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Gaucher, C.; Jeulin, D.; Peycru, P.; Amengual, C.
A double blind randomized placebo controlled study of cholera treatment with highly diluted and succussed solutions
GIRI (ed.): 6th GIRI Meeting, 26-27 October, 1992, Siemens-Stiftung, Südliches Schloßrondell 23, München, 1992, 25 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
A double blind randomized placebo controlled study of cholera treatment with highly diluted and succussed solutions
GIRI (ed.): 6th GIRI Meeting, 26-27 October, 1992, Siemens-Stiftung, Südliches Schloßrondell 23, München, 1992, 25 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Arsenicum, Camphora, China, Cholera, Cuprum, Homeopathy, Infections, Ipecacuanha, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phosphorus, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Veratrum
Labrecque, M.; Audet, D.; Latulippe, L.; Drouin, J.
Homeopathic treatment of plantar warts
Can Med Assoc J, 1992, 146(10), 1749-1753
Homeopathic treatment of plantar warts
Can Med Assoc J, 1992, 146(10), 1749-1753
Acidum, Acidum nitricum, Antimonium, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Thuja, Warts
Andrade, L.E.C.; Ferraz, M.B.; Atra, E.; Castro, A.; Silva, M.S.M.
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Homeopathy in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scand J Rheumatol, 1991, 20, 204-208
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Homeopathy in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scand J Rheumatol, 1991, 20, 204-208
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Fisher, P.
Homöopathische Therapie des primären Fibromyalgie-Syndroms
MMW Fortschr Med, 1989, 44, 50
Homöopathische Therapie des primären Fibromyalgie-Syndroms
MMW Fortschr Med, 1989, 44, 50
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rhus, Rhus toxicodendron, Review (CR)
Gerhard, I.
Weibliche Fertilitätsstörungen
Homöopathie versus Hormontherapie
TW, 1993, 43, 2582-2588
Weibliche Fertilitätsstörungen
Homöopathie versus Hormontherapie
TW, 1993, 43, 2582-2588
Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Gerhard, I.; Reimers, G.; Keller, C.; Schmück, M.
Weibliche Fertilitätsstörungen
Vergleich homöopathischer Einzelmittel- mit konventioneller Hormontherapie
tpk, 1993, 7(7/8), 309-315
Weibliche Fertilitätsstörungen
Vergleich homöopathischer Einzelmittel- mit konventioneller Hormontherapie
tpk, 1993, 7(7/8), 309-315
Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial
Koch, M.
Der Einfluß des Natriums auf das psychische Befinden
Über die Wirksamkeit eines homöopathischen Mittels bei psychologischen Variablen mit einer Kontrolle der Placebowirkung
1984, 1-90 (+ Anh.) (Dissertation)
Der Einfluß des Natriums auf das psychische Befinden
Über die Wirksamkeit eines homöopathischen Mittels bei psychologischen Variablen mit einer Kontrolle der Placebowirkung
1984, 1-90 (+ Anh.) (Dissertation)
Experiment, Basic Research, Drug proving, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Natrium, Natrium carbonicum, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
Reitzner, T.G.
Explorative Studie über die Wirksamkeit von Arnica in den homöopathischen Dezimalpotenzen D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 und D8 beim experimentell ausgelösten Muskelkater
1985, 1-150 (Dissertation)
Explorative Studie über die Wirksamkeit von Arnica in den homöopathischen Dezimalpotenzen D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 und D8 beim experimentell ausgelösten Muskelkater
1985, 1-150 (Dissertation)
Arnica, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Experiment, Healthy probands, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Muscle soreness, Muscles, Physiology, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Wagner, H.; Jurcic, K.; Doenicke, A.; Rosenhuber, E.; Behrens, N.
Die Beeinflussung der Phagozytosefähigkeit von Granulozyten durch homöopathische Arzneipräparate
Arzneim Forsch, 1986, 36(2), 1421-1425
Die Beeinflussung der Phagozytosefähigkeit von Granulozyten durch homöopathische Arzneipräparate
Arzneim Forsch, 1986, 36(2), 1421-1425
Experiment, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Immune system, In vitro, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Randomized trial, Animal
Wiesenauer, M.
Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Hypotonie und Orthostase
ÄN, 1992, 33(6), 480-483
Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Hypotonie und Orthostase
ÄN, 1992, 33(6), 480-483
Drug proving, Haplopappus, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low blood pressure, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
Albertini, H.; Goldberg, W.; Sanguy, D.; Toulza, D.
Bilan de 60 observations randomisées
Hypericum-Arnica contre placebo dans les névralgies dentaires
Homéopathie, 1984, 1(1), 47-49
Bilan de 60 observations randomisées
Hypericum-Arnica contre placebo dans les névralgies dentaires
Homéopathie, 1984, 1(1), 47-49
Arnica, Homeopathy, St John's wort, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Tooth extraction, Dental diseases, Toothache
Greenfield, S.
The Cantharis Study
Midlands Hom Res Group Communications, 1980, (3), 19-20
The Cantharis Study
Midlands Hom Res Group Communications, 1980, (3), 19-20
Cantharis, Urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, Homeopathy, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Aulagnier, G.
Action d'un traitement homéopathique sur la reprise du transit post opératoire
Homéopathie, 1985, 2(6), 42-45
Action d'un traitement homéopathique sur la reprise du transit post opératoire
Homéopathie, 1985, 2(6), 42-45
Surgery, Homeopathy, Ileus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Randomized trial
Aulas, J.-J.; Chefdeville, F.
