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1 Taneja, I.; Deepak, K.K.; Poojary, G.; Acharya, I.N.; Pandey, R.M.; Sharma, M.P.
Yogic versus conventional treatment in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized control study
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2004, 29(1), 19-33
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
2 Palsson, O.S.; Turner, M.J.; Whitehead, W.E.
Hypnosis home treatment for irritable bowel syndrome
A pilot study
Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 2006, 54(1), 85-99
Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
3 Roberts, L.; Wilson, S.; Singh, S.; Roalfe, A.; Greenfield, S.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
Piloting a primary care-based randomised controlled trial
Brit J Gen Pract, 2006, 56, 115-121
Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
4 Gholamrezaei, A.; Ardestani, S.K.; Emami, M.H.
Where does hypnotherapy stand in the management of irritable bowel syndrome?
A systematic review
J Altern Complement Med, 2006, 12(6), 517-527
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review
5 Kuttner, L.; Chambers, C.T.; Hardial, J.; Israel, D.M.; Jacobson, K.; Evans, K.
A randomized trial of yoga for adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome
Pain Res Manag, 2006, 11, 217-223
Jugendmedizin, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
6 Webb, A.; Kukuruzovic, R.; Catto-Smith, A.; Sawyer, S.
Hypnotherapy for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD005110), 1-21 (Internet)
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review
7 Vlieger, A.; Menko-Frankenhuis, C.; Wolfkamp, S.; Tromp, E.; Benninga, M.A.
Hypnotherapy for children with functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome
A randomised controlled trial
FACT, 2007, 12(Suppl. 1), 50 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
8 Moss-Morris, R.; McAlpine, L.; Didsbury, L.P.; Spence, M.J.
A randomized controlled trial of a cognitive behavioural therapy-based self-managment intervention for irritable bowel syndrome in primary care
Psychol Med, 2010, 40(1), 85-94
Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
9 Lahmann, C.; Röhricht, F.; Sauer, N.; Noll-Hussong, M.; Ronel, J.; Henrich, G.; Arnim, A. von; Loew, T.
Functional relaxation as complementary therapy in irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized, controlled clinical trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(1), 47-52
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
10 Ljótsson, B.; Falk, L.; Wibron Vesterlund, A.; Hedman, E.; Lindfors, P.; Rück, C.; Hursti, T.; Andréewitch, S.; Jansson, L.; Lindefors, N.; Andersson, G.
Internet-delivered exposure and mindfulness based therapy for irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized controlled trial
Behav Res Ther, 2010, 48(6), 531-539
Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
11 Shinozaki, M.; Kanazawa, M.; Kano, M.; Endo, Y.; Nakaya, N.; Hongo, M.; Fukudo, S.
Effect of autogenic training on general improvement in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized controlled trial
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2010, 35(3), 189-198
Autogenic training, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
12 Evans, S.; Cousins, L.; Tsao, J.C.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L.K.
Protocol for a randomized controlled study of Iyengar yoga for youth with irritable bowel syndrome
Trials, 2011, 12(1), 15 (Studienprotokoll)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
13 Vlieger, A.; Govers, A.; Frankenhuis, C.; Benninga, M.
Hypnotherapy for children with functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome
Long term follow-up
Eur J Integr Med, 2010, 2(4), 191 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Pediatrics, Irritable bowel syndrome
14 Ljótsson, B.; Hedman, E.; Lindfors, P.; Hursti, T.; Lindefors, N.; Andersson, G.; Rück, C.
Long-term follow-up of internet-delivered exposure and mindfulness based treatment for irritable bowel syndrome
Behav Res Ther, 2011, 49(1), 58-61
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
15 Carruthers, H.R.; Morris, J.; Tarrier, N.; Whorwell, P.J.
Mood color choice helps to predict response to hypnotherapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2010, 10, 75; (1-9)
Observational trial, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome
16 Brands, M.M.; Purperhart, H.; Deckers-Kocken, J.M.
A pilot study of yoga treatment in children with functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome
Complement Ther Med, 2011, 19(3), 109-114
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
17 Kearney, D.J.; McDermott, K.; Martinez, M.; Simpson, T.L.
Association of participation in a mindfulness programme with bowel symptoms, gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety and quality of life
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2011, 34(3), 363-373
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Irritable bowel syndrome
18 Gaylord, S.A.; Palsson, O.S.; Garland, E.L.; Faurot, K.R.; Coble, R.S.; Mann, J.D.; Frey, W.; Leniek, K.; Whitehead, W.E.
