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1785 results (filtered)
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Kessels, A.G.H.; Cardynaals, R.L.L.M.; Borger, R.L.L.; Go, M.J.T.H.; Lambers, J.C.C.A.; Knottnerus, J.A.; Knipschild, P.G.
The effectiveness of the hair-restorer "Dabao" in males with alopecia androgenetica
A clinical experiment
J Clin Epidemiol, 1991, 44(4-5), 439-447
The effectiveness of the hair-restorer "Dabao" in males with alopecia androgenetica
A clinical experiment
J Clin Epidemiol, 1991, 44(4-5), 439-447
Angelica, Angelica sinensis, Capsicum, safflower, Crataegus, Hair loss, Skin diseases, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Morus, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Pseudolarix, Randomized trial, Sesamum indicum, Stemona, Stemona curtisii, Traditional Chinese medicine, Zanthoxylum, Zanthoxylum piperitum, ginger
Bensoussan, A.; Talley, N.J.; Hing, M.; Menzies, R.; Guo, A.; Ngu, M.
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Chinese herbal medicine
A randomized controlled trial
JAMA, 1998, 280(18), 1585-1589
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Chinese herbal medicine
A randomized controlled trial
JAMA, 1998, 280(18), 1585-1589
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Traditional Chinese medicine
Iwasaki, K.; Wang, Q.; Nakagawa, T.; Suzuki, T.; Sasaki, H.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine Banxia Houpo Tang improves swallowing reflex
Phytomed, 1999, 6(2), 103-106
The Traditional Chinese Medicine Banxia Houpo Tang improves swallowing reflex
Phytomed, 1999, 6(2), 103-106
Respiratory diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lung inflammation, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Traditional Chinese medicine
Iwao, M.; Kajiyama, S.; Mori, H.; Oogaki, K.
Effects of Qigong Walking on Diabetic Patients
A Pilot Study
J Altern Complement Med, 1999, 5(4), 353-358
Effects of Qigong Walking on Diabetic Patients
A Pilot Study
J Altern Complement Med, 1999, 5(4), 353-358
Diabetes mellitus, Experiment, Basic Research, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Non-randomized trial, Qi Gong, Metabolic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
Armstrong, N.C.; Ernst, E.
The treatment of eczema with Chinese herbs
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1999, 48(2), 262-264
The treatment of eczema with Chinese herbs
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
Brit J Clin Pharmacol, 1999, 48(2), 262-264
Eczema, Skin diseases, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Batey, R.G.; Bensoussan, A.; Yang, Y.F.; Bollip, S.; Hossain, M.A.
Preliminary report of a randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial of a Chinese herbal medicine preparation CH-100 in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C
J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 1998, 13, 244-247
Preliminary report of a randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial of a Chinese herbal medicine preparation CH-100 in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C
J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 1998, 13, 244-247
Hepatitis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Oettmeier, R.; Reuter, U.
Die ganzheitliche Therapie des Osteoporose-Syndroms und die Sichtweise der TCM
ÄN, 1999, 40(8), 530-539
Die ganzheitliche Therapie des Osteoporose-Syndroms und die Sichtweise der TCM
ÄN, 1999, 40(8), 530-539
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Osteoporosis, Practice, Traditional Chinese medicine
Weber, R.; Christen, L.; Loy, M.; Schaller, S.; Christen, S.; Joyce, C.R.B.; Ledermann, U.; Ledergerber, B.; Cone, R.; Luthy, R.; Cohen, M.R.
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of Chinese herb therapy for HIV-1-infected individuals
J Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndroms Human Retrovirology, 1999, 22(1), 56-64
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of Chinese herb therapy for HIV-1-infected individuals
J Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndroms Human Retrovirology, 1999, 22(1), 56-64
HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Pittler, M.H.; Ernst, E.
Artemether for severe malaria
A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Clin Infect Dis, 1999, 28, 597-601
Artemether for severe malaria
A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Clin Infect Dis, 1999, 28, 597-601
Artemisia, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Malaria, Meta-analysis, Phytomedicine, Traditional Chinese medicine
Fung, A.Y.P.; Look, P.C.N.; Chong, L.-Y.; But, P.P.H.; Wong, E.
A controlled trial of traditional Chinese herbal medicine in Chinese patients with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis
Int J Dermatol, 1999, 38, 387-392
A controlled trial of traditional Chinese herbal medicine in Chinese patients with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis
Int J Dermatol, 1999, 38, 387-392
Skin diseases, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neurodermitis, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Dau, N. van; Ngoc Ham, N.; Huy Khac, D.; Thi Lam, N.; Tong Son, P.; Thi Tan, N.; Duc Van, D.; Dahlgren, S.; Grabe, M.; Johansson, R.; Lindgren, G.; Stjernström, N.
The effects of a traditional drug, turmeric (Curcuma longa), and placebo on the healing of duodenal ulcer
Phytomed, 1998, 5(1), 29-34
The effects of a traditional drug, turmeric (Curcuma longa), and placebo on the healing of duodenal ulcer
Phytomed, 1998, 5(1), 29-34
Curcuma, Curcuma longa, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Duodenal ulcer
Iwasaki, K.; Wang, Q.; Seki, H.; Satoh, K.; Takeda, A.; Arai, H.; Sasaki, H.