Compte-rendu d'une expérimentation clinique faite en Double Aveugle en 1941-42, en Grande-Brétagne, dont les résultats paraissent très favorables à l'homéopathie
Homéopathie, 1985, 2(1), 29-31
Compte-rendu d'une expérimentation clinique faite en Double Aveugle en 1941-42, en Grande-Brétagne, dont les résultats paraissent très favorables à l'homéopathie
Homéopathie, 1985, 2(1), 29-31
Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Senfgas, Wound healing
Bauhof, W.
Die homöopathische Behandlung der Angina
Pilotstudie zur Prüfung einer Wirksamkeit der homöopathischen Therapie der Angina
1982, 1-120 (Dissertation)
Die homöopathische Behandlung der Angina
Pilotstudie zur Prüfung einer Wirksamkeit der homöopathischen Therapie der Angina
1982, 1-120 (Dissertation)
Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Quinsy, Non-randomized trial
Bignamini, M.; Bertoli, A.; Consolandi, A.M.; Dovera, N.; Saruggia, M.; Taino, S.; Tubertini, A.
Controlled Double-blind Trial with Baryta carbonica 15CH Versus Placebo in a Group of Hypertensive Subjects Confined to Bed in Two Old People's Homes
Brit Hom J, 1987, 76(3), 114-119
Controlled Double-blind Trial with Baryta carbonica 15CH Versus Placebo in a Group of Hypertensive Subjects Confined to Bed in Two Old People's Homes
Brit Hom J, 1987, 76(3), 114-119
Barium, Barium carbonicum, High blood pressure, Geriatrics, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Bohnacker, U.
Therapiestudien zum Wirksamkeitsnachweis einer homöopathischen Dreier-Kombination bei Sinusitiden
1985, 1-82 (Dissertation)
Therapiestudien zum Wirksamkeitsnachweis einer homöopathischen Dreier-Kombination bei Sinusitiden
1985, 1-82 (Dissertation)
Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Sinusitis, Non-randomized trial
Bordes, L.R.; Dorfman, P.
Evaluation de l'activité antitussive du sirop Drosetux
Etude en double aveugle versus placébo
Cahiers d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie, de chirurgie cervico faciale et d'audiophonologie, 1986, 21(9), 731-734
Evaluation de l'activité antitussive du sirop Drosetux
Etude en double aveugle versus placébo
Cahiers d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie, de chirurgie cervico faciale et d'audiophonologie, 1986, 21(9), 731-734
Respiratory diseases, Drosetux, Homeopathy, Cough, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Bourgois, J.C.
Protection du capital veineux chez les perfusées au long cours dans le cancer du sein
Essai clinique en double aveugle - Arnica contre placébo
1984, 1-86 (Dissertation)
Protection du capital veineux chez les perfusées au long cours dans le cancer du sein
Essai clinique en double aveugle - Arnica contre placébo
1984, 1-86 (Dissertation)
Arnica, Breast cancer, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Brigo, B.
Le traitement homéopathique de la migraine
Une étude de 60 cas contrôlée en double aveugle - Remède homéopathique vs. placebo
LMHI (ed.) : 42nd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 29 March - 2 April, 1987, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 1987, 318-329
Le traitement homéopathique de la migraine
Une étude de 60 cas contrôlée en double aveugle - Remède homéopathique vs. placebo
LMHI (ed.) : 42nd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 29 March - 2 April, 1987, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 1987, 318-329
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Migraine, Nervous system, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Brigo, B.; Serpelloni, G.
Homoeopathic Treatment of Migraines
A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Study of Sixty Cases - (Homoeopathic Remedy versus Placebo)
Berlin J Res Hom, 1991, 1(2), 98-106
Homoeopathic Treatment of Migraines
A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Study of Sixty Cases - (Homoeopathic Remedy versus Placebo)
Berlin J Res Hom, 1991, 1(2), 98-106
Belladonna, Cyclamen, Gelsemium, Homeopathy, Ignatia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lachesis, Migraine, Natrium, sodium chloride, Nervous system, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Silicea, Sulfur
Bungetzianu, G.
The Results Obtained by the Homeopathical Dilution (15CH) of an Antiinfluenzal (Anti-flu) Vaccine
LMHI (ed.) : 43rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 1988, Athens, Greece, 1988, 143
The Results Obtained by the Homeopathical Dilution (15CH) of an Antiinfluenzal (Anti-flu) Vaccine
LMHI (ed.) : 43rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 1988, Athens, Greece, 1988, 143
Flu, Homeopathy, Immune system, Vaccination, Infections, Isopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Campbell, A.
Two Pilot Controlled Trials of Arnica montana
Brit Hom J, 1976, 65(3), 154-158
Two Pilot Controlled Trials of Arnica montana
Brit Hom J, 1976, 65(3), 154-158
Arnica, Blood/Lymphatic system, Hematoma, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Casper, J.; Foerstel, G.
Traumeel bei traumatischen Weichteilschwellungen
TW, 1967, 17, 892-895
Traumeel bei traumatischen Weichteilschwellungen
TW, 1967, 17, 892-895
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Traumeel
Chevrel, J.P.; Saglier, J.; Destable, M.D.
Réprise du transit intestinal en chirurgie digestive
Action homéopathique de l'opium
Presse Médicale, 1984, 13(14), 883
Réprise du transit intestinal en chirurgie digestive
Action homéopathique de l'opium
Presse Médicale, 1984, 13(14), 883
Surgery, Homeopathy, Ileus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Garden poppy, Randomized trial
Dorfman, P.; Lasserre, M.N.; Tétau, M.