Mindfulness training reduces the severity of irrtable bowel syndrome in women
Results of a randomized controlled trial
Am J Gastroenterol, 2011, 106(9), 1678-1688
Mindfulness meditation, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
19 Lindfors, P.; Unge, P.; Arvidsson, P.; Nyhlin, H.; Björnsson, E.; Abrahamsson, H.; Simrén, M.
Effects of gut-directed hypnotherapy on IBS in different clinical settings
Results from two randomized, controlled trials
Am J Gastroenterol, 2012, 107(2), 276-285
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
20 Flik, C.E.; Rood, Y.R. van; Laan, W.; Smout, A.J.; Weusten, B.L.; Whorwell, P.J.; Wit, N.J. de
A randomised controlled trial on hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
Design and methodological challenges (the IMAGINE study)
BMC Gastroenterol, 2011, 11, 137; (1-10) (Studienprotokoll)
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
21 Lindfors, P.; Unge, P.; Nyhlin, H.; Ljótsson, B.; Björnsson, E.S.; Abrahamsson, H.; Simrén, M.
Long-term effects of hypnotherapy in patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome
Scand J Gastroenterol, 2012, 47(4), 414-421
Observational trial, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Retrospective design
22 Gerson, C.D.; Gerson, J.; Gerson, M.J.
Group hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome with long-term follow-up
Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 2013, 61(1), 38-54
Observational trial, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome
23 Rutten, J.M.T.M.; Reitsma, J.B.; Vlieger, A.M.; Benninga, M.A.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy for functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome in children
A systematic review
Arch Dis Child, 2013, 98(4), 252-257
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review
24 Lindfors, P.; Törnblom, H.; Sadik, R.; Björnsson, E.S.; Abrahamsson, H.; Simrén, M.
Effects on gastrointestinal transit and antroduodenojejunal manometry after gut-directed hypnotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Scand J Gastroenterol, 2012, 47(12), 1480-1487
Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
25 Moser, G.; Trägner, S.; Gajowniczek, E.E.; Mikulits, A.; Michalski, M.; Kazemi-Shirazi, L.; Kulnigg-Dabsch, S.; Führer, M.; Ponocny-Seliger, E.; Dejaco, C.; Miehsler, W.
Long-term success of GUT-directed group hypnosis for patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized controlled trial
Am J Gastroenterol, 2013, 108(4), 602-609
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
26 Mizrahi, M.C.; Reicher-Atir, R.; Levy, S.; Haramati, S.; Wengrower, D.; Israeli, E.; Goldin, E.
Effects of guided imagery with relaxation training on anxiety and quality of life among patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Psychol Health, 2012, 27(12), 1463-1479
Anxiety, Relaxation, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
27 Lowén, M.B.; Mayer, E.A.; Sjöberg, M.; Tillisch, K.; Naliboff, B.; Labus, J.; Lundberg, P.; Ström, M.; Engström, M.; Walter, S.A.
Effect of hypnotherapy and educational intervention on brain response to visceral stimulus in the irritable bowel syndrome
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2013, 37(12), 1184-1197
Brain, Gynaecology, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
28 Dobbin, A.; Dobbin, J.; Ross, S.C.; Graham, C.; Ford, M.J.
Randomised controlled trial of brief intervention with biofeedback and hypnotherapy in patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome
J R Coll Physicians Edinb, 2013, 43(1), 15-23
Biofeedback, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
29 Gulewitsch, M.D.; Müller, J.; Hautzinger, M.; Schlarb, A.A.
Brief hypnotherapeutic-behavioral intervention for functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome in childhood
A randomized controlled trial
Eur J Pediatr, 2013, 172(8), 1043-1451
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Behavioural therapy
30 Zernicke, K.A.; Campbell, T.S.; Blustein, P.K.; Fung, T.S.; Johnson, J.A.; Bacon, S.L.; Carlson, L.E.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
A randomized wait-list controlled trial
Int J Behav Med, 2013, 20(3), 385-396
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
31 Schaefert, R.; Klose, P.; Moser, G.; Häuser, W.
Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of hypnosis in adult irritable bowel syndrome
Systematic review and meta-analysis
Psychosomatic Med, 2014, 76, 389-398
Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review
32 Ahadi, T.; Madjlesi, F.; Mahjoubi, B.; Mirzaei, R.; Forogh, B.; Daliri, S.S.; Derakhshandeh, S.M.; Behbahani, R.B.; Raissi, G.R.