The effects of the traditional Chinese medicine, "Banxia Houpo Tang (Hange-Koboku To)" on the swallowing reflex in Parkinson's disease
Phytomed, 2000, 7(4), 259-263
The effects of the traditional Chinese medicine, "Banxia Houpo Tang (Hange-Koboku To)" on the swallowing reflex in Parkinson's disease
Phytomed, 2000, 7(4), 259-263
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Parkinson's disease, Phytomedicine, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chunfu, Z.
Treatment of Male Sterility by Traditional Chinese Medicine
A clinical report of 145 cases
J Trad Chin Med, 1988, 8(2), 131-133
Treatment of Male Sterility by Traditional Chinese Medicine
A clinical report of 145 cases
J Trad Chin Med, 1988, 8(2), 131-133
Andrology, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Wenbo, C.
Clinical Observation of 40 cases of Sterility in Men treated by the herb food "Sparrow of Good News"
J Trad Chin Med, 1988, 8(2), 120
Clinical Observation of 40 cases of Sterility in Men treated by the herb food "Sparrow of Good News"
J Trad Chin Med, 1988, 8(2), 120
Andrology, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Traditional Chinese medicine
Kuang, A.; Wang, C.; Xu, D.; Qian, Y.
Research on "Anti-Aging" Effect of Qigong
J Trad Chin Med, 1991, 11(2), 153-158
Research on "Anti-Aging" Effect of Qigong
J Trad Chin Med, 1991, 11(2), 153-158
High blood pressure, Geriatrics, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Ushiroyama, T.
Effects of Unkei-to, an herbal medicine, on endocrine function and ovulation in women with high basal levels of luteinizing hormone secretion
J Reprod Med, 2001, 46, 451-546
Effects of Unkei-to, an herbal medicine, on endocrine function and ovulation in women with high basal levels of luteinizing hormone secretion
J Reprod Med, 2001, 46, 451-546
Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Ovary, Ovarialzyste, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Unkei-to
Ernst, E.; Thompson Coon, J.
Heavy metals in traditional Chinese medicines
A systematic review
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 2001, 70(6), 497-504
Heavy metals in traditional Chinese medicines
A systematic review
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 2001, 70(6), 497-504
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Heavy metals, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine, Environmental medicine
Li, M.; Chen, K.; Mo, Z.
Use of Qigong Therapy in the Detoxification of Heroin Addicts
Altern Ther Health Med, 2002, 8(1), 50-59
Use of Qigong Therapy in the Detoxification of Heroin Addicts
Altern Ther Health Med, 2002, 8(1), 50-59
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Addiction, Traditional Chinese medicine
Yang, S.
EEG Changes During Qigong Meditation
Chez, R.A. et al. (eds.): Bridging worlds and filling gaps in the science of healing, 2002, 218-221 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
EEG Changes During Qigong Meditation
Chez, R.A. et al. (eds.): Bridging worlds and filling gaps in the science of healing, 2002, 218-221 (Symposiumsbeitrag)
Diagnostics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese medicine
McCulloch, M.; Broffman, M.; Gao, J.; Colford, J.
Chinese herbal medicine and interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B
A meta analysis of randomized, controlled trials
Am J Publ Health, 2002, 92(10), 1619-1627
Chinese herbal medicine and interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B
A meta analysis of randomized, controlled trials
Am J Publ Health, 2002, 92(10), 1619-1627
Chinese medicinal herbs, Hepatitis, Interferon, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meta-analysis, Traditional Chinese medicine
Voiß, P.
Naturheilkundliche Lebensstilmodifikation bei Mukoviszidose
Eine prospektive, randomisierte kontrollierte Behandlungsstudie
Albrecht, H., Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Band 8 (2001), 2002, 115-134
Naturheilkundliche Lebensstilmodifikation bei Mukoviszidose
Eine prospektive, randomisierte kontrollierte Behandlungsstudie
Albrecht, H., Frühwald, M. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Band 8 (2001), 2002, 115-134
Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Progressive muscle relaxation, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine, Yoga, Mucoviscidosis
Chang, R.
Bioactive Polysaccharides from Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs as Anticancer Adjuvants
J Altern Complement Med, 2002, 8(5), 559-565
Bioactive Polysaccharides from Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs as Anticancer Adjuvants
J Altern Complement Med, 2002, 8(5), 559-565
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Ernst, E.
Adulteration of Chinese herbal medicine with synthetic drugs
A systematic review
J Intern Med, 2002, 252, 107-113
Adulteration of Chinese herbal medicine with synthetic drugs
A systematic review
J Intern Med, 2002, 252, 107-113
Arzneimittelqualität, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Kontamination, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Park, J.; Park, H.-J.; Lee, H.-J.; Ernst, E.
What's in a name?
A systematic review of the nomenclature of Chinese Medical formulae
Am J Chin Med, 2002, 30(2/3), 419-427
What's in a name?
A systematic review of the nomenclature of Chinese Medical formulae
Am J Chin Med, 2002, 30(2/3), 419-427
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Xue, C.C.L.; Thien, F.C.K.; Zhang, J.J.S.; Costa, C. Da; Li, Ch.G.
Treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis by chinese herbal medicine: a randomized placebo controlled trial
Altern Ther Health Med, 2003, 9(5), 80-87
Treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis by chinese herbal medicine: a randomized placebo controlled trial
Altern Ther Health Med, 2003, 9(5), 80-87
Allergies, Chinese medicinal herbs, Hay fever, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Jang, J.-W.; Jang, H.-S.; Moon, S.-R.