Préparation à l'accouchement par homéopathie
Expérimentation en double insu versus placebo
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 1987, (94), 77-81
Préparation à l'accouchement par homéopathie
Expérimentation en double insu versus placebo
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 1987, (94), 77-81
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Obstetrics
Dorfman, P.; Amodéo, C.; Ricciotti, F.; Tétau, M.; Véroux, G.
Evaluation de l'activité d'Arnica 5CH
Sur les troubles veineux après perfusion prolongée
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 1988, 98(suppl), 77-82
Evaluation de l'activité d'Arnica 5CH
Sur les troubles veineux après perfusion prolongée
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 1988, 98(suppl), 77-82
Arnica, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Veins
Ferley, J.P.; Zmirou, D.; Adhemar, D. d'; Balducci, F.
A Controlled Evaluation of a Homoeopathic Preparation in the Treatment of Influenza-like Syndromes
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1989, 27, 329-335
A Controlled Evaluation of a Homoeopathic Preparation in the Treatment of Influenza-like Syndromes
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1989, 27, 329-335
Flu, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Fisher, P.
An Experimental Double-blind Clinical Trial Method in Homoeopathy
Use of a Limited Range of Remedies to Treat Fibrositis
Brit Hom J, 1986, 75(3), 142-147
An Experimental Double-blind Clinical Trial Method in Homoeopathy
Use of a Limited Range of Remedies to Treat Fibrositis
Brit Hom J, 1986, 75(3), 142-147
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibrosis, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Fisher, P.; Greenwood, A.; Huskisson, E.C.; Turner, B.; Belon, P.
Effect of Homoeopathic Treatment on Fibrositis (Primary Fibromyalgia)
BMJ, 1989, 299, 365-366
Effect of Homoeopathic Treatment on Fibrositis (Primary Fibromyalgia)
BMJ, 1989, 299, 365-366
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Gassinger, C.A.; Wünstel, G.; Netter, P.
Klinische Prüfung zum Nachweis der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit des homöopathischen Arzneimittels Eupatorium perfoliatum D2 (Wasserhanf composite) bei der Diagnose "Grippaler Infekt"
Arzneim Forsch, 1981, 31,I (4), 732-736
Klinische Prüfung zum Nachweis der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit des homöopathischen Arzneimittels Eupatorium perfoliatum D2 (Wasserhanf composite) bei der Diagnose "Grippaler Infekt"
Arzneim Forsch, 1981, 31,I (4), 732-736
Acidum acetylosalicylicum, Eupatorium, Flu, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Geiger, G.
Klinische Erfahrungen mit Traumeel bei Weichteilkontusionen und Frakturen und mit Vertigoheel bei der Commotio cerebri acuta
Med Welt, 1968, (18), 1203-1204
Klinische Erfahrungen mit Traumeel bei Weichteilkontusionen und Frakturen und mit Vertigoheel bei der Commotio cerebri acuta
Med Welt, 1968, (18), 1203-1204
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Fracture, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Bruise, Randomized trial, Traumeel, Vertigoheel
Gibson, J.; Haslam, Y.; Laurenson, L.; Newman, P.; Pitt, R.; Robins, M.
Double Blind Trial of Arnica in Acute Trauma Patients
Hom Res Group Comm, 1991, (21), 34-41
Double Blind Trial of Arnica in Acute Trauma Patients
Hom Res Group Comm, 1991, (21), 34-41
Arnica, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Gibson, R.G.; Gibson, S.L.M.; MacNeill, A.D.; Gray, G.H.; Dick, C.W.; Buchanan, W.W.
Salicylates and Homoeopathy in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Preliminary observations
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1978, 6, 391-395
Salicylates and Homoeopathy in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Preliminary observations
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1978, 6, 391-395
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Salix, Salix purpurea
Gibson, R.G.; Gibson, S.L.M.; MacNeill, A.D.; Buchanan, W.W.
Homoeopathic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Evaluation by Double-blind Clinical Therapeutical Trial
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1980, 9, 453-459
Homoeopathic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Evaluation by Double-blind Clinical Therapeutical Trial
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1980, 9, 453-459
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Protocole d'un essai de traitement homéopathique en chirurgie digestive
Presse Médicale, 1987, 16(5), 192-193
Protocole d'un essai de traitement homéopathique en chirurgie digestive
Presse Médicale, 1987, 16(5), 192-193
Surgery, Homeopathy, Ileus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Postoperative complaints, Randomized trial
Evaluation de deux produits homéopathiques sur la reprise du transit après chirurgie digestive
Un essai contrôlé multicentrique
Presse Médicale, 1989, 18(2), 59-62
Evaluation de deux produits homéopathiques sur la reprise du transit après chirurgie digestive
Un essai contrôlé multicentrique
Presse Médicale, 1989, 18(2), 59-62
Surgery, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Garden poppy, Placebo-controlled, Postoperative complaints, Randomized trial, Raphanus sativus
Guillemain, J.; Jessenne, M.-G.; Pariente, J.; Renauld, D.; Alleaume, B.; Tétau, M.
Homéopathie, tentative d'èssai clinique en double aveugle dans une épreuve sportive
Le Paris - Dakar
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 1983, 20(78), 35-40
Homéopathie, tentative d'èssai clinique en double aveugle dans une épreuve sportive
Le Paris - Dakar
Cahiers de Biothérapie, 1983, 20(78), 35-40
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Sports medicine
Hariveau, E.