The effect of biofeedback therapy on dyssynergic constipation in patients with or without irritable bowel syndrome
J Res Med Sci, 2014, 19(10), 950-955
Biofeedback, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Constipation
33 Rutten, J.M.T.M.; Vlieger, A.M.; Frankenhuis, C.; George, E.K.; Groeneweg, M.; Norbruis, O.F.; Ten, W.T. a; Wering, H. van; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Merkus, M.P.; Benninga, M.A.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy in children with irritable bowel syndrome or functional abdominal pain (syndrome)
A randomized controlled trial on self exercises at home using CD versus individual therapy by qualified therapists
BMC Pediatrics, 2014, 14, 140; (1-8)
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
34 Evans, S.; Lung, K.C.; Seidman, L.C.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L.K.; Tsao, J.C.
Iyengar yoga for adolescents and young adults with irritable bowel syndrome
J Pediatr Gastroeneterol Nutrition, 2014, 59(2), 244-253
Jugendmedizin, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
35 Shahabi, L.; Naliboff, B.D.; Shapiro, D.
Self-regulation evaluation of therapeutic yoga and walking for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
A pilot study
Psychol Health Med, 2016, 21(2), 176-188
Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga, Walking
36 Miller, V.; Carruthers, H.R.; Morris, J.; Hasan, S.S.; Archbold, S.; Whorwell, P.J.
Hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
An audit of one thousand adult patients
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2015, 41(9), 844-855
Observational trial, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome
37 Stern, M.J.; Guiles, R.A.; Gevirtz, R.
HRV biofeedback for pediatric irritable bowel syndrome and functional abdominal pain
A clinical replications series
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2014, 39(4), 287-291
Observational trial, Biofeedback, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Irritable bowel syndrome, Pain, HRV-Biofeedback
38 Gerbarg, P.L.; Jacob, V.E.; Stevens, L.; Bosworth, B.P.; Chabouni, F.; DeFilippis, E.M.; Warren, R.; Trivellas, M.; Patel, P.V.; Webb, C.D.; Harbus, M.D.; Christos, P.J.; Brown, R.P.; Scherl, E.J.
The effect of breathing, movement, and meditation on psychological and physical symptoms and inflammatory biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease
A randomized controlled trial
Inflamm Bowel Dis, 2015, 21(12), 2886-2896
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Traditional Chinese medicine
39 Kavuri, V.; Selvan, P.; Malamud, A.; Raghuram, M.; Selvan, S.R.
Remedial yoga module remarkably improves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome patients
A 12-week randomized controlled trial
Eur J Integr Med, 2015, 7(6), 595-608
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
40 Kavuri, V.; Selvan, P.; Tabesh, A.; Raghuram, N.; Selvan, S.R.
Remedial yoga module improves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
Replication in the wait-list group and sustained improvements at 6 months
Eur J Integr Med, 2015, 7(6), 609-616
Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
41 Boltin, D.; Sahar, N.; Gil, E.; Aizic, S.; Hod, K.; Levi-Drummer, R.; Niv, Y.; Dickman, R.
Gut-directed guided affective imagery as an adjunct to dietary modification in irritable bowel syndrome
J Health Psychol, 2015, 20(6), 712-720
Nutrition/diet, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
42 Korterink, J.J.; Ockeloen, L.E.; Hilbink, M.; Benninga, M.A.; Deckers-Kocken, J.M.
Yoga therapy for abdominal pain related-functional gastrointestinal disorders in children
A randomized controlled trial
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 2016, 63(5), 481-487
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Dyspepsia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