Effects of Qi-therapy on blood pressure, pain and psychological symptoms in the elderly: a randomized controlled pilot trial
Complement Ther Med, 2003, 11(3), 159-164
Effects of Qi-therapy on blood pressure, pain and psychological symptoms in the elderly: a randomized controlled pilot trial
Complement Ther Med, 2003, 11(3), 159-164
Anxiety, High blood pressure, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Pain, Traditional Chinese medicine
Tsai, J.-Ch.; Wang, W.-H.; Chan, P.; Lin, L.-J.; Wang, Ch.-H.; Tomlinson, B.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Yang, H.-Y.; Liu, J.-Ch.
The beneficial effects of Tai Chi Chuan on blood pressure and lipid profile and anxiety status in a randomized controlled trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9(5), 747-754
The beneficial effects of Tai Chi Chuan on blood pressure and lipid profile and anxiety status in a randomized controlled trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2003, 9(5), 747-754
Anxiety, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Litscher, G.; Wenzel, G.
Hirnfunktionsforschung und QiGong
Effekte einer alten chinesischen Meditationstechnik auf dem Prüfstand der Wissenschaft
Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed, 2004, 16(2), 90-94
Hirnfunktionsforschung und QiGong
Effekte einer alten chinesischen Meditationstechnik auf dem Prüfstand der Wissenschaft
Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed, 2004, 16(2), 90-94
Experiment, Brain, Basic Research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Human, Nervous system, Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese medicine
Thompson Coon, J.T.
Evidence for complementary therapies for the treatment of hepatitis C infection
FACT, 2004, 9(1), 7-11
Evidence for complementary therapies for the treatment of hepatitis C infection
FACT, 2004, 9(1), 7-11
Antioxidants, Nutrition/diet, Glycyrrhiza, liquorice root, Hepatitis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Sophora, Sophora japonica, Trace elements, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Jakkula, M.; Boucher, T.A.; Beyendorff, U.; Ac, L.; Conn, S.M.; Johnson,J.E.; Nolan, C.J.; Peine, C.J.; Albrecht, J.H.
A randomized trial of chinese herbal medicines for the treatment jof symptomatic hepatitis C
Arch Intern Med, 2004, 164(12), 1341-1346
A randomized trial of chinese herbal medicines for the treatment jof symptomatic hepatitis C
Arch Intern Med, 2004, 164(12), 1341-1346
Chinese medicinal herbs, Hepatitis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Pan, B.; Kato, Y.; Sengoku, K.; Takuma, N.; Niizeki, N.; Ishikawa, M.
Treatment of climacteric symptoms with herbal formulas of traditional Chinese medicine
Gynecol Obstet Invest, 2004, 57, 144-148
Treatment of climacteric symptoms with herbal formulas of traditional Chinese medicine
Gynecol Obstet Invest, 2004, 57, 144-148
Gynaecology, Chinese medicinal herbs, Climacteric, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Traditional Japanese medicine
Jang, H.-S.; Lee, M.S.
Effects of Qi therapy (external Qigong) on premenstrual syndrome
A randomized placebo-controlled study
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(3), 456-462
Effects of Qi therapy (external Qigong) on premenstrual syndrome
A randomized placebo-controlled study
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(3), 456-462
Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Placebo-controlled, Premenstrual syndrome, Qi Gong, Qi therapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Mayer, M.
Qigong clinical studies
Jonas, W.B.; Crawford, C.C. (Hrsg.): Healing Intention and Energy Medicine, 2003, 121-137
Qigong clinical studies
Jonas, W.B.; Crawford, C.C. (Hrsg.): Healing Intention and Energy Medicine, 2003, 121-137
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Qi therapy, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Singh, B.B.; Song, H.; Liu, X.-D.; Hardy, M.; Liu, G.Z.; Vinjamury, S.P.; Martirosian, C.D.
Dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula) and Bai guo (Gingko Biloba) Enhance Learning and Memory
Altern Ther Health Med, 2004, 10(4), 5256
Dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula) and Bai guo (Gingko Biloba) Enhance Learning and Memory
Altern Ther Health Med, 2004, 10(4), 5256
Alzheimer's disease, Codonopsis, Codonopsis pilosula, Dementia, Healthy probands, Ginkgo, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Placebo-controlled, Prevention, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Lim, H.-J.; Lee, M.S.
Impact of Qigong exercise on self-efficacy and other cognitive perceptual variables in patients with essential hypertension
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(4), 675-680
Impact of Qigong exercise on self-efficacy and other cognitive perceptual variables in patients with essential hypertension
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(4), 675-680
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese medicine
Thornton, E.W.; Sykes, K.S.; Tank, W.K.
Health benefits of Tai Chi exercise
Improved balance and blood pressure in middle-aged women
Health Promot Int, 2004, 19(1), 33-38
Health benefits of Tai Chi exercise
Improved balance and blood pressure in middle-aged women
Health Promot Int, 2004, 19(1), 33-38
Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Prevention, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chan, K.; Qin, L.; Lau, M.; Woo, J.; Au, S.; Choy, W.; Lee, K.; Lee, S.
A randomized, prospective study of the effects of Tai Chi Chun exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2004, 85, 717-722
A randomized, prospective study of the effects of Tai Chi Chun exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2004, 85, 717-722
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Melchart, D.; Hager, S.; Hager, U.; Liao, J.; Weidenhammer, W.; Linde, K.