La recherche clinique à l'Institut Boiron
(L'efficacité de cuprum metallicum, comparée à celle d'un placebo, dans la résolution de crampes survenant au cours d'hémodialyse chez des insuffisants rénaux)
Homéopathie, 1987, 4(5), 55-58
La recherche clinique à l'Institut Boiron
(L'efficacité de cuprum metallicum, comparée à celle d'un placebo, dans la résolution de crampes survenant au cours d'hémodialyse chez des insuffisants rénaux)
Homéopathie, 1987, 4(5), 55-58
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Review (CR)
Hildebrandt, G.; Eltze, C.
Über die Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung des Muskelkaters mit Rhus toxicodendron D4
Ein Beitrag zur Pharmakologie adaptiver Prozesse
EHK, 1983, 32(6), 358-364 (Originalarbeit)
Über die Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung des Muskelkaters mit Rhus toxicodendron D4
Ein Beitrag zur Pharmakologie adaptiver Prozesse
EHK, 1983, 32(6), 358-364 (Originalarbeit)
Occupational health, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Experiment, Healthy probands, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Muscle soreness, Randomized trial, Rhus, Sports medicine
Hildebrandt, G.; Eltze, C.
Über die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Dosen und Potenzen (Verdünnungen) von Rhus toxicodendron beim experimentell ausgelösten Muskelkater
Weitere Beiträge zu einer Pharmakologie adaptiver Prozesse (II. Mitteilung)
EHK, 1983, 32(11), 743-750
Über die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Dosen und Potenzen (Verdünnungen) von Rhus toxicodendron beim experimentell ausgelösten Muskelkater
Weitere Beiträge zu einer Pharmakologie adaptiver Prozesse (II. Mitteilung)
EHK, 1983, 32(11), 743-750
Occupational health, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Experiment, Healthy probands, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Muscle soreness, Randomized trial, Rhus, Sports medicine
Hildebrandt, G.; Eltze, C.
Über die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Potenzen (Verdünnungen) von Arnica beim experimentell erzeugten Muskelkater
Beiträge zu einer Pharmakologie adaptiver Prozesse (III. Mitteilung)
EHK, 1984, 33(7), 430-435
Über die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Potenzen (Verdünnungen) von Arnica beim experimentell erzeugten Muskelkater
Beiträge zu einer Pharmakologie adaptiver Prozesse (III. Mitteilung)
EHK, 1984, 33(7), 430-435
Arnica, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Pharmacology, Randomized trial
Hitzenberger, G.; Korn, A.; Dorsci, M.; Bauer, P.; Wohlzogen, F.X.
Kontrollierte randomisierte doppelblinde Studie zum Vergleich einer Behandlung von Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie mit homöopathischen und pharmakologisch wirksamen Medikamenten
Wien Klin Wochenschr, 1982, 94(21), 665-670
Kontrollierte randomisierte doppelblinde Studie zum Vergleich einer Behandlung von Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie mit homöopathischen und pharmakologisch wirksamen Medikamenten
Wien Klin Wochenschr, 1982, 94(21), 665-670
High blood pressure, Basic Research, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Pharmacology, Randomized trial
Kaziro, G.S.N.
Metronidazole (Flagyl) and Arnica montana the prevention of postsurgical complications, a comparative placebo-controlled clinical trial
Brit J Oral Maxill Surg, 1984, 22, 42-49
Metronidazole (Flagyl) and Arnica montana the prevention of postsurgical complications, a comparative placebo-controlled clinical trial
Brit J Oral Maxill Surg, 1984, 22, 42-49
Arnica, Surgery, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Dental diseases
Köhler, T.
Wirksamkeitsnachweis eines Homöopathikums bei chronischer Polyarthritis
Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie bei niedergelassenen Ärzten
Kassenarzt, 1991, 13(13), 48-52
Wirksamkeitsnachweis eines Homöopathikums bei chronischer Polyarthritis
Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie bei niedergelassenen Ärzten
Kassenarzt, 1991, 13(13), 48-52
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Leaman, A.M.; Gorman, D.
Cantharis in the Early Treatment of Minor Burns
Arch Emergency Med, 1989, 6, 259-261
Cantharis in the Early Treatment of Minor Burns
Arch Emergency Med, 1989, 6, 259-261
Cantharis, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Burn
Lewith, G.T.; Brown, P.K.; Tyrell, D.A.
Controlled Study of the Effects of a Homoeopathic Dilution of Influenza Vaccine on Antibody Titres in Man
Complement Med Res, 1989, 3(3), 22-24
Controlled Study of the Effects of a Homoeopathic Dilution of Influenza Vaccine on Antibody Titres in Man
Complement Med Res, 1989, 3(3), 22-24
Experiment, Basic Research, Homeopathy, Immune system, Influenza vaccine, Isopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Nosoden, Randomized trial
Maiwald, L.; Weinfurtner, T.; Mau, J.; Connert, W.-D.
Therapie des grippalen Infekts mit einem homöopathischen Kombinationspräparat im Vergleich zu Acetylsalicylsäure
Kontrollierte, randomisierte Einfachblindstudie
Arzneim Forsch, 1988, 38,I (4), 578-582
Therapie des grippalen Infekts mit einem homöopathischen Kombinationspräparat im Vergleich zu Acetylsalicylsäure
Kontrollierte, randomisierte Einfachblindstudie
Arzneim Forsch, 1988, 38,I (4), 578-582
Respiratory diseases, Common cold, Flu, Gripp-Heel (Heel), Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Master, F.J.
A Study of Homoeopathic Drugs in Essential Hypertension
Brit Hom J, 1987, 76(3), 120-121
A Study of Homoeopathic Drugs in Essential Hypertension
Brit Hom J, 1987, 76(3), 120-121
Adrenalinum hydrochloricum, Barium chloratum, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Serum anguillae
Mayaux, M.J.; Guihard-Moscato, M.L.; Schwartz, D.; Benveniste, J.; Coquin, Y.; Crapanne, J.B.; Poitevin, B.; Rodary, M.; Chevrel, J.P.; Mollet, M.
