-236
Efficacy of Boswellia serrata L. and Cyperus scariosus L. plus pelvic floor muscle training in stress incontinence in women of reproductive age
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2014, 20, 230-236
Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Pelvic floor exercises
Kim, G.S.; Kim, E.G.; Shin, K.Y.; Choo, H.J.; Kim, M.J.
Combined pelvic muscle exercise and yoga program for urinary incontinence in middle-aged women
Jpn J Nurs Sci, 2015, 12(4), 330-339
Combined pelvic muscle exercise and yoga program for urinary incontinence in middle-aged women
Jpn J Nurs Sci, 2015, 12(4), 330-339
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Yoga, Pelvic floor exercises
Su, T.; Zhou, J.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, W.; Chu, H.; Luo, Q.; Lu, J.; An, J.; Liu, B.
The efficacy of electroacupuncture for the treatment of simple female stress urinary incontinence - comparison with pelvic floor muscle training
Studyprotocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Trials, 2015, 16(1), 45; (1-6) (Studienprotokoll)
The efficacy of electroacupuncture for the treatment of simple female stress urinary incontinence - comparison with pelvic floor muscle training
Studyprotocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Trials, 2015, 16(1), 45; (1-6) (Studienprotokoll)
Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Electroacupuncture, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Traditional Chinese medicine, Pelvic floor exercises
Lekskulchai, O.; Wanichsetakul, P.
Effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PMFT) during pregnancy on bladder neck descend and delivery
J Med Assoc Thai, 2014, 97(Suppl 8), S156-S163
Effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PMFT) during pregnancy on bladder neck descend and delivery
J Med Assoc Thai, 2014, 97(Suppl 8), S156-S163
Exercise therapy, Bladder, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Obstetrics, Pelvic floor exercises
Stenzelius, K.; Molander, U.; Odeberg, J.; Hammarström, M.; Franzen, K.; Midlöv, P.; Samuelsson, E.; Andersson, G.
The effect of conservative treatment of urinary incontinence among older and frail older people
A systematic review
Age Ageing, 2015, 44(5), 736-744
The effect of conservative treatment of urinary incontinence among older and frail older people
A systematic review
Age Ageing, 2015, 44(5), 736-744
Exercise therapy, Geriatrics, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Systematic review, Pelvic floor exercises, Frailty-Syndrom
Dijkstra-Esjuis, J.; Van den Bos, T.W.; Splinter, R.; Bevers, R.F.; Zonneveld, W.C.; Putter, H.; Pelger, R.C.; Voorham-van der Zalm, P.J.
Effect of preoperative pelvic floor muscle therapy with biofeedback versus standard care on stress urinary incontinence and quality of life in men undergoing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
A randomised control trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2015, 34(2), 144-150
Effect of preoperative pelvic floor muscle therapy with biofeedback versus standard care on stress urinary incontinence and quality of life in men undergoing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
A randomised control trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2015, 34(2), 144-150
Andrology, Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Surgery, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Postoperative complaints, Randomized trial, Pelvic floor exercises
Solberg, M.; Alraek, T.; Mdala, I.; Klovning, A.
A pilot study on the use of acupuncture or pelvic floor muscle training for mixed urinary incontinence
Acupunct Med, 2016, 34(1), 7-13
A pilot study on the use of acupuncture or pelvic floor muscle training for mixed urinary incontinence
Acupunct Med, 2016, 34(1), 7-13
Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Pelvic floor exercises
Dumoulin, C.; Hay-Smith, E.J.; Mac Habée-Séguin, G.
Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary inconctinence in women
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2014, 5(CD005654), 1-73
Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary inconctinence in women
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2014, 5(CD005654), 1-73
Exercise therapy, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Systematic review, Pelvic floor exercises
Ong, T.A.; Khong, S.Y.; Ng, K.L.; Ting, J.R.S.; Kamal, N.; Yeoh, W.S.; Yap, N.Y.; Razack, A.H.
Using the vibrance Kegel device with pelvic floor muscle exercise for stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled pilot study
Urology, 2015, 86, 487-491
Using the vibrance Kegel device with pelvic floor muscle exercise for stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled pilot study
Urology, 2015, 86, 487-491
Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pelvic floor exercises
Tugtepe, H.; Thomas, D.T.; Ergun, R.; Kalyoncu, A.; Kaynak, A.; Kastarli, C.; Dagli, T.E.
The effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation therapy in patients with urinary incontinence resistant to initial medical treatment or biofeedback
J Pediatr Urol, 2015, 11(3), 137.e1-137.e5
The effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation therapy in patients with urinary incontinence resistant to initial medical treatment or biofeedback
J Pediatr Urol, 2015, 11(3), 137.e1-137.e5
Observational trial, Electrotherapy, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Physical therapy, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Dziubek, W.; Bulinska, K.; Kusztal, M.; Kowalska, J.; Rogowski, L.; Zembron-Lacny, A.; Golebiowski, T.; Ochmann, B.; Pawlaczyk, W.; Klinger, M.; Wozniewski, M.
Evaluation of exercise tolerance in dialysis patients performing Tai Chi training
Preliminary study
eCAM, 2016, Article ID 5672580, (1-7)
Evaluation of exercise tolerance in dialysis patients performing Tai Chi training
Preliminary study
eCAM, 2016, Article ID 5672580, (1-7)
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Physical therapy, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Iimura, K.; Watanabe, N.; Masunaga, K.; Miyazaki, S.; Hotta, H.; Kim, H.; Hisajima, T.; Takahashi, H. Kasuya, Y.