Treatment of patients with chronic headaches in a hospital for traditional Chinese medicine in Germany
A randomised, waiting list controlled trial
Complement Ther Med, 2004, 12(2-3), 71-78
Treatment of patients with chronic headaches in a hospital for traditional Chinese medicine in Germany
A randomised, waiting list controlled trial
Complement Ther Med, 2004, 12(2-3), 71-78
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Migraine, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Li, F.; Fisher, K.J.; Harmer, P.; Irbe, D.; Tearse, R.G.; Weimer, C.
Tai chi and self-rated quality of sleep and daytime sleepiness in older adults
A randomized controlled trial
J Am Geriatr Soc, 2004, 52, 892-900
Tai chi and self-rated quality of sleep and daytime sleepiness in older adults
A randomized controlled trial
J Am Geriatr Soc, 2004, 52, 892-900
Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Jung, Y.B.; Seong, S.C.; Lee, M.C.; Shin, Y.-U.; Kim, D.-H.; Kim, J.-M.; Jung, Y.-K.; Ahn, J.-H.; Seo, J.-G.; Park, Y.-S.; Lee, C.-S.; Roh, K.-J.; Han, C.-K.; Cho, Y.-B.; Chang, D.-Y.; Kwak, W.-J.; Jung, K.-O.; Park, B.-J.
A four-week, randomized, double-blind trial of the efficacy and safety of SKI306X
A herbal anti-arthritic agent versus diclofenac in osteoarthritis of the knee
Am J Chin Med, 2004, 32, 291-301
A four-week, randomized, double-blind trial of the efficacy and safety of SKI306X
A herbal anti-arthritic agent versus diclofenac in osteoarthritis of the knee
Am J Chin Med, 2004, 32, 291-301
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Liu, J.; Manheimer, E.; Shi, Y.; Gluud, C.
Chinese herbal medicine for severe acute respiratory syndrome
A systematic review and meta-analysis
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(6), 1041-1051
Chinese herbal medicine for severe acute respiratory syndrome
A systematic review and meta-analysis
J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10(6), 1041-1051
Respiratory diseases, Chinese medicinal herbs, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lung inflammation, Meta-analysis, SARS - Severe acute respirotary syndrome, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine, Viruses
Becker-Witt, C.; Becker, M.; Bandelin, K.; Willich, S.N.
Qigong bei Schulkindern - eine kontrollierte Interventionsstudie
Inform Biom Epidemiol Med Biol, 2002, 2-3, 183 (Abstract)
Qigong bei Schulkindern - eine kontrollierte Interventionsstudie
Inform Biom Epidemiol Med Biol, 2002, 2-3, 183 (Abstract)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Pediatrics, Psychology/psychotherapy, Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese medicine
Li, Q.-Z.; Li, P.; Garcia, G.E.; Johnson, R.J.; Feng, L.
Genomic profiling of neutrophil transcripts in Asian Qigong practitioners
A pilot study in gene regulation by mind-body interaction
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(1), 29-39
Genomic profiling of neutrophil transcripts in Asian Qigong practitioners
A pilot study in gene regulation by mind-body interaction
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(1), 29-39
Genetics, Healthy probands, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese medicine
Witt, C.; Becker, M.; Bandelin, K.; Soellner, R.; Willich, S.N.
Qigong for schoolchildren
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(1), 41-47
Qigong for schoolchildren
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(1), 41-47
Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Pediatrics, Psychology/psychotherapy, Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese medicine
Yeh, G.Y.; Wood, M.J.; Lorell, B.H.; Stevenson, L.W.; Eisenberg, D.M.; Wayne, P.M.; Goldberger, A.L.; Davis, R.B.; Phillips, R.S.
Effects of tai chi mind-body movement therapy on functional status and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure
A randomized controlled trial
Am J Med, 2004, 117, 541-548
Effects of tai chi mind-body movement therapy on functional status and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure
A randomized controlled trial
Am J Med, 2004, 117, 541-548
Cardiovascular diseases, Heart failure, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chou, K.L.; Lee, P.W.; Yu, E.C.; Macfarlane, D.; Cheng, Y.-H.; Chan, S.S.C.; Chi, I.
Effect of Tai Chi on depressive symptoms amongst Chinese older patients with depressive disorders
A randomized clinical trial
Int J Geriatr Psych, 2004, 19, 1105-1107
Effect of Tai Chi on depressive symptoms amongst Chinese older patients with depressive disorders
A randomized clinical trial
Int J Geriatr Psych, 2004, 19, 1105-1107
Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Satoh, N.; Sakai, S.; Kogure, T.; Tahara, E.; Origasa, H.; Shimada, Y.; Kohoda, K.; Okubo, T.; Terasawa, K.
A randomized double blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of Hochuekkito, a traditional herbal medicine, in the treatment of elderly patients with weakness N of one and responder restricted design
Phytomed, 2005, 12(8), 549-554
A randomized double blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of Hochuekkito, a traditional herbal medicine, in the treatment of elderly patients with weakness N of one and responder restricted design
Phytomed, 2005, 12(8), 549-554
Angelica, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Bupleurum, Citrus, Citrus aurantium, Geriatrics, Glycyrrhiza, Hochuekkito, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Traditional Japanese medicine, ginger, Zizyphus, Zizyphus jujuba, Panax, Panax ginseng
Cao, Y.; Shi, Y.; Zheng, Y; Shi, M.; Lo, S.K.