Controlled Clinical Trial of Homoeopathy in Postoperative Ileus
Lancet, 1988, II,1, 528-529
Controlled Clinical Trial of Homoeopathy in Postoperative Ileus
Lancet, 1988, II,1, 528-529
Surgery, Homeopathy, Ileus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Postoperative complaints, Randomized trial
Mergen, H.
Therapie posttraumatischer Schwellungen mit Traumeel
Beitrag zur Relation "Dosis : Wirkung" eines Kombinationspräparates
MMW Fortschr Med, 1969, 111(6), 298-300
Therapie posttraumatischer Schwellungen mit Traumeel
Beitrag zur Relation "Dosis : Wirkung" eines Kombinationspräparates
MMW Fortschr Med, 1969, 111(6), 298-300
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Traumeel, Wound healing
Mössinger, P.
Die Behandlung der Pharyngitis mit Phytolacca
Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenaktion der Forschungsgemeinschaft für Homöopathie
AHZ, 1973, 218(3), 111-121
Die Behandlung der Pharyngitis mit Phytolacca
Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenaktion der Forschungsgemeinschaft für Homöopathie
AHZ, 1973, 218(3), 111-121
Assesment, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pharyngitis, Phytolacca, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Mössinger, P.
Zur therapeutischen Wirksamkeit von Hepar sulfuris calcareum D4 bei Pyodermien und Furunkeln
AHZ, 1980, 225(1), 22-27
Zur therapeutischen Wirksamkeit von Hepar sulfuris calcareum D4 bei Pyodermien und Furunkeln
AHZ, 1980, 225(1), 22-27
Furuncle, Skin diseases, Hepar sulfuris, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pyodermia, Randomized trial
Mössinger, P.
Untersuchung zur Behandlung des akuten Fließschnupfens mit Euphorbium D3
AHZ, 1982, 227(3), 89-95
Untersuchung zur Behandlung des akuten Fließschnupfens mit Euphorbium D3
AHZ, 1982, 227(3), 89-95
Respiratory diseases, Euphorbium, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Cold
Pöllmann, L.; Hildebrandt, G.
Zur Gabe von Arnica, Planta tota D3, bei kieferchirurgischen Eingriffen
EHK, 1985, 34(7), 503-506
Zur Gabe von Arnica, Planta tota D3, bei kieferchirurgischen Eingriffen
EHK, 1985, 34(7), 503-506
Arnica, Surgery, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Postoperative complaints, Teeth
Ponti, M.
Evaluation d'un traitement homéopathique du mal des transports
Bilan de 93 observations
Boiron, J., Belon, P., Hariveau, E. (Hrsg.): Recherches en homéopathie, 1986, 71-74
Evaluation d'un traitement homéopathique du mal des transports
Bilan de 93 observations
Boiron, J., Belon, P., Hariveau, E. (Hrsg.): Recherches en homéopathie, 1986, 71-74
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Travel sickness
Rahlfs, V.W.; Mössinger, P.
Zur Behandlung des Colon irritable
Ein multizentrischer plazebo-kontrollierter Doppelblindversuch in der Allgemeinen Praxis
Arzneim Forsch, 1976, 26(12), 2230-2234
Zur Behandlung des Colon irritable
Ein multizentrischer plazebo-kontrollierter Doppelblindversuch in der Allgemeinen Praxis
Arzneim Forsch, 1976, 26(12), 2230-2234
Asa foetida, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Nux vomica, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
Rahlfs, V.W.; Mössinger, P.
Asa foetida bei Colon irritabile
DMW, 1979, 104, 140-143
Asa foetida bei Colon irritabile
DMW, 1979, 104, 140-143
Asa foetida, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
Reilly, D.T.; Taylor, M.A.
Potent Placebo or Potency?
A Proposed Study Model with Initial Findings Using Homoeopathically Prepared Pollens in Hayfever
Brit Hom J, 1985, 74(2), 65-75
Potent Placebo or Potency?
A Proposed Study Model with Initial Findings Using Homoeopathically Prepared Pollens in Hayfever
Brit Hom J, 1985, 74(2), 65-75
Allergies, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Isopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Pollen, Randomized trial
Reilly, D.T.; Taylor, M.A.; McSharry, C.; Aitchison, T.
Is Homoeopathy a Placebo Response?
Controlled Trial of Homoeopathic Potency - With Pollen in Hayfever as Model
Lancet, 1986, II.2, 881-886
Is Homoeopathy a Placebo Response?
Controlled Trial of Homoeopathic Potency - With Pollen in Hayfever as Model
Lancet, 1986, II.2, 881-886
Allergies, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Isopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Pollen, Randomized trial
Savage, R.H.; Roe, P.F.
A Double Blind Trial to Assess the Benefit of Arnica Montana in Acute Stroke Illness
Brit Hom J, 1977, 66, 207-220
A Double Blind Trial to Assess the Benefit of Arnica Montana in Acute Stroke Illness
Brit Hom J, 1977, 66, 207-220
Arnica, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Stroke
Schmidt, W.
Zur Therapie der chronischen Bronchitis
Randomisierte Doppelblindstudie mit Asthmaheel
Therapiewoche, 1987, 37(29), 2803-2809
Zur Therapie der chronischen Bronchitis
Randomisierte Doppelblindstudie mit Asthmaheel
Therapiewoche, 1987, 37(29), 2803-2809
Asthmaheel (Heel), Respiratory diseases, Bronchitis, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Schwab, G.