43 Kuo, B.; Bhasin, M.; Jacquart, J.; Scult, M.A.; Slipp, L.; Riklin, E.I.K.; Lepoutre, V. et al.
Genomic and clinical effects associated with a relaxation response mind-body intervention in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease
PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4), e0123861
Observational trial, Ulcerative colitis, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome
44 Schumann, D.; Anheyer, D.; Lauche, R.; Dobos, G.; Langhorst, J.; Cramer, H.
Effect of yoga in the therapy of irritable bowel syndrome
A systematic review
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2016, 14(12), 1720-1731
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review, Yoga
45 Lövdahl, J.; Ringström, G.; Agerforz, P.; Törnblom, H.; Simrén, M.
Nurse-administered, gut-directed hypnotherapy in IBS
Efficacy and factors predicting a positive response
Am J Clin Hypn, 2015, 58(1), 100-114
Observational trial, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome
46 Wang, W.; Wang, F.; Fan, F.; Sedas, A.C.; Wang, J.
Mind-body interventions for irritable bowel syndrome patients in the Chinese population
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Int J Behav Med, 2017, 24(2), 191-204
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review
47 Phillips-Moore, J.S.; Talley, N.J.; Jones, M.P.
The mind-body connection in irritable bowel syndrome
A randomised controlled trial of hypnotherapy as a treatment
Health Psychol Open, 2015, 2(1), 1-14
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
48 Uusijärvi, A.; Alm, J.; Lindblad, F.; Olén, O.
Irritable bowel syndrome and functional abdominal pain in five-year-old children are related to lifestyle
Acta Paediatr, 2016, 105(8), 971-978
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lifestyle modification, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Irritable bowel syndrome
49 Rutten, J.M.T.M.; Vlieger, A.M.; Frankenhuis, C.; George, E.K.; Groeneweg, M.; Norbruis, O.F.; Tjon a Ten, W.; Wering, H.M. van; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Merkus, M.P.; Benninga, M.A.
Home-based hypnotherapy self-exercises vs individual hypnotherapy with a therapist for treatment of pediatric irritable bowel syndrome, functional abdominal pain, or functional abdominal pain syndrome
A randomized clinical trial
JAMA Pediatr, 2017, 171(5), 470-477
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
50 Schumann, D.; Langhorst, J.; Dobos, G.; Cramer, H.
Randomised clinical trial
Yoga vs a low-FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2018, 47(2), 203-211
Diet, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga, FODMAP
51 Häuser, W.
Ist Hypnotherapie eine etablierte Behandlungsmethode in der Inneren Medizin?
Hypnose-ZHH, 2010, 5(1+2), 237-252
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Hypnosis, Internal medicine, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Rheumatic diseases, Systematic review
52 Gulewitsch, M.D.; Schlarb, A.A.
Comparison of gut-directed hypnotherapy and unspecific hypnotherapy as self-help format in children and adolescents with functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized pilot study
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2017, 29(29), 1351-1360
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
53 Evans, S.; Seidman, L.C.; Lung, K.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L.K.
Yoga for teens with irritable bowel syndrome
Results from a mixed-methods pilot study
Holist Nurs Pract, 2018, 32(5), 253-260
Jugendmedizin, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome, Yoga
54 Flik, C.E.; Laan, W.; Zuithoff, N.P.A.; Rood, Y.R. van; Smout, A.J.P.M.; Weusten, B.L.A.M.; Whorwell, P.J.; Wit, N.J. de
Efficacy of individual and group hypnotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome (IMAGINE)
A multicentre randomised controlled trial
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2019, 4(1), 20-31
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
55 Holmes, H.J.; Thakur, E.R.; Carty, J.N.; Ziadni, M.S.; Doherty, H.K.; Lockhart, N.A.
Ambivalence over emotional expression and perceived social constraints as moderators of relaxation training and emotional awareness and expression training for irritable bowel syndrome
Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 2018, 53, 38-43
Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
56 McDonald, E.; Teets, R.; Ortiz, C.; Gilchrist, C.; Waltermaurer, E.; Perez, E.; Kligler, B.
A randomized trial of a group-based integrative medicine approach compared to waitlist control on irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in adults
Explore, 2018, 14(6), 406-413
Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Irritable bowel syndrome
57 Ewais, T.; Begun, J.; Kenny, M.; Rickett, K.; Hay, K.; Ajilchi, B.; Kisely, S.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of mindfulness based interventions and yoga in inflammatory bowel disease
J Psychosom Res, 2019, 116, 44-53
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Meditation, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Irritable bowel syndrome, Systematic review, Yoga