Blood-nourishing and hard-softening capsule costs less in the management of osteoarthritic knee pain
A randomized controlled trial
eCAM, 2005, 2(3), 363-368 (Internet)
Blood-nourishing and hard-softening capsule costs less in the management of osteoarthritic knee pain
A randomized controlled trial
eCAM, 2005, 2(3), 363-368 (Internet)
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gentiana, Glycyrrhiza, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Paeonia, Paeonia alba, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Teekachunhatean, S.; Kunanusorn, P.; Rojanasthien, N.; Sananpanich, K.; Pojchamarnwiputh, S.; Lhieochaiphunt, S.; Pruksakorn, S.
Chinese herbal recipe versus diclofenac in symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
A randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN70292892]
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2004, 4, (1-8) (Internet)
Chinese herbal recipe versus diclofenac in symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
A randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN70292892]
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2004, 4, (1-8) (Internet)
Achyranthes, Achyranthes bidentata, Angelica, Angelica pubescens, Angelica sinensis, Arthrosis, Asarum, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Cinnamomum, Codonopsis, Codonopsis pilosula, Eucommia ulmoides, Gentiana, Gentiana macrophylla, Glycyrrhiza, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Ledebouriella seseloides, Ligusticum, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Loranthus, Loranthus parasiticus, Paeonia, Paeonia alba, Poria, Poria cocos, Randomized trial, Rehmannia glutinosa, Traditional Chinese medicine
Ritenbaugh, C.; Mist, S.; Hammerschlag, R.
Traditional Chinese medicine for temporomandibular dysfunction
A phase II whole system RCT
FACT, 2005, 10(suppl. 1), 45-46 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Traditional Chinese medicine for temporomandibular dysfunction
A phase II whole system RCT
FACT, 2005, 10(suppl. 1), 45-46 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Jawbone, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Tempromandibular joint disorder, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Dental diseases
Galantino, M.L.; Shepard, K.; Krafft, L.; Laperriere, A.; Ducette, J.; Sorbello, A.; Barnish, M.; Condoluci, D.; Farrar, J.T.
The Effect of Group Aerobic Exercise and T'ai Chi on Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life for Persons Living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(6), 1085-1092
The Effect of Group Aerobic Exercise and T'ai Chi on Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life for Persons Living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(6), 1085-1092
Exercise therapy, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Li, Z.; Seeram, N.P.; Lee, R.; Thames, G.; Minutti, C.; Wang, H.J.; Heber, D.
Plasma clearance of lovastatin versus chinese red yeast rice in healthy volunteers
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(6), 1031-1038
Plasma clearance of lovastatin versus chinese red yeast rice in healthy volunteers
J Altern Complement Med, 2005, 11(6), 1031-1038
Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, red yeast rice, Dietary supplementation, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
Rathbone, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, M.; Xia, J.; Liu, X.; Yang, Y.
Chinese herbal medicine for schizophrenia (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2005, 4(CD003444), 1-30
Chinese herbal medicine for schizophrenia (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2005, 4(CD003444), 1-30
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Schizophrenia, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chen, X.; Wu, T.; Liu, G.
Chinese medicinal herbs for influenza
A systematic review
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(2), 171-180
Chinese medicinal herbs for influenza
A systematic review
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(2), 171-180
Flu, Chinese medicinal herbs, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Wei, J.; Ni, J.; Wu, T.; Chen, X.; Duan, X.; Liu, G.; Yiao, J.; Wang, Q.; Zhen, J.; Zhou, L.
A systematic review of chinese medicinal herbs for acute bronchitis
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(2), 159-169
A systematic review of chinese medicinal herbs for acute bronchitis
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(2), 159-169
Respiratory diseases, Bronchitis, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Bian, Z.; Wu, T.; Liu, L.; Miao, J.; Wong, H.; Song, L.; Sung, J.J.
Effectiveness of the Chinese herbal formula TongXieYaoFang for irritable bowel syndrome
A systematic review
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(4), 401-407
Effectiveness of the Chinese herbal formula TongXieYaoFang for irritable bowel syndrome
A systematic review
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(4), 401-407
Atractylodes, Atractylodes macrocephala, Citrus, Citrus reticulata, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Paeonia, Paeonia alba, Phytomedicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Saposhnikovia, Systematic review, Tong Xie Yao Fang, Traditional Chinese medicine
Hui, P.N.; Wan, M.; Chan, W.K.; Yung, P.M.
An evaluation of two behavioral rehabilitation programs, qigong versus progressive relaxation, in improving the quality of life in cardiac patients
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(4), 373-378
An evaluation of two behavioral rehabilitation programs, qigong versus progressive relaxation, in improving the quality of life in cardiac patients
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(4), 373-378
Relaxation, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physiology, Progressive muscle relaxation, Psychology/psychotherapy, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Traditional Chinese medicine
McCulloch, M.; See, C.; Shu, X.J.; Broffman, M.; Kramer, A.; Fan, W.-Y.; Gao, J.; Lieb, W.; Shieh, K.; Colford, J.M. jr.
Astragalus-based Chinese herbs and platinum-based chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
Meta-analysis of randomized trials
J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24, 419-430
Astragalus-based Chinese herbs and platinum-based chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
Meta-analysis of randomized trials
J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24, 419-430
Astragalus, Astragalus membranaceus, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lung cancer, Meta-analysis, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Hou, H.; Tong, Y.