Effects of a gentle, self-administered stimulation of perineal skin for nocturia in elderly women
A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial
PLoS one, 2016, 11(3), e0151726; (1-14)
Effects of a gentle, self-administered stimulation of perineal skin for nocturia in elderly women
A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial
PLoS one, 2016, 11(3), e0151726; (1-14)
Electrotherapy, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nykturie, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Qiu, Z.; Zheng, K.; Zhang, H.; Feng, J.; Wang, L.; Zhou, H.
Physical exercise and patients with chronic renal failure
A meta-analysis
Biomed Res Int, 2017, 2017, 7191826; (1-8)
Physical exercise and patients with chronic renal failure
A meta-analysis
Biomed Res Int, 2017, 2017, 7191826; (1-8)
Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Renal insufficiency, Physical therapy
Hsu, L.F.; Liao, Y.M.; Lai, F.C.; Tsai, P.S.
Beneficial effects of biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training in patients with urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy
A systematic review and metaanalysis
Int J Nurs Stud, 2016, 60, 99-111
Beneficial effects of biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training in patients with urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy
A systematic review and metaanalysis
Int J Nurs Stud, 2016, 60, 99-111
Andrology, Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Postoperative complaints, Systematic review, Pelvic floor exercises
Franco, J.V.; Turk, T.; Jung, J.H.; Xiao, Y.T.; Iakhno, S.; Garrote, V.; Vietto, V.
Non-pharmacological interventions for treating chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2018, 1(CD012551), 1-15
Non-pharmacological interventions for treating chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2018, 1(CD012551), 1-15
Acupuncture, Andrology, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Biofeedback, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Inflammation of the prostata, Systematic review, Thermotherapy, Traditional Chinese medicine, Pelvic girdle pain
Ahadi, T.; Taghvadoost, N.; Aminimoghaddam, S.; Forogh, B.; Bazazbehbahani, R.; Raissi, G.R.
Efficacy of biofeedback on quality of life in stages I and II pelvic organ prolapse
A pilot study
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2017, 215, 241-246
Efficacy of biofeedback on quality of life in stages I and II pelvic organ prolapse
A pilot study
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2017, 215, 241-246
Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Cystocele, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Vaginal prolapse, Uterine prolapse, Pelvic floor exercises
Fitz, F.F.; Stüpp, L.; Costa, T.F. da; Bortolini, M.A.T.; Girao, M.J.B.C.; Castro, R.A.
Outpatient biofeedback in addition to home pelvic floor muscle training for stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2034-2043
Outpatient biofeedback in addition to home pelvic floor muscle training for stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2034-2043
Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Pelvic floor exercises
Bertotto, A.; Schvartzman, R.; Uchoa, S.; Wender, M.C.O.
Effect of electromyographic biofeedback as an add-on to pelvic floor muscle exercises on neuromuscular outcomes and quality of life in postmenopausal women with stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2142-2147
Effect of electromyographic biofeedback as an add-on to pelvic floor muscle exercises on neuromuscular outcomes and quality of life in postmenopausal women with stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2142-2147
Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pelvic floor exercises, EMG biofeedback
Özlü, A.; Yildiz, N.; Öztekin, Ö.
Comparison of the efficacy of perineal and intravaginal biofeedback assisted pelvic floor muscle exercises in women with urodynamic stress urinary incontinence
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2132-2141
Comparison of the efficacy of perineal and intravaginal biofeedback assisted pelvic floor muscle exercises in women with urodynamic stress urinary incontinence
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2132-2141
Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pelvic floor exercises
Voorham, J.C.; De Wachter, S.; Van den Bos, T.W.L.; Putter, H.; Lycklama À Nijeholt, G.A.; Voorham-van der Zalm, P.J.
The effect of EMG biofeedback assisted pelvic floor muscle therapy on symptoms of the overactive bladder syndrome in women
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(7), 1796-1803
The effect of EMG biofeedback assisted pelvic floor muscle therapy on symptoms of the overactive bladder syndrome in women
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(7), 1796-1803
Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Irritable bladder, Pelvic floor exercises, EMG biofeedback
Rahimimoghadam, Z.; Rahemi, Z.; Sadat, Z.; Ajorpaz, N.M.
Pilates exercise and quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2019, 34, 35-40
Pilates exercise and quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2019, 34, 35-40
Exercise therapy, Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Renal insufficiency, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Pilates
Liu, Y.J.; Wu, W.Y.; Hsiao, S.M.; Ting, S.W.; Hsu, H.P.; Huang, C.M.
Efficacy of pelvic floor training with surface electromyography feedback for female stress urinary incontinence
Int J Nurs Pract, 2018, 24(6), e12698; (1-8)
Efficacy of pelvic floor training with surface electromyography feedback for female stress urinary incontinence
Int J Nurs Pract, 2018, 24(6), e12698; (1-8)
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Stress, Pelvic floor exercises, EMG biofeedback
Dumoulin, C.; Cacciari, L.P.; Hay-Smith, E.J.C.
Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2018, 10(CD005654),
Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2018, 10(CD005654),
Exercise therapy, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Systematic review, Pelvic floor exercises