Läßt sich eine Wirkung homöopathischer Hochpotenzen nachweisen?
Eine kontrollierte Cross-over Doppelblindstudie bei Hautkrankheiten
1990, 1-64 (Dissertation)
Läßt sich eine Wirkung homöopathischer Hochpotenzen nachweisen?
Eine kontrollierte Cross-over Doppelblindstudie bei Hautkrankheiten
1990, 1-64 (Dissertation)
Skin diseases, High potencies, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Potentization, Randomized trial
Shipley, M.; Berry, H.; Broster, G.; Jenkins, M.; Clover, A.; Williams, I.
Controlled Trial of Homoeopathic Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Lancet, 1983, I,1 (Jan.15), 97-98
Controlled Trial of Homoeopathic Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Lancet, 1983, I,1 (Jan.15), 97-98
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
Subramanyam, V.R.; Mishra, N.; Rai, Y.; Rakshit, G.; Pattnaik, N.M.
Homoeopathic treatment of filariasis
Experience in an Indian rural setting
Brit Hom J, 1990, 79(3), 157-160
Homoeopathic treatment of filariasis
Experience in an Indian rural setting
Brit Hom J, 1990, 79(3), 157-160
Filariasis, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Sutherland, I.
Report on the Controlled Trial
Homoeopathy in Surgical Tuberculosis
Brit Hom J, 1954, 44(2), 88-96
Report on the Controlled Trial
Homoeopathy in Surgical Tuberculosis
Brit Hom J, 1954, 44(2), 88-96
Respiratory diseases, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Tuberculosis
Tsiakopoulos, I.; Labropoulo, N.; Hadjikostas, C.; Skaliodas, S.; Diamantidis, S.
Comparative Study of Homoeopathic and Allopathic Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
LMHI (ed.) : 43rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 1988, Athens, Greece, 1988, 94-97 (Abstract ; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Comparative Study of Homoeopathic and Allopathic Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
LMHI (ed.) : 43rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, 1988, Athens, Greece, 1988, 94-97 (Abstract ; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Vertigo
Turner, P.
Clinical Trials of Homoeopathic Remedies
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1980, 9, 443-444 (Editorial)
Clinical Trials of Homoeopathic Remedies
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1980, 9, 443-444 (Editorial)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Review (CR)
Ustianowski, P.A.
A Clinical Trial of Staphysagria in Postcoital Cystitis
Brit Hom J, 1974, 63, 276-277
A Clinical Trial of Staphysagria in Postcoital Cystitis
Brit Hom J, 1974, 63, 276-277
Bladder infection, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Staphisagria
Valero, E.
Etude de l'action préventive de Raphanus sativus 7CH, sur le temps de reprise du transit intestinal post-opératoire (à propos de 80 cas)
Pyrogenium 7CH sur les infections post-opératoires (à propos de 128 cas)
1981, 1-60 (Dissertation)
Etude de l'action préventive de Raphanus sativus 7CH, sur le temps de reprise du transit intestinal post-opératoire (à propos de 80 cas)
Pyrogenium 7CH sur les infections post-opératoires (à propos de 128 cas)
1981, 1-60 (Dissertation)
Surgery, Homeopathy, Ileus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Postoperative complaints, Pyrogenium, Randomized trial
Ventoskovskiy, B.M.; Popov, A.V.
Homoeopathy as a Practical Alternative to Traditional Obstetric Methods
Brit Hom J, 1990, 79(4), 201-205
Homoeopathy as a Practical Alternative to Traditional Obstetric Methods
Brit Hom J, 1990, 79(4), 201-205
Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Obstetrics
Wiesenauer, M.; Häussler, S.; Gaus, W.
Pollinosis-Therapie mit Galphimia glauca
MMW Fortschr Med, 1983, 101(17), 811-814
Pollinosis-Therapie mit Galphimia glauca
MMW Fortschr Med, 1983, 101(17), 811-814
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Gaus, W.
Double-blind Trial Comparing the Effectiveness of Galphimia Potentisation D6 (Homoeopathic Preparation), Galphimia Dilution 10-6 and Placebo on Pollinosis
Arzneim Forsch, 1985, 35,II(11), 1745-1747
Double-blind Trial Comparing the Effectiveness of Galphimia Potentisation D6 (Homoeopathic Preparation), Galphimia Dilution 10-6 and Placebo on Pollinosis
Arzneim Forsch, 1985, 35,II(11), 1745-1747
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Gaus, W.
Wirksamkeitsvergleich verschiedener Potenzierungen des homöopathischen Arzneimittels Galphimia glauca beim Heuschnupfen-Syndrom
Eine multizentrische, kontrollierte, randomisierte Doppelblindstudie
DAZ Fortbildung Homöopathie, 1986, 126(40), 2179-2185
Wirksamkeitsvergleich verschiedener Potenzierungen des homöopathischen Arzneimittels Galphimia glauca beim Heuschnupfen-Syndrom
Eine multizentrische, kontrollierte, randomisierte Doppelblindstudie
DAZ Fortbildung Homöopathie, 1986, 126(40), 2179-2185
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Gaus, W.
Orthostatische Dysregulation
Kontrollierter Wirkungsvergleich zwischen Etilefrin 5mg und dem homöopathischen Arzneimittel Haplopappus D2
Z Allg Med, 1987, 63, 18-23
Orthostatische Dysregulation
Kontrollierter Wirkungsvergleich zwischen Etilefrin 5mg und dem homöopathischen Arzneimittel Haplopappus D2
Z Allg Med, 1987, 63, 18-23
Haplopappus, Haplopappus bailahuén, Cardiovascular diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low blood pressure, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Gaus, W.; Bohnacker, U.; Häussler, S.
Wirksamkeitsprüfung von homöopathischen Kombinationspräparaten bei Sinusitis
Ergebnisse einer randomisierten Doppelblindstudie unter Praxisbedingungen
Arzneim Forsch, 1989, 39,I (5), 620-625
Wirksamkeitsprüfung von homöopathischen Kombinationspräparaten bei Sinusitis
Ergebnisse einer randomisierten Doppelblindstudie unter Praxisbedingungen
Arzneim Forsch, 1989, 39,I (5), 620-625
Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Sinusitis, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Gaus, W.; Häussler, S.
Behandlung der Pollinosis mit Galphimia glauca
Eine Doppelblindstudie unter Praxisbedingungen
Allergol, 1990, 13(10), 359-363
Behandlung der Pollinosis mit Galphimia glauca
Eine Doppelblindstudie unter Praxisbedingungen
Allergol, 1990, 13(10), 359-363
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Gaus, W.
Wirksamkeitsnachweis eines Homöopathikums bei chronischer Polyarthritis
Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie bei niedergelassenen Ärzten
Akt Rheumatol, 1991, 16, 1-9
Wirksamkeitsnachweis eines Homöopathikums bei chronischer Polyarthritis
Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie bei niedergelassenen Ärzten
Akt Rheumatol, 1991, 16, 1-9
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Williams, H.
The effect of oral Variolinum in Subsequent Primary Vaccination
J Am Inst Hom, 1966, 59, 304-305
The effect of oral Variolinum in Subsequent Primary Vaccination
J Am Inst Hom, 1966, 59, 304-305
Homeopathy, Immune system, Vaccination, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Practice, Randomized trial, small pox
Zell, J.; Connert, W.-D.; Mau, J.; Feuerstake, G.
Behandlung von akuten Sprunggelenksdistorsionen
Doppelblindstudie zum Wirksamkeitsnachweis eines homöopathischen Salbenpräparats
MMW Fortschr Med, 1988, 106(5), 96-100
Behandlung von akuten Sprunggelenksdistorsionen
Doppelblindstudie zum Wirksamkeitsnachweis eines homöopathischen Salbenpräparats
MMW Fortschr Med, 1988, 106(5), 96-100
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Torsion
Reilly, D.; Taylor, M.A.; Beattie, N.G.M.; Campbell, J.H.
Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible?
Lancet, 1994, 344(8937), 1601-1606
Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible?
Lancet, 1994, 344(8937), 1601-1606
Asthma, Respiratory diseases, Homeopathy, Isopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Jacobs, J.; Jiménez, L.M.; Gloyd, S.S.; Gale, J.L.; Crothers, D.
Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with homoeopathic medicine
A randomized clinical trial in Nicaragua
Pediatrics, 1994, 93(5), 719-725
Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with homoeopathic medicine
A randomized clinical trial in Nicaragua
Pediatrics, 1994, 93(5), 719-725
Diarrhoeal disorder, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Pediatrics, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Weiser, M.; Clasen, B.P.E.
Randomisierte plazebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie zur Untersuchung der klinischen Wirksamkeit der homöopathischen Euphorbium compositum-Nasentropfen S bei chronischer Sinusitis
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1994, 1994(1), 251-259
Randomisierte plazebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie zur Untersuchung der klinischen Wirksamkeit der homöopathischen Euphorbium compositum-Nasentropfen S bei chronischer Sinusitis
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1994, 1994(1), 251-259
Euphorbium, Euphorbium comp. S(N) (Heel), Ear-nose-throat disorders, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Sinusitis, Randomized trial
Lökken, P.; Straumsheim, P.A.; Tveiten, D.; Skjelbred, P.; Borchgrevink, C.F.
Effect of homoeopathy on pain and other events after acute trauma
Placebo controlled trial with bilateral oral surgery
BMJ, 1995, 310(6992), 1439-1442
Effect of homoeopathy on pain and other events after acute trauma
Placebo controlled trial with bilateral oral surgery
BMJ, 1995, 310(6992), 1439-1442
Surgery, Inflammation, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Pain
Wiesenauer, M.; Lüdtke, R.
The treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia glauca D4
A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial
Phytomed, 1995, 2(1), 3-6
The treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia glauca D4
A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial
Phytomed, 1995, 2(1), 3-6
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
Walach, H.; Haag, G.; Gaus, W.
Klassisch-Homöopathische Therapie bei chronischen Kopfschmerzen
Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie
Schmerz, 1995, 1995(9), 9 (Abstract)
Klassisch-Homöopathische Therapie bei chronischen Kopfschmerzen
Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie
Schmerz, 1995, 1995(9), 9 (Abstract)
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Migraine, Nervous system, Randomized trial
Stippig, S.G.
Atemwegserkrankungen bei Kindern
Homöopathische und konventionelle Behandlung gleich gut
Allgemeinarzt, 1996, 18(9), 931-936
Atemwegserkrankungen bei Kindern
Homöopathische und konventionelle Behandlung gleich gut
Allgemeinarzt, 1996, 18(9), 931-936
Respiratory diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lomabronchin-N, Pediatrics, Randomized trial
Lange-de-Klerk, E.S.M. de; Blommers, J.; Kuik, D.J.; Feenstra, L.; Bezemer, P.D.