Effects of huangqi guizhi wuwu tang on diabetic peripheral neuropathy
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(6), 506-509
Effects of huangqi guizhi wuwu tang on diabetic peripheral neuropathy
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(6), 506-509
Diabetes mellitus, Chinese medicinal herbs, Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Neuropathy, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine, Review (CR)
Bao, Y.X.; Wong, C.K.; Leung, S.F.; Chan, A.T.; Li, P.W.; Wong, E.L.; Leung, P.C.; Fung, K.P.; Yin, Y.B.; Lam, C.W.
Clinical studies of immunomodulatory activities of Yunzhi-Danshen in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(8), 771-776
Clinical studies of immunomodulatory activities of Yunzhi-Danshen in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(8), 771-776
Coriolus versicolor, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Head and neck cancer, Cancer, Nasal tumor, Randomized trial, sage, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chen, J.X.; Hu, L.S.
Traditional chinese medicine for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in China
A systematic review and meta-analysis
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(8), 763-769
Traditional chinese medicine for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in China
A systematic review and meta-analysis
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(8), 763-769
Urinary tract, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Inflammation of the prostata, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Zhang, J.; Wu, T.X.; Liu, G.J.
Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of pre-eclampsia (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006, 2006(4), 1-12
Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of pre-eclampsia (Review)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006, 2006(4), 1-12
Gynaecology, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pre-eclampsia, Obstetrics, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Hamazaki, K.; Sawazaki, S.; Itomura, M.; Huan, M.; Shibahara, N.; Kawakita, T.; Kobayashi, S.; Hamazaki, T.
No effect of a traditional Chinese medicine, Hochu-ekki-to, on antibody titer after influenza vaccination in man
A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
Phytomed, 2007, 14(1), 11-14
No effect of a traditional Chinese medicine, Hochu-ekki-to, on antibody titer after influenza vaccination in man
A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
Phytomed, 2007, 14(1), 11-14
Flu, Chinese medicinal herbs, Hochuekkito, Immune system, Vaccination, Infections, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chen, Z.; Li, B.; Yue, X.; Zhu, D.; Yu, C.; Wu, M.; Ling, C.
A retrospective controlled analysis of outcomes of using integrated therapy of traditional chinese and modern medicines for primary liver cancer of middle and late stages
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(10), 941-942
A retrospective controlled analysis of outcomes of using integrated therapy of traditional chinese and modern medicines for primary liver cancer of middle and late stages
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(10), 941-942
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Conventional medicine, Cancer, Liver cancer, Non-randomized trial, Retrospective design, Traditional Chinese medicine
Kraehmer, N.; Brinkhaus, B.; Wildner, S.; Klein, R.; Blassneck, K.; Schindler, G.; Joos, S.; Kohnen, R.; Hahn, E.G.; Schuppan, D.
Standardised Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of active Crohn's disease
A randomised controlled study
FACT, 2006, 11(Suppl. 1), 24-25 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Standardised Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of active Crohn's disease
A randomised controlled study
FACT, 2006, 11(Suppl. 1), 24-25 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Crohn's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Ernst, E.
Qigong for pain condition
A systematic review of randomised clinical trials
FACT, 2006, 11(Suppl. 1), 27 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Qigong for pain condition
A systematic review of randomised clinical trials
FACT, 2006, 11(Suppl. 1), 27 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Pain, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Abbott, R.B.; Hui, K.-K.; Hays, R.D.; Li, M.-D.; Pan, T.
A randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi for tension headaches
eCAM, 2007, 4(1), 107-113
A randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi for tension headaches
eCAM, 2007, 4(1), 107-113
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Headache, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Liu, Y.F.; Yu, H.M.; Zhang, C.; Yang, R.X.; Yan, F.F.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, Y.X.
Effects of Quyu xiaoban capsules on clinical outcomes and platelet activation and aggregation in patients with unstable angina pectoris
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(3), 369-374
Effects of Quyu xiaoban capsules on clinical outcomes and platelet activation and aggregation in patients with unstable angina pectoris
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(3), 369-374
Angina pectoris, Crataegus, Crataegus cuneata, Curcuma, Curcuma zedoaria, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Quyu Xiaoban, Randomized trial, Rheum, Rheum palmatum, Sargassum, Sargassum pallidum, Traditional Chinese medicine, Whitmania pigra
Lin, M.R.; Hwang, H.F.; Wang, Y.W.; Chang, S.-H.; Wolf, S.L.
Community-based tai chi and its effects on injurious falls, balance, gait, and fear of falling in older people
Phys Ther, 2006, 86, 1189-1201
Community-based tai chi and its effects on injurious falls, balance, gait, and fear of falling in older people
Phys Ther, 2006, 86, 1189-1201
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Xin, L.; Miller, Y.D.; Brown, W.J.
A qualitative review of the role of qigong in the management of diabetes
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(4), 427-433
A qualitative review of the role of qigong in the management of diabetes
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(4), 427-433
Diabetes mellitus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Mok, T.S.K.; Yeo, W.; Johnson, P.J.; Hui, P.; Ho, W.M.; Lam, K.C.; Xu, M.; Chak, K.; Chan, A.; Wong, H.; Mo, F.; Zee, B.
A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study of Chinese herbal medicine as complementary therapy for reduction of chemotherapy-induced toxicity
Ann Oncol, 2007, 18, 768-774
A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study of Chinese herbal medicine as complementary therapy for reduction of chemotherapy-induced toxicity
Ann Oncol, 2007, 18, 768-774
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Toxicology, Traditional Chinese medicine
Liu, Y.F.; Yu, H.M.; Zhang, C.; Yang, R.X.; Yan, F.F.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, Y.X.
Effects of quyu xiaoban capsules on clinical outcomes and platelet activation and aggregation in patients with unstable angina pectoris
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(5), 571-576
Effects of quyu xiaoban capsules on clinical outcomes and platelet activation and aggregation in patients with unstable angina pectoris
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(5), 571-576
Angina pectoris, Crataegus, Crataegus cuneata, Curcuma, Curcuma zedoaria, Chinese medicinal herbs, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Quyu Xiaoban, Randomized trial, Rheum, Rheum palmatum, Sargassum, Sargassum pallidum, Traditional Chinese medicine, Whitmania pigra
Win, W.; Zhiyu, C.; Taixiang, W.; Xiaoyan, Y.; Guanjian, L.
Medicinal herbs for esophageal cancer
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD004520), 1-21
Medicinal herbs for esophageal cancer
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 3(CD004520), 1-21
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Esophageal cancer, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Chen, K.W.; Sancier, K.M.; Ernst, E.
Qigong for cancer treatment
A systematic review of controlled clinical trials
Acta Oncol, 2007, 46(6), 717-722
Qigong for cancer treatment
A systematic review of controlled clinical trials
Acta Oncol, 2007, 46(6), 717-722
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Qi Gong, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Ernst, E.
Is tai chi an effective adjunct in cancer care?
A systematic review of controlled clinical trials
Support Care Cancer, 2007, 15(6), 597-601
Is tai chi an effective adjunct in cancer care?
A systematic review of controlled clinical trials
Support Care Cancer, 2007, 15(6), 597-601
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Systematic review, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chen, J.; Wu, G.; Li, S.; Yu, T.; Xie, Y.; Zhou, L.; Wang, L.
Shengmai (a traditional Chinese herbal medicine) for heart failure
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD005052), 1-37 (Internet)
Shengmai (a traditional Chinese herbal medicine) for heart failure
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD005052), 1-37 (Internet)
Chinese medicinal herbs, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart failure, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Ophiopogon japonicus, Phytomedicine, Schizandra, Schizandra chinensis, Shengmai, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine, Panax, Panax ginseng
Zhu, X.; Proctor, M.; Bensoussan, A.; Smith, C.; Wu, E.
Chinese herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhoea
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD005288), 1-98 (Internet)
Chinese herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhoea
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD005288), 1-98 (Internet)
Dysmenorrhea, Gynaecology, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Zhou, J.; Qu, F.; Nan, R.; Tang, D.
The effect of chinese medicinal herbs in relieving menopausal symptoms in ovariectomized chinese women
Explore, 2007, 3(5), 478-484
The effect of chinese medicinal herbs in relieving menopausal symptoms in ovariectomized chinese women
Explore, 2007, 3(5), 478-484
Geng Nian An, Gynaecology, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Brismée, J.M.; Paige, R.L.; Chyu, M.C.; Boatright, J.D.; Hagar, J.M.; McCaleb, J.A.; Quintela, M.M.; Feng, D.; Xu, K.T.; Shen, C.L.
Group and home-based tai chi in elderly subjects with knee osteoarthritis
A randomized controlled trial
Clin Rehabil, 2007, 21(2), 99-111
Group and home-based tai chi in elderly subjects with knee osteoarthritis
A randomized controlled trial
Clin Rehabil, 2007, 21(2), 99-111
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Cheng, C.W.; Leung, W.M.; Lai, Y.L.; Bian, Z.X.
Determination of optimal dose of an ancient Chinese herbal formula in functional constipation
FACT, 2007, 12(Suppl. 1), 13-14 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Determination of optimal dose of an ancient Chinese herbal formula in functional constipation
FACT, 2007, 12(Suppl. 1), 13-14 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, posology, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Constipation
Li, E.K.; Tam, L.-S.; Wong, C.K.; Li, W.C.; Lam, C.W.K.; Wachtel-Galor, S., Benzie, I.F.F.; Bao, Y.X.; Leung, P.C.; Tomlinson, B.
Safety and efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum (Linghzi) and San Miao supplementation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial
Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 57(7), 1143-1150
Safety and efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum (Linghzi) and San Miao supplementation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial
Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 57(7), 1143-1150
Achyranthes, Achyranthes bidentata, Arthritis, Atractylodes, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Ganoderma, Ganoderma lucidum, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mycotherapy, Phellodendron, Phellodendron chinensis, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, San Miao San, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Guo, R.; Ernst, E.
Qigong for hypertension
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
J Hypertens, 2007, 25, 1525-1532
Qigong for hypertension
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
J Hypertens, 2007, 25, 1525-1532
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Chen, X.Y.; Wu, T.X.; Liu, G.J.; Wang, Q.; Zheng, J.; Wei, J.; Ni, J.; Zhou, L.K.; Duan, X.; Qiao, J.Q.
Chinese medicinal herbs for influenza
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD004559), 1-28 (Internet)
Chinese medicinal herbs for influenza
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD004559), 1-28 (Internet)
Flu, Chinese medicinal herbs, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Klein, P.J.; Rivers, L.
Taiji for individuals with Parkinson disease and their support partners
Program evaluation
J Neurol Phys Ther, 2006, 30(1), 22-27
Taiji for individuals with Parkinson disease and their support partners
Program evaluation
J Neurol Phys Ther, 2006, 30(1), 22-27
Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Parkinson's disease, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Schmitz-Hübsch, T.; Pyfer, D.; Kielwein, K.; Fimmers, R.; Klockgether, T.; Wüllner, U.