Effects of individually chosen homoeopathic medicines on recurrent URTI in children
A clinical trial - I Study methodology
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(1), 4-14
Effects of individually chosen homoeopathic medicines on recurrent URTI in children
A clinical trial - I Study methodology
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85(1), 4-14
Respiratory diseases, Homeopathy, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Review (CR)
Erp, V.M.A. van; Brands, M.
Homoeopathic treatment of malaria in Ghana
Open study and clinical trial
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85, 66-70
Homoeopathic treatment of malaria in Ghana
Open study and clinical trial
Brit Hom J, 1996, 85, 66-70
Arsenicum, Blood, Blood/Lymphatic system, China, Chloroquin, Eupatorium, Homeopathy, Hygiene, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Malaria, Natrium, sodium chloride, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Randomized trial, Rhus, Sulfur, Prevalence
Ledermann, E.K.
Homoeopathy tested against controls in cases of surgical tuberculosis
Brit Hom J, 1954, 44(2), 83-88
Homoeopathy tested against controls in cases of surgical tuberculosis
Brit Hom J, 1954, 44(2), 83-88
Respiratory diseases, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Tuberculosis
Kienle, G.
Wirkung von Carbo Betulae D6 bei respiratorischer Partialinsuffizienz
Arzneim Forsch, 1973, 23(6), 840-842
Wirkung von Carbo Betulae D6 bei respiratorischer Partialinsuffizienz
Arzneim Forsch, 1973, 23(6), 840-842
Respiratory diseases, Carbo vegetabilis, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial
Braun, A.
Versuche zur serologischen Nachweisbarkeit der Wirkung von Grippe-Nosoden
AHZ, 1972, 217(3), 124-131 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Versuche zur serologischen Nachweisbarkeit der Wirkung von Grippe-Nosoden
AHZ, 1972, 217(3), 124-131 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Healthy probands, Flu, Homeopathy, Infections, Influenzinum, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nosoden, Placebo-controlled, Prevention, Randomized trial
Whitmarsh, T.E.; Coleston, D.M.; Steiner, T.J.
Homoeopathic prophylaxis of migraine
Cephalalgia, 1993, 13(13), 178
Homoeopathic prophylaxis of migraine
Cephalalgia, 1993, 13(13), 178
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Migraine, Nervous system, Prevention, Randomized trial
Lepaisant, C.
Essai thérapeutique en homéopathie: traitement des tensions mammaires et mastodynies du syndrome prémenstruel
Rev Fr Gynécol Obstét, 1995, 90(2), 94-97
Essai thérapeutique en homéopathie: traitement des tensions mammaires et mastodynies du syndrome prémenstruel
Rev Fr Gynécol Obstét, 1995, 90(2), 94-97
Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mastodynia, Premenstrual syndrome, Practice, Randomized trial
Wiesenauer, M.; Lüdtke, R.
A meta-analysis of the homeopathic treatment of pollinosis with galphimia glauca
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1996, 3(5), 230-234
A meta-analysis of the homeopathic treatment of pollinosis with galphimia glauca
Forsch Komplementärmed, 1996, 3(5), 230-234
Allergies, Galphimia, Hay fever, Homeopathy, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Randomized trial
Jawara, N.; Lewith, G.T.; Vickers, A.J.; Mullee, M.A; Smith, C.
Homoeopathic arnica and rhus toxicodendron for delayed onset muscle soreness
A pilot for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Brit Hom J, 1997, 86(1), 10-15
Homoeopathic arnica and rhus toxicodendron for delayed onset muscle soreness
A pilot for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Brit Hom J, 1997, 86(1), 10-15
Arnica, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Randomized trial, Rhus, Rhus toxicodendron
Hart, O.; Mullee, M.A.; Lewith, G.; Miller, J.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of homoeopathic arnica C30 for pain and infection after total abdominal hysterectomy
J Royal Soc Med, 1997, 90, 73-78
Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of homoeopathic arnica C30 for pain and infection after total abdominal hysterectomy
J Royal Soc Med, 1997, 90, 73-78
Arnica, Surgery, Inflammation, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Uterus
Beer, A.-M.; Sturm, R.; Küpper, F.
Der Einsatz eines homöopathischen Komplexmittels beim klimakterischen Syndrom im Vergleich zur Hormonsubstitution
EHK, 1995, 44(5), 336-340
Der Einsatz eines homöopathischen Komplexmittels beim klimakterischen Syndrom im Vergleich zur Hormonsubstitution
EHK, 1995, 44(5), 336-340
Aconitum, Amylium nitrosum, Black cohosh, Endocrinology, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Climacteric, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lachesis, Non-randomized trial, Pulsatilla, Sulfur, Estrogen
Walach, H.; Haeusler, W.; Lowes, T.; Mussbach, D.; Schamell, U.; Springer, W.; Stritzl, G.; Gaus, W.; Haag, G.
Classical homeopathic treatment of chronic headaches
Cephalalgia, 1997, 17, 119-126
Classical homeopathic treatment of chronic headaches
Cephalalgia, 1997, 17, 119-126
Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Migraine, Nervous system, Randomized trial
Kainz, J.T.; Kozel, G.; Haidvogl, M.; Smolle, J.
Homoeopathic versus placebo therapy of children with warts on the hands
A randomized, double-blind clinical trial
J Derm, 1996, 193, 318-320
Homoeopathic versus placebo therapy of children with warts on the hands
A randomized, double-blind clinical trial
J Derm, 1996, 193, 318-320
Calcium, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, Causticum, Experiment, Basic Research, Skin diseases, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Natrium, sodium chloride, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Sepia, Staphisagria, Sulfur, Thuja, Warts