Qigong exercise for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
A randomized, controlled pilot study
Mov Disord, 2006, 21(4), 543-548
Qigong exercise for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
A randomized, controlled pilot study
Mov Disord, 2006, 21(4), 543-548
Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Guo, X.; Zhou, B.; Nishimura, T.; Teramukai, S.; Fukushima, M.
Clinical effect of Qigong practice on essential hypertension
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(1), 27-37
Clinical effect of Qigong practice on essential hypertension
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(1), 27-37
High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Ernst, E.
Tai chi for osteoarthritis
A systematic review
Clin Rheumatol, 2008, 27(2), 211-218
Tai chi for osteoarthritis
A systematic review
Clin Rheumatol, 2008, 27(2), 211-218
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
An, B.; Dai, K.; Zhu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Hao, Y.; Tang, T.; Yan, H.
Baduanjin alleviates the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(2), 167-174
Baduanjin alleviates the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(2), 167-174
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Baduanjin
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Ernst, E.
External qigong for pain conditions
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
J Pain, 2007, 8(11), 827-831
External qigong for pain conditions
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
J Pain, 2007, 8(11), 827-831
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Qi Gong, Pain, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Shin, B.C.; Ernst, E.
Tai chi for osteoporosis
A systematic review
Osteoporosis Int, 2008, 19(2), 139-146
Tai chi for osteoporosis
A systematic review
Osteoporosis Int, 2008, 19(2), 139-146
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Osteoporosis, Systematic review, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Wiedemann, A.M.
Auswirkungen von Qigong und Nackenübungen auf Beschwerden der Halswirbelsäule bei älteren Menschen
2008, 1-68 (Dissertation)
Auswirkungen von Qigong und Nackenübungen auf Beschwerden der Halswirbelsäule bei älteren Menschen
2008, 1-68 (Dissertation)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Cervical syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Physiotherapy, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Kim, M.S.; Ernst, E.
Tai chi for type 2 diabetes
A systematic review
Diabet Med, 2008, 25(2), 240-241
Tai chi for type 2 diabetes
A systematic review
Diabet Med, 2008, 25(2), 240-241
Diabetes mellitus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Metabolic diseases, Systematic review, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Taylor-Piliae, R.E.; Ernst, E.
Tai chi for cardiovascular diesease and its risk factors
A systematic review
J Hypertens, 2007, 25(9), 1974-1977
Tai chi for cardiovascular diesease and its risk factors
A systematic review
J Hypertens, 2007, 25(9), 1974-1977
Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Lee, M.S.; Pittler, M.H.; Ernst, E.
Tai chi for rheumatoid arthritis
Systematic review
Rheumatol, 2007, 46, 1648-1651
Tai chi for rheumatoid arthritis
Systematic review
Rheumatol, 2007, 46, 1648-1651
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Systematic review, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Shi, J.; Tong, Y.; Shen, J.-G.; Li, H.-X.
Effectiveness and safety of herbal medicines in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
A systematic review
World J Gastroenterol, 2008, 14(3), 454-462
Effectiveness and safety of herbal medicines in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
A systematic review
World J Gastroenterol, 2008, 14(3), 454-462
Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review, Traditional Chinese medicine
Yang, Y.; Verkuilen, J.V.; Rosengren, K.S.; Grubisich, S.A.; Reed, M.R.; Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T.
Effect of combined Taiji and Qigong training on balance mechanisms
A randomized controlled trial of older adults
Med Sci Monit, 2007, 13(8), CR339-348
Effect of combined Taiji and Qigong training on balance mechanisms
A randomized controlled trial of older adults
Med Sci Monit, 2007, 13(8), CR339-348
Geriatrics, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
Amagase, H.; Nance, D. M.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical study of the general effects of a standardized Lycium barbarum (Goji) Juice, GoChi
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(4), 403-412
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical study of the general effects of a standardized Lycium barbarum (Goji) Juice, GoChi
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(4), 403-412
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chinese medicinal herbs, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lycium, Lycium barbarum, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Adverse effect
Ritenbaugh, C.; Hammerschlag, R.; Calabrese, C.; Mist, S.; Aickin, M.; Sutherland, E.; Leben, J.; Debar, L.; Elder, C.; Dworkin, S.F.
A pilot whole systems clinical trial of traditional chinese medicine and naturopathic medicine for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(5), 475-487
A pilot whole systems clinical trial of traditional chinese medicine and naturopathic medicine for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders
J Altern Complement Med, 2008, 14(5), 475-487
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Joints, Jawbone, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Dental diseases
Wang, C.; Schmid, C.H.; Hibberd, P.L.; Kalish, R.; Roubenoff, R.; Rones, R.; Okparavero, A.; McAlindon, T.
Tai Chi for treating knee osteoarthritis
Designing a long-term follow up randomized controlled trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2008, 9, (1-28) (Internet)
Tai Chi for treating knee osteoarthritis
Designing a long-term follow up randomized controlled trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2008, 9, (1-28) (Internet)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
He, Y.; Lu, A.; Zha, Y.; Tsang, I.
Differential effect on symptoms treated with traditional Chinese medicine and western combination therapy in RA patients
Complement Ther Med, 2008, 16(4), 206-211
Differential effect on symptoms treated with traditional Chinese medicine and western combination therapy in RA patients
Complement Ther Med, 2008, 16(4), 206-211
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Conventional medicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine